Josh Allen vs Justin Herbert Stats

During the 94 games in his career, Allen has completed 1,989 of his 3,145 tries for 22,703 yds. He averages 241.5 yds per game through the air with a 90.4 QB rating. Allen has thrown for 167 touchdowns compared to 78 interceptions and the longest completion of his career went for 75 yds. He’s lost a total of 1,087 yds while being the victim of a quarterback sack 175 times. His touchdown rate on pass attempts is 5.3% and his interception rate is 2.5%.

During the 62 games in his career, Herbert has completed 1,613 of 2,422 attempts for a total of 17,223 yards. He averages 277.8 passing yards per game with a 98.3 quarterback rating. Herbert has passed for 114 touchdowns while tossing 42 picks and the longest throw of his career went for 72 yards. He’s lost a total of 871 yards while being sacked 130 times. His touchdown rate when attempting a pass is 4.7% and his interception percentage is 1.7%.

Josh Allen vs Justin Herbert Stats

Josh Allen Career Justin Herbert
94 Games Played 62
1,989 Completions 1,613
3,145 Pass Attempts 2,422
63.2% Completion % 66.6%
22,703 Passing Yards 17,223
167 Passing Touchdowns 114
5.3% Touchdown Percentage 4.7%
78 Interceptions 42
2.5% Interception Percentage 1.7%
75 Longest Pass 72
7.2 Yards Per Pass Attempt 7.1
7.2 Adjusted Yards Per Pass Attempt 7.3
11.4 Yards Per Completion 10.7
241.5 Passing Yards Per Game 277.8
90.4 Quarterback Rating 98.3
175 Times Sacked 130
1,087 Yards Lost by Sack 871
6.5 Net Yards Per Pass Attempt 6.4
6.5 Adjusted Net Yards Per Attempt 6.6
5.3% Sack Percentage 5.1%

For the season, Allen has passed for a total of 4,306 yards with 29 touchdowns and 18 picks. Since the start of the season, He has been sacked 24 different times for a total of 152 yards lost behind the line of scrimmage. He has a quarterback rating of 92.2 with a TD percentage of 5.0% and an interception percentage of 3.1%. His longest completion this season was for 81 yds and He has averaging 253.3 yards per contest. Allen has connected on 385 of his attempted 579 passes for a completion percentage of 66.5%.

In his 13 games this year, Herbert has connected on 297 of his 456 tries for 3,134 yds. He is averaging 241.1 yards per game through the air with a 93.2 quarterback rating. Herbert has thrown for 20 TDs this season while tossing 7 interceptions and his longest throw of the year went for 60 yds. He has lost 233 yds while being sacked 29 different times. His TD percentage is 4.4% and his interception percentage is 1.5%.

Josh Allen (2023) Most Recent Season Justin Herbert (2023)
17 Games Played 13
385 Completions 297
579 Pass Attempts 456
66.5% Completion % 65.1%
4,306 Passing Yards 3,134
29 Passing Touchdowns 20
5.0% Touchdown Percentage 4.4%
18 Interceptions 7
3.1% Interception Percentage 1.5%
81 Longest Pass 60
7.4 Yards Per Pass Attempt 6.9
7.0 Adjusted Yards Per Pass Attempt 7.1
11.2 Yards Per Completion 10.6
253.3 Passing Yards Per Game 241.1
92.2 Quarterback Rating 93.2
24 Times Sacked 29
152 Yards Lost by Sack 233
4.0 Net Yards Per Pass Attempt 6.0
6.9 Adjusted Net Yards Per Attempt 6.0
4.1% Sack Percentage 6.4%