Kevin Kiermaier Stats

Kiermaier has accrued an average at the plate of .246 in his time in baseball in addition to 499 scored runs and an OPS of .706. He has fanned 908 times and earned a walk on 277 at-bats, contributing to a .304 on-base %. In his career, Kiermaier has slapped 95 balls out of the park while driving in 378 runs. His slugging percentage sits at .402 and he has a total of 1,480 bases. For his time in baseball, he stepped into the batters box 4,040 times and has come through with a hit 905 times.

Kiermaier has compiled 81 total bases with 51 hits out of 259 at-bats. He has accumulated an OBP of .237 in addition to 12 walks and 86 K’s. Over the course of this year, Kevin Kiermaier has batted in 26 runs and has earned a slugging percentage of .313. He has racked up 31 runs this year and has hit 5 balls over the fence. He has a batting average at the plate of .197 while having an OPS of .550.

Kevin Kiermaier Stats

Career .246 95 905 277 499 378 .304 4,040 3,682 .706 N/A 170 60 1,159 .402 132 39 1,480 908
2024 2TM 86.000 3 31 2 259 5 .197 116 281 .313 1 51 9 1 .237 26 6 56 12
2024 2TM 86.000 3 31 2 259 5 .197 116 281 .313 1 51 9 1 .237 26 6 56 12
2024 2TM 86.000 3 31 2 259 5 .197 116 281 .313 1 51 9 1 .237 26 6 56 12
2023 TOR .265 8 98 29 58 36 .322 408 370 .741 104 21 6 129 .419 14 1 155 86
2022 TBR .228 7 47 14 28 22 .281 221 206 .649 89 8 0 63 .369 6 1 76 61
2021 TBR .259 4 90 33 54 37 .328 390 348 .716 104 19 7 122 .388 9 5 135 99
2020 TBR .217 3 30 20 16 22 .321 159 138 .683 93 5 3 49 .362 8 1 50 42
2019 TBR .228 14 102 26 60 55 .278 480 447 .676 79 20 7 129 .398 19 5 178 104
2018 TBR .217 7 72 25 44 29 .282 367 332 .653 80 12 9 88 .370 10 5 123 91
2017 TBR .276 15 105 31 56 39 .338 421 380 .788 113 15 3 98 .450 16 7 171 99
2016 TBR .246 12 90 40 55 37 .331 414 366 .741 104 20 2 105 .410 21 3 150 74
2015 TBR .263 10 133 24 62 40 .298 535 505 .718 99 25 12 151 .420 18 5 212 95
2014 TBR .263 10 87 23 35 35 .315 364 331 .765 117 16 8 108 .450 5 4 149 71
2013 TBR .000 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 .000 0 0 0 1 .000 0 0 0 0