Joe Montana Stats

Montana passed for 273 touchdowns while tossing 139 interceptions and the longest throw of his career went for 96 yards. His TD rate when attempting a pass was 5.1% and his interception percentage was 2.6%. He was driven back 2,095 yards while being the victim of a QB sack 313 times. He averaged 211.2 yds per game through the air with a 92.3 QB rating. In the 192 games in his career, Montana completed 3,409 of his 5,391 attempts for a total of 40,551 yds.

In his 14 games played in his final season, Montana connected on 299 of 493 tries for a total of 3,283 yards. He averaged 234.5 yds per contest through the air with a 83.1 quarterback rating. Montana threw for 16 TDs in his last year while tossing 9 interceptions and his longest throw of the year went for 57 yds. He lost 240 yards while being sacked 40 different times. His TD percentage when attempting a pass was 3.2% and his interception rate was 1.8%.

Joe Montana Stats

Year Team TD TD% Cmp Att Cmp% Yds Games GS Y/A AY/A Y/C Y/G Int Int% 1D Lng
Career 273 5.1% 3,409 5,391 63.2% 40,551 192 0 7.5 7.4 11.9 211.2 139 2.6% 0 96
1994 KAN 16 3.2% 299 493 60.6% 3,283 14 14 6.7 6.5 11.0 234.5 9 1.8% 168 57
1993 KAN 13 4.4% 181 298 60.7% 2,144 11 11 7.0 11.8 194.9 87.4 7 2.3% 50 7
1992 SFO 2 9.5% 15 21 71.4% 126 1 0 7.9 8.4 126.0 118.4 0 0.0% 17 6
1990 SFO 26 5.0% 321 520 61.7% 3,944 15 15 7.2 12.3 262.9 89.0 16 3.1% 78 8
1989 SFO 26 6.7% 271 386 70.2% 3,521 13 13 9.5 13.0 270.8 112.4 8 2.1% 95 9
1988 SFO 18 4.5% 238 397 59.9% 2,981 14 13 7.3 12.5 212.9 87.9 10 2.5% 96 8
1987 SFO 31 7.8% 266 398 66.8% 3,054 13 11 7.8 11.5 234.9 102.1 13 3.3% 57 8
1986 SFO 8 2.6% 191 307 62.2% 2,236 8 8 6.5 11.7 279.5 80.7 9 2.9% 48 7
1985 SFO 27 5.5% 303 494 61.3% 3,653 15 15 7.3 12.1 243.5 91.3 13 2.6% 73 7
1984 SFO 28 6.5% 279 432 64.6% 3,630 16 15 8.7 13.0 226.9 102.9 10 2.3% 80 8
1983 SFO 26 5.0% 332 515 64.5% 3,910 16 16 7.6 11.8 244.4 94.6 12 2.3% 77 8
1982 SFO 17 4.9% 213 346 61.6% 2,613 9 9 7.1 12.3 290.3 88.0 11 3.2% 55 8
1981 SFO 19 3.9% 311 488 63.7% 3,565 16 16 7.0 11.5 222.8 88.4 12 2.5% 78 7
1980 SFO 15 5.5% 176 273 64.5% 1,795 15 7 6.2 10.2 119.7 87.8 9 3.3% 71 7
1979 SFO 1 4.3% 13 23 56.5% 96 16 1 5.0 7.4 6.0 81.1 0 0.0% 18 4

1994 Stats for Joe Montana

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 14 35th
Games Started 14 17th
Completions 299 9th
Passing Attempts 493 8th
Completion Percentage 61% 29th
Passing Yards 3,283 10th
Touchdown Passes 16 13th
TD Percentage 3.2% 44th
Interceptions 9 21st
Interception Percentage 1.8% 57th
1st Downs 168 8th
Longest Pass 57 32nd
Yards Per Pass Attempt 6.7 37th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 6.5 30th
Yards Per Completion 11.0 51st
Passing Yards Per Game 234.5 8th

1993 Stats for Joe Montana

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 11 52nd
Games Started 11 27th
Completions 181 21st
Passing Attempts 298 24th
Completion Percentage 61% 27th
Passing Yards 2,144 18th
Touchdown Passes 13 17th
TD Percentage 4.4% 20th
Interceptions 7 27th
Interception Percentage 2.3% 49th
1st Downs 50 38th
Longest Pass 7 28th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 7.0 23rd
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 11.8 33rd
Yards Per Completion 194.9 17th
Passing Yards Per Game 87.4 22nd

1992 Stats for Joe Montana

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 1 101st
Games Started 0 82nd
Completions 15 62nd
Passing Attempts 21 65th
Completion Percentage 71% 9th
Passing Yards 126 63rd
Touchdown Passes 2 53rd
TD Percentage 9.5% 6th
Interceptions 0 72nd
Interception Percentage 0.0% 72nd
1st Downs 17 75th
Longest Pass 6 57th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 7.9 14th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 8.4 75th
Yards Per Completion 126.0 34th
Passing Yards Per Game 118.4 8th

1990 Stats for Joe Montana

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 15 35th
Games Started 15 16th
Completions 321 2nd
Passing Attempts 520 4th
Completion Percentage 62% 21st
Passing Yards 3,944 3rd
Touchdown Passes 26 3rd
TD Percentage 5.0% 19th
Interceptions 16 7th
Interception Percentage 3.1% 48th
1st Downs 78 8th
Longest Pass 8 19th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 7.2 20th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 12.3 39th
Yards Per Completion 262.9 2nd
Passing Yards Per Game 89.0 23rd

1989 Stats for Joe Montana

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 13 50th
Games Started 13 18th
Completions 271 11th
Passing Attempts 386 16th
Completion Percentage 70% 17th
Passing Yards 3,521 8th
Touchdown Passes 26 4th
TD Percentage 6.7% 15th
Interceptions 8 33rd
Interception Percentage 2.1% 65th
1st Downs 95 2nd
Longest Pass 9 14th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 9.5 14th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 13.0 39th
Yards Per Completion 270.8 1st
Passing Yards Per Game 112.4 14th

1988 Stats for Joe Montana

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 14 42nd
Games Started 13 19th
Completions 238 10th
Passing Attempts 397 13th
Completion Percentage 60% 16th
Passing Yards 2,981 12th
Touchdown Passes 18 8th
TD Percentage 4.5% 20th
Interceptions 10 24th
Interception Percentage 2.5% 63rd
1st Downs 96 1st
Longest Pass 8 23rd
Yards Per Pass Attempt 7.3 18th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 12.5 43rd
Yards Per Completion 212.9 11th
Passing Yards Per Game 87.9 17th

1987 Stats for Joe Montana

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 13 4th
Games Started 11 20th
Completions 266 2nd
Passing Attempts 398 8th
Completion Percentage 67% 14th
Passing Yards 3,054 5th
Touchdown Passes 31 1st
TD Percentage 7.8% 18th
Interceptions 13 10th
Interception Percentage 3.3% 74th
1st Downs 57 29th
Longest Pass 8 30th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 7.8 23rd
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 11.5 80th
Yards Per Completion 234.9 8th
Passing Yards Per Game 102.1 16th

1986 Stats for Joe Montana

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 8 76th
Games Started 8 40th
Completions 191 21st
Passing Attempts 307 22nd
Completion Percentage 62% 18th
Passing Yards 2,236 20th
Touchdown Passes 8 29th
TD Percentage 2.6% 60th
Interceptions 9 26th
Interception Percentage 2.9% 57th
1st Downs 48 46th
Longest Pass 7 38th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 6.5 40th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 11.7 65th
Yards Per Completion 279.5 2nd
Passing Yards Per Game 80.7 36th

1985 Stats for Joe Montana

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 15 50th
Games Started 15 12th
Completions 303 3rd
Passing Attempts 494 6th
Completion Percentage 61% 21st
Passing Yards 3,653 5th
Touchdown Passes 27 2nd
TD Percentage 5.5% 16th
Interceptions 13 23rd
Interception Percentage 2.6% 52nd
1st Downs 73 10th
Longest Pass 7 29th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 7.3 21st
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 12.1 54th
Yards Per Completion 243.5 4th
Passing Yards Per Game 91.3 20th

1984 Stats for Joe Montana

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 5th
Games Started 15 17th
Completions 279 7th
Passing Attempts 432 10th
Completion Percentage 65% 19th
Passing Yards 3,630 6th
Touchdown Passes 28 4th
TD Percentage 6.5% 17th
Interceptions 10 24th
Interception Percentage 2.3% 67th
1st Downs 80 7th
Longest Pass 8 22nd
Yards Per Pass Attempt 8.7 20th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 13.0 46th
Yards Per Completion 226.9 7th
Passing Yards Per Game 102.9 18th

1983 Stats for Joe Montana

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 4th
Games Started 16 4th
Completions 332 3rd
Passing Attempts 515 4th
Completion Percentage 65% 22nd
Passing Yards 3,910 4th
Touchdown Passes 26 4th
TD Percentage 5.0% 32nd
Interceptions 12 23rd
Interception Percentage 2.3% 65th
1st Downs 77 11th
Longest Pass 8 36th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 7.6 29th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 11.8 65th
Yards Per Completion 244.4 6th
Passing Yards Per Game 94.6 27th

1982 Stats for Joe Montana

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 9 2nd
Games Started 9 2nd
Completions 213 2nd
Passing Attempts 346 1st
Completion Percentage 62% 23rd
Passing Yards 2,613 2nd
Touchdown Passes 17 2nd
TD Percentage 4.9% 19th
Interceptions 11 9th
Interception Percentage 3.2% 45th
1st Downs 55 16th
Longest Pass 8 24th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 7.1 23rd
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 12.3 37th
Yards Per Completion 290.3 2nd
Passing Yards Per Game 88.0 22nd

1981 Stats for Joe Montana

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 7th
Games Started 16 7th
Completions 311 4th
Passing Attempts 488 8th
Completion Percentage 64% 16th
Passing Yards 3,565 8th
Touchdown Passes 19 13th
TD Percentage 3.9% 35th
Interceptions 12 26th
Interception Percentage 2.5% 66th
1st Downs 78 10th
Longest Pass 7 33rd
Yards Per Pass Attempt 7.0 26th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 11.5 67th
Yards Per Completion 222.8 10th
Passing Yards Per Game 88.4 23rd

1980 Stats for Joe Montana

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 15 51st
Games Started 7 42nd
Completions 176 25th
Passing Attempts 273 29th
Completion Percentage 65% 14th
Passing Yards 1,795 28th
Touchdown Passes 15 21st
TD Percentage 5.5% 19th
Interceptions 9 31st
Interception Percentage 3.3% 48th
1st Downs 71 13th
Longest Pass 7 43rd
Yards Per Pass Attempt 6.2 32nd
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 10.2 67th
Yards Per Completion 119.7 32nd
Passing Yards Per Game 87.8 24th

1979 Stats for Joe Montana

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 22nd
Games Started 1 66th
Completions 13 51st
Passing Attempts 23 51st
Completion Percentage 57% 28th
Passing Yards 96 53rd
Touchdown Passes 1 50th
TD Percentage 4.3% 30th
Interceptions 0 65th
Interception Percentage 0.0% 65th
1st Downs 18 70th
Longest Pass 4 78th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 5.0 59th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 7.4 84th
Yards Per Completion 6.0 61st
Passing Yards Per Game 81.1 28th