Josh McCown Stats

For his NFL career, McCown threw for a total of 17,731 yards with 98 touchdowns and 82 picks. Over the course of his time in the league, he was driven to the ground via sack 235 different times totaling 1,563 yards lost behind the line of scrimmage. He had a QB rating of 79.7 with a TD percentage of 3.7% and an interception percentage of 3.1%. His longest completion during his time in the league was for 80 yards and he averaged 173.8 yards per outing. Josh McCown connected on 1,584 of his career 2,633 passes for a completion percentage of 60.2%.

McCown passed for 0 touchdowns in his last year while tossing 0 interceptions and his longest completion of the year went for 55 yards. His TD rate on pass attempts was 0.0% and his interception rate was 0.0%. He was driven back 168 yds while being the victim of a quarterback sack 28 times. He averaged 8.0 yards per game through the air with a 71.9 quarterback rating. In his 3 games played in his final season, McCown completed 3 of 5 attempts for 24 yards.

Josh McCown Stats

Year Team TD TD% Cmp Att Cmp% Yds Games GS Y/A AY/A Y/C Y/G Int Int% 1D Lng
Career 98 3.7% 1,584 2,633 60.2% 17,731 102 0 6.7 6.1 11.2 173.8 82 3.1% 849 80
2019 PHI 0 0.0% 3 5 60.0% 24 3 0 4.8 4.8 8.0 8.0 0 0.0% 2 13
2018 NYJ 1 0.9% 60 110 54.5% 539 4 3 4.9 3.4 9.0 134.8 4 3.6% 27 41
2017 NYJ 18 4.5% 267 397 67.3% 2,926 13 13 7.4 7.3 11.0 225.1 9 2.3% 137 69
2016 CLE 6 3.6% 90 165 54.5% 1,100 5 3 6.7 5.8 12.2 220.0 6 3.6% 56 54
2015 CLE 12 4.1% 186 292 63.7% 2,109 8 8 7.2 7.4 11.3 263.6 4 1.4% 96 56
2014 TAM 11 3.4% 184 327 56.3% 2,206 11 11 6.7 5.5 12.0 200.5 14 4.3% 100 56
2013 CHI 13 5.8% 149 224 66.5% 1,829 8 5 8.2 9.1 12.3 228.6 1 0.4% 94 80
2011 CHI 2 3.6% 35 55 63.6% 414 3 2 7.5 5.0 11.8 138.0 4 7.3% 18 49
2009 CAR 0 0.0% 1 6 16.7% 2 1 0 0.3 0.3 2.0 2.0 0 0.0% 0 2
2007 OAK 10 5.3% 111 190 58.4% 1,151 9 9 6.1 4.5 10.4 127.9 11 5.8% 56 46
2005 ARI 9 3.3% 163 270 60.4% 1,836 9 6 6.8 5.6 11.3 204.0 11 4.1% 87 49
2004 ARI 11 2.7% 233 408 57.1% 2,511 14 13 6.2 5.6 10.8 179.4 10 2.5% 122 48
2003 ARI 5 3.0% 95 166 57.2% 1,018 8 3 6.1 5.1 10.7 127.3 6 3.6% 51 60
2002 ARI 0 0.0% 7 18 38.9% 66 2 0 3.7 -1.3 9.4 33.0 2 11.1% 3 26

2019 Stats for Josh McCown

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 3 89th
Games Started 0 88th
Completions 3 63rd
Passing Attempts 5 64th
Completion Percentage 60% 63rd
Passing Yards 24 71st
Touchdown Passes 0 74th
TD Percentage 0.0% 74th
Interceptions 0 75th
Interception Percentage 0.0% 75th
1st Downs 2 65th
Longest Pass 13 75th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 4.8 78th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 4.8 70th
Yards Per Completion 8.0 79th
Passing Yards Per Game 8.0 61st

2018 Stats for Josh McCown

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 4 85th
Games Started 3 65th
Completions 60 41st
Passing Attempts 110 40th
Completion Percentage 55% 76th
Passing Yards 539 43rd
Touchdown Passes 1 50th
TD Percentage 0.9% 66th
Interceptions 4 39th
Interception Percentage 3.6% 23rd
1st Downs 27 43rd
Longest Pass 41 51st
Yards Per Pass Attempt 4.9 75th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 3.4 82nd
Yards Per Completion 9.0 72nd
Passing Yards Per Game 134.8 42nd

2017 Stats for Josh McCown

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 13 50th
Games Started 13 32nd
Completions 267 22nd
Passing Attempts 397 26th
Completion Percentage 67% 21st
Passing Yards 2,926 23rd
Touchdown Passes 18 23rd
TD Percentage 4.5% 23rd
Interceptions 9 20th
Interception Percentage 2.3% 47th
1st Downs 137 24th
Longest Pass 69 22nd
Yards Per Pass Attempt 7.4 29th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 7.3 29th
Yards Per Completion 11.0 46th
Passing Yards Per Game 225.1 22nd

2016 Stats for Josh McCown

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 5 68th
Games Started 3 55th
Completions 90 36th
Passing Attempts 165 35th
Completion Percentage 55% 67th
Passing Yards 1,100 34th
Touchdown Passes 6 35th
TD Percentage 3.6% 45th
Interceptions 6 30th
Interception Percentage 3.6% 21st
1st Downs 56 34th
Longest Pass 54 36th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 6.7 53rd
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 5.8 57th
Yards Per Completion 12.2 24th
Passing Yards Per Game 220.0 29th

2015 Stats for Josh McCown

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 8 44th
Games Started 8 32nd
Completions 186 29th
Passing Attempts 292 30th
Completion Percentage 64% 41st
Passing Yards 2,109 28th
Touchdown Passes 12 28th
TD Percentage 4.1% 37th
Interceptions 4 40th
Interception Percentage 1.4% 56th
1st Downs 96 28th
Longest Pass 56 41st
Yards Per Pass Attempt 7.2 34th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 7.4 24th
Yards Per Completion 11.3 36th
Passing Yards Per Game 263.6 15th

2014 Stats for Josh McCown

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 11 53rd
Games Started 11 37th
Completions 184 29th
Passing Attempts 327 26th
Completion Percentage 56% 64th
Passing Yards 2,206 28th
Touchdown Passes 11 30th
TD Percentage 3.4% 50th
Interceptions 14 10th
Interception Percentage 4.3% 13th
1st Downs 100 30th
Longest Pass 56 40th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 6.7 56th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 5.5 61st
Yards Per Completion 12.0 33rd
Passing Yards Per Game 200.5 34th

2013 Stats for Josh McCown

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 8 54th
Games Started 5 49th
Completions 149 34th
Passing Attempts 224 37th
Completion Percentage 67% 25th
Passing Yards 1,829 30th
Touchdown Passes 13 27th
TD Percentage 5.8% 14th
Interceptions 1 53rd
Interception Percentage 0.4% 58th
1st Downs 94 28th
Longest Pass 80 13th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 8.2 21st
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 9.1 17th
Yards Per Completion 12.3 24th
Passing Yards Per Game 228.6 21st

2011 Stats for Josh McCown

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 3 81st
Games Started 2 57th
Completions 35 48th
Passing Attempts 55 52nd
Completion Percentage 64% 23rd
Passing Yards 414 50th
Touchdown Passes 2 50th
TD Percentage 3.6% 40th
Interceptions 4 42nd
Interception Percentage 7.3% 9th
1st Downs 18 49th
Longest Pass 49 44th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 7.5 33rd
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 5.0 66th
Yards Per Completion 11.8 40th
Passing Yards Per Game 138.0 45th

2009 Stats for Josh McCown

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 1 107th
Games Started 0 100th
Completions 1 86th
Passing Attempts 6 71st
Completion Percentage 17% 89th
Passing Yards 2 86th
Touchdown Passes 0 86th
TD Percentage 0.0% 86th
Interceptions 0 91st
Interception Percentage 0.0% 91st
1st Downs 0 86th
Longest Pass 2 86th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 0.3 87th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 0.3 79th
Yards Per Completion 2.0 86th
Passing Yards Per Game 2.0 79th

2007 Stats for Josh McCown

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 9 53rd
Games Started 9 35th
Completions 111 37th
Passing Attempts 190 37th
Completion Percentage 58% 53rd
Passing Yards 1,151 37th
Touchdown Passes 10 24th
TD Percentage 5.3% 22nd
Interceptions 11 23rd
Interception Percentage 5.8% 11th
1st Downs 56 38th
Longest Pass 46 48th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 6.1 61st
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 4.5 69th
Yards Per Completion 10.4 64th
Passing Yards Per Game 127.9 52nd

2005 Stats for Josh McCown

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 9 55th
Games Started 6 49th
Completions 163 31st
Passing Attempts 270 29th
Completion Percentage 60% 32nd
Passing Yards 1,836 29th
Touchdown Passes 9 31st
TD Percentage 3.3% 47th
Interceptions 11 19th
Interception Percentage 4.1% 20th
1st Downs 87 29th
Longest Pass 49 42nd
Yards Per Pass Attempt 6.8 39th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 5.6 46th
Yards Per Completion 11.3 43rd
Passing Yards Per Game 204.0 20th

2004 Stats for Josh McCown

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 14 50th
Games Started 13 35th
Completions 233 23rd
Passing Attempts 408 20th
Completion Percentage 57% 48th
Passing Yards 2,511 24th
Touchdown Passes 11 26th
TD Percentage 2.7% 56th
Interceptions 10 24th
Interception Percentage 2.5% 56th
1st Downs 122 24th
Longest Pass 48 46th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 6.2 58th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 5.6 57th
Yards Per Completion 10.8 64th
Passing Yards Per Game 179.4 31st

2003 Stats for Josh McCown

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 8 80th
Games Started 3 69th
Completions 95 37th
Passing Attempts 166 40th
Completion Percentage 57% 54th
Passing Yards 1,018 39th
Touchdown Passes 5 39th
TD Percentage 3.0% 50th
Interceptions 6 36th
Interception Percentage 3.6% 40th
1st Downs 51 39th
Longest Pass 60 36th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 6.1 59th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 5.1 62nd
Yards Per Completion 10.7 62nd
Passing Yards Per Game 127.3 44th

2002 Stats for Josh McCown

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 2 99th
Games Started 0 88th
Completions 7 61st
Passing Attempts 18 60th
Completion Percentage 39% 78th
Passing Yards 66 63rd
Touchdown Passes 0 73rd
TD Percentage 0.0% 73rd
Interceptions 2 55th
Interception Percentage 11.1% 5th
1st Downs 3 62nd
Longest Pass 26 65th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 3.7 79th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt -1.3 1198th
Yards Per Completion 9.4 75th
Passing Yards Per Game 33.0 59th