Katie Douglas Stats

Katie Douglas has accumulated 12,630 minutes and has played in 412 contests during her pro basketball career. Douglas has accounted for 5,560 points during her career, holds an average of 13.5 PPG and was named a starter in 387 games. She records 3.1 dimes, pulls down 4.5 rebounds and accounts for 15.8 per 36 minutes. Taking the court with a shooting percentage of 41.5%, Douglas has knocked down 1,925 shots out of 4,641 tries. Having taken 1,978 three point tries during her WNBA career, she has recorded a shooting percentage of 36.7% by converting 726 of those tries. She has a 45.0% shooting percentage of by burying 1,199 out of 2,663 tries. Douglas has earned a 80.5% rate at the free throw line by making 984 of her 1,223 attempts. With an effective field goal percentage of 49.3%, she has also accumulated 830 giveaways and accounted for 699 infractions. She has accrued 1,569 total rebounds so far in her career by grabbing 1,129 on the defensive end and 440 of the offensive sort. In relation to making the extra pass, Douglas is sitting with 1,075 assists, in addition to adding 623 steals and 126 blocks. She is averaging 3.8 boards and 2.6 assists per contest.

Katie Douglas Stats

Katie Douglas Stats
Year Team Pts Reb Ast Stl Blk G Min FG FG% 3P% 2P% FT% PPG APG RPG SPG
Career 5,560 1,569 1,075 623 126 412 12,630 1,925 41.5% 36.7% 45.0% 80.5% 13.5 2.6 3.8 1.5
2014 CON 418 106 69 30 13 32 1,040 133 35.8% 35.6% 35.9% 84.8% 13.1 2.2 3.3 0.9
2013 IND 60 11 6 7 2 4 143 21 38.9% 25.9% 51.9% 100.0% 15.0 1.5 2.8 1.8
2012 IND 529 121 71 48 10 32 990 184 41.3% 42.3% 40.6% 84.4% 16.5 2.2 3.8 1.5
2011 IND 445 126 91 41 8 32 940 166 46.5% 44.0% 48.3% 67.1% 13.9 2.8 3.9 1.3
2010 IND 467 117 111 46 13 34 1,014 170 44.9% 39.1% 49.8% 83.1% 13.7 3.3 3.4 1.4
2009 IND 547 120 85 56 7 31 1,003 188 41.0% 34.9% 45.2% 86.1% 17.6 2.7 3.9 1.8
2008 IND 516 135 106 53 11 33 1,134 170 37.1% 32.4% 40.1% 79.9% 15.6 3.2 4.1 1.6
2007 CON 577 158 125 65 10 34 1,133 207 42.8% 33.8% 49.1% 77.9% 17.0 3.7 4.6 1.9
2006 CON 525 121 79 62 4 32 1,003 179 44.3% 42.2% 45.9% 83.9% 16.4 2.5 3.8 1.9
2005 CON 351 130 94 48 4 32 998 119 41.3% 28.2% 49.4% 77.4% 11.0 2.9 4.1 1.5
2004 CON 364 132 90 50 13 34 1,120 125 38.9% 34.6% 42.9% 79.2% 10.7 2.6 3.9 1.5
2003 CON 336 106 56 31 11 28 843 120 43.8% 38.2% 48.3% 72.1% 12.0 2.0 3.8 1.1
2002 ORL 271 135 53 49 13 32 830 92 44.9% 36.7% 50.0% 86.6% 8.5 1.7 4.2 1.5
2001 ORL 154 51 39 37 7 22 439 51 36.2% 31.6% 39.3% 72.3% 7.0 1.8 2.3 1.7

2014 Stats for Katie Douglas

Stat Total WNBA Rank
Games 32 72nd
Games Started 32 33rd
Minutes Played 1,040 13th
Field Goals Made 133 1170th
Field Goals Attempted 372 17th
Field Goal Percentage 35.8% 119th
3-Pointers Made 63 2nd
3-Pointers Attempted 177 3rd
3-Point Percentage 35.6% 27th
2-Point Field Goals Made 70 56th
2-Point Field Goals Attempted 195 44th
2-Point Field Goal Percentage 35.9% 129th
Free Throws Made 89 18th
Free Throws Attempted 105 21st
Free Throw Percentage 84.8% 32nd
Offensive Rebounds 25 56th
Total Rebounds 106 43rd
Assists 69 40th
Steals 30 37th
Blocks 13 37th
Turnovers 71 17th
Personal Fouls 56 63rd
Points Scored 418 22nd
Points Per Game 13.1 1182nd
Rebounds Per Game 3.3 1156th
Assists Per Game 2.2 1163rd
Steals Per Game 0.9 1157th
Blocks Per Game 0.4 1157th