Juan Uribe Stats

Uribe has accumulated a batting average of .253 in his time in baseball with 743 runs scored and an OPS of .286. Over the course of his time in the league, he came to the plate 6,974 times and got on base with a base hit 1,617 times. He has amassed a slugging percentage of -.013 in addition to having tallied 2,653 bases. In his career, Uribe has drilled 206 balls out of the park while knocking in 841 runs. He has struck out 1,273 times and has gotten a free base on 403 at-bats, which contributes in part to a .299 on-base percentage.

This year, Uribe has scored 19 runs, recorded 25 RBI and has earned 7 home runs. He has gotten a free base 15 times and has recorded an OBP of .259. Uribe has recorded 49 base knocks out of 238 AB’s and holds a batting average of .206. He has gone down swinging 49 times while racking up 79 bases in total. He has recorded an OPS of 0.591 with a slugging percentage of .332.

Juan Uribe Stats

Career .255 199 1,568 388 724 816 .301 6,715 6,161 .719 87 323 43 1,826 .418 48 39 2,574 1,224
2016 CLE .206 7 49 15 19 25 .259 259 238 .591 53 9 0 73 .332 0 0 79 49
2015 TOT .253 14 91 34 40 43 .320 397 360 .737 103 17 0 119 .417 2 0 150 80
2015 LAD .247 1 20 5 6 6 .287 87 81 .596 68 2 0 29 .309 1 0 25 9
2015 ATL .285 7 43 15 17 17 .353 167 151 .817 125 6 0 46 .464 1 0 70 37
2015 NYM .219 6 28 14 17 20 .301 143 128 .730 100 9 0 44 .430 0 0 55 34
2014 LAD .311 9 120 15 36 54 .337 404 386 .777 120 23 0 103 .440 0 1 170 77
2013 LAD .278 12 108 30 47 50 .331 426 388 .769 116 22 2 132 .438 5 0 170 81
2012 LAD .191 2 31 13 15 17 .258 179 162 .542 50 9 0 66 .284 0 1 46 37
2011 LAD .204 4 55 17 21 28 .264 295 270 .557 56 12 0 77 .293 2 0 79 60
2010 SFG .248 24 129 45 64 85 .310 575 521 .749 102 24 2 148 .440 1 2 229 92
2009 SFG .289 16 115 25 50 55 .329 432 398 .824 112 26 4 122 .495 3 1 197 82
2008 CHW .247 7 80 22 38 40 .296 353 324 .682 77 22 1 110 .386 1 3 125 64
2007 CHW .234 20 120 34 55 68 .284 563 513 .678 74 18 2 150 .394 1 9 202 112
2006 CHW .235 21 109 13 53 71 .257 495 463 .698 73 28 2 132 .441 1 1 204 82
2005 CHW .252 16 121 34 58 71 .301 540 481 .712 85 23 3 146 .412 4 6 198 77
2004 CHW .283 23 142 32 82 74 .327 553 502 .833 111 31 6 134 .506 9 11 254 96
2003 COL .253 10 80 17 45 33 .297 343 316 .724 76 19 3 87 .427 7 2 135 60
2002 COL .240 6 136 34 69 49 .286 618 566 .627 56 25 7 155 .341 9 2 193 120
2001 COL .300 8 82 8 32 53 .325 283 273 .849 98 15 11 72 .524 3 0 143 55