Juan Soto vs Shohei Ohtani Stats

Juan Soto vs Shohei Ohtani

For his pro baseball career, Soto has hit 201 balls over the fence while knocking in 592 runs. During his time in professional baseball, he came to the plate 4,088 times and has delivered a hit 934 times. His slugging percentage is .532 and he has a total of 1,746 bases. He has struck out 696 times and has been walked on 769 occasions, which has contributed to a .421 on-base percentage. Soto has compiled an average at the plate of .285 for his baseball career in addition to 655 scored runs and an OPS of .953.

Over the course of the 3,119 at-bats in his career, Ohtani has accumulated a batting average of .282 and has racked up 878 base hits. He has homered 225 times, in addition to having 1,792 bases in total and a .575 slugging percentage. Ohtani has tallied a free base 432 times while fanning on 917 plate appearances. He has accrued 562 runs in addition to having 567 runs batted in. His OBP is .371 and he holds a lifetime OPS of .945.

Juan Soto vs Shohei Ohtani Stats

Juan Soto Career Shohei Ohtani
936 Games Played 860
4,088 Plate Appearances 3,602
3,280 At-Bats 3,119
655 Runs 562
934 Hits 878
179 Doubles 167
15 Triples 36
201 Home Runs 225
592 Runs Batted In 567
57 Stolen Bases 145
23 Caught Stealing 37
769 Walks 432
696 Strikeouts 917
.285 Batting Average .282
.421 On-Base Percentage .371
.532 Slugging Percentage .575
0.953 OPS 0.945
1,746 Total Bases 1,792
84 Grounded Into Double Plays 40
16 Hit By Pitch 22

Over the course of this season, Juan Soto has batted in 109 runs and also has accrued a slugging percentage of .569. He has compiled an on-base percentage of .419 in addition to 129 walks and 119 K’s. Soto has recorded 328 bases in total with 166 base knocks out of 576 at-bats. He has recorded a batting average when batting of .288 in addition to having an OPS of .989. He has scored 128 runs so far this season and has drilled 41 balls out of the park.

Ohtani has compiled 411 total bases with 197 hits out of 636 at-bats. He has racked up 134 runs on the campaign and has hit 54 balls over the fence. He has accumulated a batting average of .310 in addition to having an OPS of 1.036. He has compiled an on-base percentage of .390 with 81 walks and 162 K’s. Since the start of the season, Shohei Ohtani has knocked in 130 runs and also has accumulated a slugging percentage of .646.

Juan Soto (2024) Stat Shohei Ohtani (2024)
157 Games Played 159
713 Plate Appearances 731
576 At-Bats 636
128 Runs Scored 134
166 Hits 197
31 Doubles 38
4 Triples 7
41 Home Runs 54
109 Runs Batted In 130
7 Stolen Bases 59
4 Caught Stealing 4
129 Walks 81
119 Strikeouts 162
.288 Batting Average .310
.419 On-Base Percentage .390
.569 Slugging Percentage .646
0.989 OPS 1.036
178 OPS+ 190
328 Total Bases 411
10 Grounded Into Double Play 7
4 Hit By Pitch 6