Jim Otis Stats

Otis coughed up the ball 29 different times in his career and his longest run was 30 yards. He averaged 37.5 yards per game and scored 19 times while carrying the ball. He was handed the football 1,160 times to the tune of 3.8 yards per carry. During his career, Otis took the field in 116 games and accumulated 4,350 yds on the ground.

Otis carried the ball 197 times for an average of 3.4 yards per carry. During his 15 games in his last year, Jim Otis gained 44.3 yds per game and got into the endzone 8 times as a runner. His longest run that year was 17 yds.

Jim Otis Stats

Year Team Att Yards TD G GS Lng Y/A Y/G Fmb
Career 1,160 4,350 19 116 61 30 3.8 37.5 29
1978 STL 197 664 8 15 9 17 3.4 44.3 4
1977 STL 99 334 2 13 7 25 3.4 25.7 2
1976 STL 233 891 2 14 11 23 3.8 63.6 7
1975 STL 269 1,076 5 14 14 30 4.0 76.9 5
1974 STL 158 664 1 14 12 23 4.2 47.4 2
1973 STL 55 234 1 10 2 19 4.3 23.4 3
1972 KAN 29 92 0 10 0 12 3.2 9.2 1
1971 KAN 49 184 0 13 0 14 3.8 14.2 1
1970 NOR 71 211 0 13 6 15 3.0 16.2 4

1978 Stats for Jim Otis

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 15 159th
Games Started 9 120th
Rushing Attempts 197 19th
Rushing Yards 664 28th
Rushing Touchdowns 8 12th
Longest Run 17 128th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 3.4 179th
Rushing Yards Per Game 44.3 33rd
Fumbles 4 75th

1977 Stats for Jim Otis

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 13 165th
Games Started 7 120th
Rushing Attempts 99 55th
Rushing Yards 334 61st
Rushing Touchdowns 2 56th
Longest Run 25 71st
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 3.4 166th
Rushing Yards Per Game 25.7 67th
Fumbles 2 107th

1976 Stats for Jim Otis

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 14 8th
Games Started 11 89th
Rushing Attempts 233 10th
Rushing Yards 891 13th
Rushing Touchdowns 2 60th
Longest Run 23 87th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 3.8 157th
Rushing Yards Per Game 63.6 15th
Fumbles 7 16th

1975 Stats for Jim Otis

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 14 4th
Games Started 14 3rd
Rushing Attempts 269 4th
Rushing Yards 1,076 4th
Rushing Touchdowns 5 19th
Longest Run 30 45th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 4.0 117th
Rushing Yards Per Game 76.9 4th
Fumbles 5 33rd

1974 Stats for Jim Otis

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 14 13th
Games Started 12 48th
Rushing Attempts 158 21st
Rushing Yards 664 19th
Rushing Touchdowns 1 86th
Longest Run 23 60th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 4.2 95th
Rushing Yards Per Game 47.4 23rd
Fumbles 2 93rd

1973 Stats for Jim Otis

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 10 212th
Games Started 2 175th
Rushing Attempts 55 77th
Rushing Yards 234 76th
Rushing Touchdowns 1 84th
Longest Run 19 99th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 4.3 101st
Rushing Yards Per Game 23.4 68th
Fumbles 3 84th

1972 Stats for Jim Otis

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 10 205th
Games Started 0 200th
Rushing Attempts 29 101st
Rushing Yards 92 106th
Rushing Touchdowns 0 128th
Longest Run 12 157th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 3.2 176th
Rushing Yards Per Game 9.2 107th
Fumbles 1 149th

1971 Stats for Jim Otis

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 13 159th
Games Started 0 218th
Rushing Attempts 49 78th
Rushing Yards 184 79th
Rushing Touchdowns 0 121st
Longest Run 14 141st
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 3.8 135th
Rushing Yards Per Game 14.2 85th
Fumbles 1 143rd

1970 Stats for Jim Otis

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 13 122nd
Games Started 6 117th
Rushing Attempts 71 56th
Rushing Yards 211 70th
Rushing Touchdowns 0 114th
Longest Run 15 128th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 3.0 184th
Rushing Yards Per Game 16.2 87th
Fumbles 4 49th