Jose Iglesias Stats

Iglesias has accrued an average at the plate of .283 for his career in baseball with 477 scored runs and an OPS of .385. Over the course of his pro career, he came to the plate 4,334 times and came through with a base base knock 1,142 times. He has amassed a slugging percentage of .062 and he has a total of 1,561 bases. In his career, Iglesias has hit 51 baseballs over the fence while knocking in 392 runs. He has struck out 541 times and has taken a walk on 185 occasions, which contributes in part to a .323 on-base percentage.

So far this year, Jose Iglesias has batted in 26 runs and has accumulated a slugging percentage of .448. He has recorded an OBP of .381 as well as 12 walks and 39 K’s. Iglesias has recorded 121 bases in total with 91 base hits in 270 at-bats. He has compiled a batting average when batting of .337 in addition to holding an OPS of .830. He has racked up 39 runs on the year and has hit 4 balls out of the park.

Jose Iglesias Stats

Career .283 51 1,142 185 477 392 .323 4,334 4,040 .385 N/A 236 15 1,181 .062 65 37 1,561 541
2024 NYM 39.000 1 39 2 270 4 .337 85 291 .448 1 91 16 3 .381 26 6 137 12
2022 COL .292 3 128 17 48 47 .328 467 439 .708 90 30 0 118 .380 2 3 167 56
2021 TOT .271 9 131 21 65 48 .309 511 483 .701 90 27 2 137 .391 5 2 189 75
2021 LAA .259 8 110 18 57 41 .295 447 424 .670 82 23 1 114 .375 5 2 159 66
2021 BOS .356 1 21 3 8 7 .406 64 59 .915 142 4 1 23 .508 0 0 30 9
2020 BAL .373 3 53 3 16 24 .400 150 142 .956 157 17 0 39 .556 0 0 79 17
2019 CIN .288 11 145 20 62 59 .318 530 504 .724 83 21 3 146 .407 6 6 205 70
2018 DET .269 5 116 19 43 48 .310 464 432 .699 88 31 3 125 .389 15 6 168 47
2017 DET .255 6 118 21 56 54 .288 489 463 .657 74 33 1 130 .369 7 4 171 65
2016 DET .255 4 119 28 57 32 .306 513 467 .643 74 26 0 137 .336 7 4 157 50
2015 DET .300 2 125 25 44 23 .347 454 416 .717 99 17 3 120 .370 11 8 154 44
2013 TOT .303 3 106 15 39 29 .349 382 350 .735 101 16 2 109 .386 5 2 135 60
2013 BOS .330 1 71 11 27 19 .376 234 215 .785 115 10 2 63 .409 3 1 88 30
2013 DET .259 2 35 4 12 10 .306 148 135 .654 78 6 0 46 .348 2 1 47 30
2012 BOS .118 1 8 4 5 2 .200 77 68 .391 7 2 0 25 .191 1 0 13 16
2011 BOS .333 0 2 0 3 0 .333 6 6 .667 81 0 0 10 .333 0 0 2 2