Jim Everett Stats

Jim Everett connected on 2,841 of his career 4,923 throws for a completion percentage of 57.7%. His longest pass during his time in the league is 81 yds and he threw for 220.5 yards per outing. For his NFL career, Everett threw for a total of 34,837 yards with 203 TD’s and 175 interceptions. His quarterback rating was 78.6 with a TD percentage of 4.1% and an interception percentage of 3.6%. Over the course of his time in the league, he was sacked 257 times totaling 1,885 yards lost.

In 4 games played in his final season, Everett was successful on 36 of 75 attempts for a total of 457 yards. He averaged 114.3 yds per game through the air with a 64.3 quarterback rating. Everett passed for 1 TD in his last season compared to 4 picks and his longest completion of the year went for 62 yds. He lost 264 yds while being sacked 44 different times. His touchdown rate on pass attempts was 1.3% and his interception percentage was 5.3%.

Jim Everett Stats

Year Team TD TD% Cmp Att Cmp% Yds Games GS Y/A AY/A Y/C Y/G Int Int% 1D Lng
Career 203 4.1% 2,841 4,923 57.7% 34,837 158 0 7.1 6.3 12.3 220.5 175 3.6% 535 81
1997 SDG 1 1.3% 36 75 48.0% 457 4 1 6.1 4.0 12.7 114.3 4 5.3% 18 62
1996 NOR 12 2.6% 267 464 57.5% 2,797 15 15 6.0 5.0 10.5 186.5 16 3.4% 124 51
1995 NOR 26 4.6% 345 567 60.8% 3,970 16 16 7.0 6.8 11.5 248.1 14 2.5% 200 70
1994 NOR 22 4.1% 346 540 64.1% 3,855 16 16 7.1 6.5 11.1 240.9 18 3.3% 193 78
1993 RAM 8 2.9% 135 274 49.3% 1,652 10 9 4.6 12.2 165.2 59.7 12 4.4% 60 6
1992 RAM 22 4.6% 281 475 59.2% 3,323 16 16 6.2 11.8 207.7 80.2 18 3.8% 67 7
1991 RAM 11 2.2% 277 490 56.5% 3,438 16 16 5.6 12.4 214.9 68.9 20 4.1% 78 7
1990 RAM 23 4.2% 307 554 55.4% 3,989 16 16 6.6 13.0 249.3 79.3 17 3.1% 55 7
1989 RAM 29 5.6% 304 518 58.7% 4,310 16 16 8.0 14.2 269.4 90.6 17 3.3% 78 8
1988 RAM 31 6.0% 308 517 59.6% 3,964 16 16 7.3 12.9 247.8 89.2 18 3.5% 69 8
1987 RAM 10 3.3% 162 302 53.6% 2,064 11 11 5.6 12.7 187.6 68.4 13 4.3% 81 7
1986 RAM 8 5.4% 73 147 49.7% 1,018 6 5 5.6 13.9 169.7 67.8 8 5.4% 60 7

1997 Stats for Jim Everett

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 4 75th
Games Started 1 57th
Completions 36 50th
Passing Attempts 75 49th
Completion Percentage 48% 80th
Passing Yards 457 48th
Touchdown Passes 1 51st
TD Percentage 1.3% 58th
Interceptions 4 44th
Interception Percentage 5.3% 23rd
1st Downs 18 49th
Longest Pass 62 23rd
Yards Per Pass Attempt 6.1 62nd
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 4.0 68th
Yards Per Completion 12.7 25th
Passing Yards Per Game 114.3 45th

1996 Stats for Jim Everett

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 15 29th
Games Started 15 16th
Completions 267 11th
Passing Attempts 464 11th
Completion Percentage 58% 42nd
Passing Yards 2,797 14th
Touchdown Passes 12 26th
TD Percentage 2.6% 56th
Interceptions 16 9th
Interception Percentage 3.4% 36th
1st Downs 124 21st
Longest Pass 51 38th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 6.0 58th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 5.0 56th
Yards Per Completion 10.5 57th
Passing Yards Per Game 186.5 28th

1995 Stats for Jim Everett

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 6th
Games Started 16 6th
Completions 345 4th
Passing Attempts 567 5th
Completion Percentage 61% 32nd
Passing Yards 3,970 6th
Touchdown Passes 26 7th
TD Percentage 4.6% 22nd
Interceptions 14 12th
Interception Percentage 2.5% 48th
1st Downs 200 4th
Longest Pass 70 18th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 7.0 36th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 6.8 29th
Yards Per Completion 11.5 46th
Passing Yards Per Game 248.1 8th

1994 Stats for Jim Everett

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 5th
Games Started 16 5th
Completions 346 5th
Passing Attempts 540 5th
Completion Percentage 64% 13th
Passing Yards 3,855 6th
Touchdown Passes 22 6th
TD Percentage 4.1% 27th
Interceptions 18 3rd
Interception Percentage 3.3% 32nd
1st Downs 193 5th
Longest Pass 78 12th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 7.1 22nd
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 6.5 28th
Yards Per Completion 11.1 50th
Passing Yards Per Game 240.9 7th

1993 Stats for Jim Everett

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 10 59th
Games Started 9 34th
Completions 135 27th
Passing Attempts 274 25th
Completion Percentage 49% 71st
Passing Yards 1,652 28th
Touchdown Passes 8 25th
TD Percentage 2.9% 43rd
Interceptions 12 12th
Interception Percentage 4.4% 23rd
1st Downs 60 27th
Longest Pass 6 52nd
Yards Per Pass Attempt 4.6 59th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 12.2 27th
Yards Per Completion 165.2 27th
Passing Yards Per Game 59.7 61st

1992 Stats for Jim Everett

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 6th
Games Started 16 5th
Completions 281 4th
Passing Attempts 475 3rd
Completion Percentage 59% 30th
Passing Yards 3,323 6th
Touchdown Passes 22 5th
TD Percentage 4.6% 18th
Interceptions 18 3rd
Interception Percentage 3.8% 45th
1st Downs 67 23rd
Longest Pass 7 35th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 6.2 37th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 11.8 45th
Yards Per Completion 207.7 10th
Passing Yards Per Game 80.2 33rd

1991 Stats for Jim Everett

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 5th
Games Started 16 5th
Completions 277 7th
Passing Attempts 490 4th
Completion Percentage 57% 46th
Passing Yards 3,438 6th
Touchdown Passes 11 16th
TD Percentage 2.2% 53rd
Interceptions 20 2nd
Interception Percentage 4.1% 32nd
1st Downs 78 8th
Longest Pass 7 37th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 5.6 53rd
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 12.4 33rd
Yards Per Completion 214.9 10th
Passing Yards Per Game 68.9 59th

1990 Stats for Jim Everett

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 1st
Games Started 16 1st
Completions 307 3rd
Passing Attempts 554 2nd
Completion Percentage 55% 42nd
Passing Yards 3,989 2nd
Touchdown Passes 23 6th
TD Percentage 4.2% 28th
Interceptions 17 5th
Interception Percentage 3.1% 47th
1st Downs 55 30th
Longest Pass 7 28th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 6.6 30th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 13.0 25th
Yards Per Completion 249.3 3rd
Passing Yards Per Game 79.3 35th

1989 Stats for Jim Everett

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 2nd
Games Started 16 2nd
Completions 304 3rd
Passing Attempts 518 5th
Completion Percentage 59% 31st
Passing Yards 4,310 2nd
Touchdown Passes 29 1st
TD Percentage 5.6% 20th
Interceptions 17 10th
Interception Percentage 3.3% 51st
1st Downs 78 9th
Longest Pass 8 20th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 8.0 18th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 14.2 23rd
Yards Per Completion 269.4 3rd
Passing Yards Per Game 90.6 20th

1988 Stats for Jim Everett

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 2nd
Games Started 16 2nd
Completions 308 2nd
Passing Attempts 517 3rd
Completion Percentage 60% 17th
Passing Yards 3,964 2nd
Touchdown Passes 31 1st
TD Percentage 6.0% 13th
Interceptions 18 5th
Interception Percentage 3.5% 45th
1st Downs 69 17th
Longest Pass 8 16th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 7.3 17th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 12.9 32nd
Yards Per Completion 247.8 2nd
Passing Yards Per Game 89.2 15th

1987 Stats for Jim Everett

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 11 49th
Games Started 11 21st
Completions 162 17th
Passing Attempts 302 15th
Completion Percentage 54% 62nd
Passing Yards 2,064 20th
Touchdown Passes 10 25th
TD Percentage 3.3% 67th
Interceptions 13 12th
Interception Percentage 4.3% 56th
1st Downs 81 6th
Longest Pass 7 53rd
Yards Per Pass Attempt 5.6 64th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 12.7 56th
Yards Per Completion 187.6 28th
Passing Yards Per Game 68.4 69th

1986 Stats for Jim Everett

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 6 81st
Games Started 5 59th
Completions 73 37th
Passing Attempts 147 36th
Completion Percentage 50% 72nd
Passing Yards 1,018 36th
Touchdown Passes 8 33rd
TD Percentage 5.4% 23rd
Interceptions 8 31st
Interception Percentage 5.4% 20th
1st Downs 60 26th
Longest Pass 7 49th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 5.6 47th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 13.9 28th
Yards Per Completion 169.7 24th
Passing Yards Per Game 67.8 57th