Joe Namath vs Johnny Unitas Stats

Namath threw for 173 TD’s while tossing 220 picks and the longest throw of his career went for 88 yds. His TD rate when attempting a pass was 4.6% and his interception percentage was 5.8%. He lost a combined 1,052 yards while being sacked 109 times. He averaged 197.6 yards per game through the air with a 65.5 quarterback rating. In the 140 games in his career, Namath was successful on 1,886 of his 3,762 attempts for 27,663 yards.

In 211 games in his career, Unitas completed 2,830 of 5,186 tries for 40,239 yds. He averaged 190.7 yards per contest through the air with a 78.2 quarterback rating. Unitas passed for 290 TD’s compared to 253 interceptions and the longest completion of his career went for 89 yards. He lost a combined 2,383 yards while being the victim of a quarterback sack 307 times. His touchdown percentage when attempting a pass was 5.6% and his interception rate was 4.9%.

Joe Namath vs Johnny Unitas Stats

Joe Namath Career Johnny Unitas
140 Games Played 211
1,886 Completions 2,830
3,762 Pass Attempts 5,186
50.1% Completion % 54.6%
27,663 Passing Yards 40,239
173 Passing Touchdowns 290
4.6% Touchdown Percentage 5.6%
220 Interceptions 253
5.8% Interception Percentage 4.9%
88 Longest Pass 89
7.4 Yards Per Pass Attempt 7.8
5.6 Adjusted Yards Per Pass Attempt 6.7
14.7 Yards Per Completion 14.2
197.6 Passing Yards Per Game 190.7
65.5 Quarterback Rating 78.2
109 Times Sacked 307
1,052 Yards Lost by Sack 2,383
6.9 Net Yards Per Pass Attempt 6.9
5.2 Adjusted Net Yards Per Attempt 5.9
2.8% Sack Percentage 5.6%

In his final year, Namath threw for 606 yards with 3 touchdowns and 5 picks. He was sacked 33 times for a total of 198 yds lost. He had a QB rating of 64.3 with a TD percentage of 2.8% and an interception percentage of 4.7%. His longest pass was 55 yds and he passed for 151.5 yards per outing. Namath completed 50 of his 107 passes in his last season for a completion percentage of 46.7%.

Unitas threw for 3 touchdowns in his last season while tossing 7 interceptions and his longest pass of the year went for 55 yds. His touchdown percentage when attempting a pass was 3.9% and his interception rate was 9.2%. He has lost a combined 132 yds while being the victim of a QB sack 22 different times. He averaged 94.2 yards per contest through the air with a 64.4 QB rating. In 5 contests played in his final year, Unitas was successful on 34 of his 76 tries for 471 yds.

Joe Namath (1977) Most Recent Season Johnny Unitas (1973)
4 Games Played 5
50 Completions 34
107 Pass Attempts 76
46.7% Completion % 44.7%
606 Passing Yards 471
3 Passing Touchdowns 3
2.8% Touchdown Percentage 3.9%
5 Interceptions 7
4.7% Interception Percentage 9.2%
55 Longest Pass 55
5.7 Yards Per Pass Attempt 6.2
4.1 Adjusted Yards Per Pass Attempt 2.8
12.1 Yards Per Completion 13.9
151.5 Passing Yards Per Game 94.2
64.3 Quarterback Rating 64.4
33 Times Sacked 22
198 Yards Lost by Sack 132
2.9 Net Yards Per Pass Attempt 3.5
1.7 Adjusted Net Yards Per Attempt 0.9
30.8% Sack Percentage 28.9%