Julio Rodriguez vs Ken Griffey Jr. Stats

Julio Rodriguez vs Ken Griffey Jr.

Rodriguez has compiled an average at the plate of .277 for his career in baseball with 262 scored runs and an OPS of .801. He has fanned 476 times and has taken a walk on 125 occasions, which contributes in part to a .334 on-base percentage. In his career, Rodriguez has hit 80 balls out of the park while knocking in 246 runs. He has compiled a slugging percentage of .467 and he has a total of 809 bases. Over the course of his pro career, he approached the plate 1,887 times and has come through with a base knock 480 times.

For the 9,899 at-bats in his professional career, Griffey Jr. has accrued an average at the plate of .283 in addition to having 2,799 base hits. His on-base rate is .368 and he holds a lifetime OPS of .293. He has accounted for 1,668 runs in addition to having earned 1,843 RBIs. Griffey Jr. has recorded a free base 1,321 times while fanning on 1,796 tries. He has hit it out of the park 630 times, as well as 5,291 total bases and also a -.075 slugging percentage.

Julio Rodriguez vs Ken Griffey Jr. Stats

Julio Rodriguez Career Ken Griffey Jr.
430 Games Played 2,704
1,887 Plate Appearances 11,412
1,732 At-Bats 9,899
262 Runs 1,668
480 Hits 2,799
79 Doubles 526
5 Triples 38
80 Home Runs 630
246 Runs Batted In 1,843
86 Stolen Bases 184
22 Caught Stealing 69
125 Walks 1,321
476 Strikeouts 1,796
.277 Batting Average .283
.334 On-Base Percentage .368
.467 Slugging Percentage -.075
0.801 OPS 0.293
809 Total Bases 5,291
31 Grounded Into Double Plays 202
25 Hit By Pitch 81

Rodriguez has accounted for 232 total bases with 155 base knocks in 567 at-bats. He has tallied an on-base percentage of .325 with 38 free passes and 156 strikeouts. So far this year, Julio Rodriguez has hit in 68 runs and has earned a slugging percentage of .409. He has notched 76 runs so far this year and has knocked 20 balls out of the park. He has a batting average at the plate of .273 while having an OPS of .734.

For the year, Griffey Jr. has compiled 6 runs, knocked in 7 runs batted in and has earned 0 home runs. He has earned a walk 9 times and has accounted for an OBP of .250. Griffey Jr. has earned 18 hits out of 98 at-bats for an average of .184. He has gone down on strikes 17 times while accounting for 20 total bases. He has tallied an OPS of 0.454 with a slugging percentage of .204.

Julio Rodriguez (2024) Stat Ken Griffey Jr. (2010)
143 Games Played 33
613 Plate Appearances 108
567 At-Bats 98
76 Runs Scored 6
155 Hits 18
17 Doubles 2
0 Triples 0
20 Home Runs 0
68 Runs Batted In 7
24 Stolen Bases 0
5 Caught Stealing 0
38 Walks 9
156 Strikeouts 17
.273 Batting Average .184
.325 On-Base Percentage .250
.409 Slugging Percentage .204
0.734 OPS 0.454
116 OPS+ 30
232 Total Bases 20
10 Grounded Into Double Play 3
6 Hit By Pitch 0