Jorge Posada vs Yogi Berra Stats

Jorge Posada vs Yogi Berra

Posada has an average at the plate of .271 for his career in addition to 934 runs scored and an OPS of .321. He has fanned 1,529 times and has taken a walk on 975 occasions, contributing to a .371 on-base percentage. For his professional baseball career, Posada has hit 289 balls out of the park while knocking in 1,109 runs. His slugging percentage sits at -.050 in addition to racking up 3,025 bases. Over the course of his time in the league, he stepped up to the plate 7,537 times and has delivered with a hit 1,745 times.

Berra has drawn a free base 704 times while striking out on 417 plate appearances. His on-base rate is .348 and he has earned a lifetime OPS of .350. He has tallied 1,176 runs in addition to having 1,430 runs batted in. He has gone deep 358 times, with 3,645 total bases and also a .002 slugging percentage. During the 7,564 at-bats in his professional career, Berra has hit .285 with 2,152 base knocks.

Jorge Posada vs Yogi Berra Stats

Jorge Posada Career Yogi Berra
1,944 Games Played 2,124
7,537 Plate Appearances 8,373
6,436 At-Bats 7,564
934 Runs 1,176
1,745 Hits 2,152
393 Doubles 321
10 Triples 49
289 Home Runs 358
1,109 Runs Batted In 1,430
20 Stolen Bases 30
23 Caught Stealing 26
975 Walks 704
1,529 Strikeouts 417
.271 Batting Average .285
.371 On-Base Percentage .348
-.050 Slugging Percentage .002
0.321 OPS 0.350
3,025 Total Bases 3,645
203 Grounded Into Double Plays 146
76 Hit By Pitch 52

Posada has accounted for 137 bases in total with 81 base knocks in 344 at-bats. He has tallied 34 runs so far this season and has hit 14 balls over the fence. He has accumulated a batting average of .235 while holding an OPS of .714. He has an on-base percentage of .315 in addition to 39 walks and 76 K’s. Since the start of the season, Jorge Posada has hit in 44 runs and has accrued a slugging percentage of .398.

Berra is sitting with 2 hits out of 9 AB’s and has a batting average of .222. He has walked 0 times and has accumulated an on-base percentage of .222. During this season, Berra has notched 1 runs, knocked in 0 RBI and has 0 home runs. He has an OPS of 0.444 and a slugging % of .222. He has fanned 3 times while earning 2 bases in total.

Jorge Posada (2011) Stat Yogi Berra (1965)
115 Games Played 4
387 Plate Appearances 9
344 At-Bats 9
34 Runs Scored 1
81 Hits 2
14 Doubles 0
0 Triples 0
14 Home Runs 0
44 Runs Batted In 0
0 Stolen Bases 0
2 Caught Stealing 0
39 Walks 0
76 Strikeouts 3
.235 Batting Average .222
.315 On-Base Percentage .222
.398 Slugging Percentage .222
0.714 OPS 0.444
90 OPS+ 29
137 Total Bases 2
17 Grounded Into Double Play 0
2 Hit By Pitch 0