Kevin Mack Stats

Mack ran for 51.7 yards on the ground per game in his pro football career. He’s run for 46 touchdowns with a long carry of 65 yds. His average yards per carry sits at 4.0 and he toted the ball 1,291 total times. Kevin Mack rushed for 5,123 yards on the ground in 99 games played in his career.

Mack carried the ball 10 times to the tune of 3.3 YPC. During his 4 games in his last season, Kevin Mack averaged 8.3 yds per game and got into the endzone 1 time while carrying the ball. His longest run that season was 7 yds.

Kevin Mack Stats

Year Team Att Yards TD G GS Lng Y/A Y/G Fmb
Career 1,291 5,123 46 99 82 65 4.0 51.7 30
1993 CLE 10 33 1 4 0 7 3.3 8.3 0
1992 CLE 169 543 6 12 6 37 3.2 45.3 1
1991 CLE 197 726 8 14 11 51 3.7 51.9 1
1990 CLE 158 702 5 14 14 26 4.4 50.1 6
1989 CLE 37 130 1 4 1 12 3.5 32.5 1
1988 CLE 123 485 3 11 11 65 3.9 44.1 5
1987 CLE 201 735 5 12 12 22 3.7 61.3 6
1986 CLE 174 665 10 12 12 20 3.8 55.4 6
1985 CLE 222 1,104 7 16 15 61 5.0 69.0 4

1993 Stats for Kevin Mack

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 4 255th
Games Started 0 227th
Rushing Attempts 10 145th
Rushing Yards 33 150th
Rushing Touchdowns 1 97th
Longest Run 7 192nd
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 3.3 160th
Rushing Yards Per Game 8.3 109th
Fumbles 0 211th

1992 Stats for Kevin Mack

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 12 179th
Games Started 6 117th
Rushing Attempts 169 20th
Rushing Yards 543 29th
Rushing Touchdowns 6 17th
Longest Run 37 26th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 3.2 167th
Rushing Yards Per Game 45.3 25th
Fumbles 1 135th

1991 Stats for Kevin Mack

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 14 143rd
Games Started 11 67th
Rushing Attempts 197 13th
Rushing Yards 726 18th
Rushing Touchdowns 8 10th
Longest Run 51 18th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 3.7 119th
Rushing Yards Per Game 51.9 18th
Fumbles 1 130th

1990 Stats for Kevin Mack

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 14 166th
Games Started 14 57th
Rushing Attempts 158 26th
Rushing Yards 702 23rd
Rushing Touchdowns 5 27th
Longest Run 26 60th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 4.4 80th
Rushing Yards Per Game 50.1 19th
Fumbles 6 33rd

1989 Stats for Kevin Mack

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 4 282nd
Games Started 1 199th
Rushing Attempts 37 94th
Rushing Yards 130 103rd
Rushing Touchdowns 1 87th
Longest Run 12 178th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 3.5 173rd
Rushing Yards Per Game 32.5 40th
Fumbles 1 160th

1988 Stats for Kevin Mack

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 11 208th
Games Started 11 85th
Rushing Attempts 123 36th
Rushing Yards 485 36th
Rushing Touchdowns 3 46th
Longest Run 65 3rd
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 3.9 132nd
Rushing Yards Per Game 44.1 27th
Fumbles 5 46th

1987 Stats for Kevin Mack

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 12 27th
Games Started 12 8th
Rushing Attempts 201 10th
Rushing Yards 735 12th
Rushing Touchdowns 5 15th
Longest Run 22 90th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 3.7 213th
Rushing Yards Per Game 61.3 25th
Fumbles 6 21st

1986 Stats for Kevin Mack

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 12 200th
Games Started 12 72nd
Rushing Attempts 174 23rd
Rushing Yards 665 23rd
Rushing Touchdowns 10 6th
Longest Run 20 87th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 3.8 125th
Rushing Yards Per Game 55.4 16th
Fumbles 6 34th

1985 Stats for Kevin Mack

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 14th
Games Started 15 36th
Rushing Attempts 222 18th
Rushing Yards 1,104 10th
Rushing Touchdowns 7 21st
Longest Run 61 12th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 5.0 60th
Rushing Yards Per Game 69.0 11th
Fumbles 4 62nd