Larry Herndon Stats

Herndon has recorded a walk 376 times while going down on strikes on 830 tries. His on-base percentage sits at .322 and he has a career OPS of .384. He has a total of 621 runs and has 570 runs batted in. He has homered 111 times, with 2,049 total bases and also a .062 slugging percentage. Over the course of the 5,051 at-bats in his career, Herndon has accrued an average at the plate of .272 in addition to having 1,373 base hits.

Herndon has a tally of 39 hits out of 174 at-bats and has a batting average of .224. He has gotten a free base 23 times and has compiled an OBP of .313. For the season, Herndon has tallied 16 runs, amassed 20 RBI and has hit 4 home runs. He has earned an OPS of 0.635 and a slugging percentage of .322. He has struck out 37 times while compiling 56 total bases.

Career .274 107 1,334 353 605 550 .322 5,319 4,877 .731 103 186 76 1,537 .409 92 57 1,993 793
1988 DET .224 4 39 23 16 20 .313 201 174 .635 82 5 0 76 .322 0 1 56 37
1987 DET .324 9 73 23 32 47 .378 254 225 .898 140 13 2 89 .520 1 0 117 35
1986 DET .247 8 70 27 33 37 .310 316 283 .695 89 13 1 106 .385 2 1 109 40
1985 DET .244 12 108 33 45 37 .298 479 442 .682 87 12 7 137 .385 2 1 170 79
1984 DET .280 7 114 32 52 43 .333 446 407 .734 104 18 5 125 .400 6 2 163 63
1983 DET .302 20 182 46 88 92 .351 658 603 .829 129 28 9 153 .478 9 3 288 95
1982 DET .292 23 179 38 92 88 .332 659 614 .812 121 21 13 157 .480 12 9 295 92
1981 SFG .288 5 105 20 48 41 .325 391 364 .740 111 15 8 96 .415 15 6 151 55
1980 SFG .258 8 127 19 54 49 .284 521 493 .670 88 17 11 139 .385 8 8 190 91
1979 SFG .257 7 91 29 35 36 .313 389 354 .698 96 14 5 132 .384 8 6 136 70
1978 SFG .259 1 122 35 52 32 .311 521 471 .646 84 15 9 151 .335 13 8 158 71
1977 SFG .239 1 26 5 13 5 .278 118 109 .636 71 4 3 49 .358 4 2 39 20
1976 SFG .288 2 97 23 42 23 .337 365 337 .693 96 11 3 115 .356 12 10 120 45
1974 STL 1.000 0 1 0 3 0 1.000 1 1 2.000 463 0 0 12 1.000 0 0 1 0

1988 Stats for Larry Herndon

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 76 310th
Plate Appearances 201 320th
At-Bats 174 327th
Runs Scored 16 337th
Hits 39 338th
Doubles 5 367th
Triples 0 547th
Home Runs 4 236th
Runs Batted In 20 292nd
Stolen Bases 0 575th
Caught Stealing 1 329th
Walks 23 242nd
Strikeouts 37 269th
Batting Average .224 431st
On-Base Percentage .313 276th
Slugging Percentage .322 398th
OPS .635 356th
OPS+ 82 346th
Total Bases 56 339th
Grounded Into Double Plays 8 167th
Hit By Pitch 1 271st
Sacrifice Hits 0 628th
Sacrifice Flies 3 178th
Intentional Walks 0 549th

1987 Stats for Larry Herndon

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 89 275th
Plate Appearances 254 276th
At-Bats 225 276th
Runs Scored 32 256th
Hits 73 237th
Doubles 13 222nd
Triples 2 164th
Home Runs 9 183rd
Runs Batted In 47 169th
Stolen Bases 1 339th
Caught Stealing 0 580th
Walks 23 252nd
Strikeouts 35 281st
Batting Average .324 41st
On-Base Percentage .378 86th
Slugging Percentage .520 56th
OPS .898 53rd
OPS+ 140 49th
Total Bases 117 230th
Grounded Into Double Plays 12 81st
Hit By Pitch 0 541st
Sacrifice Hits 0 632nd
Sacrifice Flies 6 40th
Intentional Walks 0 539th

1986 Stats for Larry Herndon

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 106 208th
Plate Appearances 316 233rd
At-Bats 283 234th
Runs Scored 33 241st
Hits 70 235th
Doubles 13 222nd
Triples 1 252nd
Home Runs 8 178th
Runs Batted In 37 200th
Stolen Bases 2 272nd
Caught Stealing 1 330th
Walks 27 226th
Strikeouts 40 259th
Batting Average .247 342nd
On-Base Percentage .310 360th
Slugging Percentage .385 281st
OPS .695 307th
OPS+ 89 315th
Total Bases 109 225th
Grounded Into Double Plays 3 347th
Hit By Pitch 1 239th
Sacrifice Hits 0 616th
Sacrifice Flies 5 72nd
Intentional Walks 2 200th

1985 Stats for Larry Herndon

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 137 126th
Plate Appearances 479 152nd
At-Bats 442 138th
Runs Scored 45 184th
Hits 108 156th
Doubles 12 229th
Triples 7 21st
Home Runs 12 111th
Runs Batted In 37 189th
Stolen Bases 2 248th
Caught Stealing 1 318th
Walks 33 177th
Strikeouts 79 74th
Batting Average .244 342nd
On-Base Percentage .298 385th
Slugging Percentage .385 249th
OPS .682 303rd
OPS+ 87 323rd
Total Bases 170 147th
Grounded Into Double Plays 9 147th
Hit By Pitch 1 206th
Sacrifice Hits 1 375th
Sacrifice Flies 1 325th
Intentional Walks 1 287th

1984 Stats for Larry Herndon

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 125 159th
Plate Appearances 446 157th
At-Bats 407 149th
Runs Scored 52 141st
Hits 114 135th
Doubles 18 145th
Triples 5 51st
Home Runs 7 159th
Runs Batted In 43 156th
Stolen Bases 6 134th
Caught Stealing 2 240th
Walks 32 176th
Strikeouts 63 123rd
Batting Average .280 180th
On-Base Percentage .333 220th
Slugging Percentage .400 201st
OPS .734 208th
OPS+ 104 209th
Total Bases 163 134th
Grounded Into Double Plays 8 155th
Hit By Pitch 2 119th
Sacrifice Hits 1 346th
Sacrifice Flies 3 171st
Intentional Walks 1 275th

1983 Stats for Larry Herndon

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 153 41st
Plate Appearances 658 29th
At-Bats 603 20th
Runs Scored 88 25th
Hits 182 13th
Doubles 28 47th
Triples 9 9th
Home Runs 20 38th
Runs Batted In 92 21st
Stolen Bases 9 111th
Caught Stealing 3 186th
Walks 46 115th
Strikeouts 95 41st
Batting Average .302 85th
On-Base Percentage .351 156th
Slugging Percentage .478 77th
OPS .829 91st
OPS+ 129 81st
Total Bases 288 13th
Grounded Into Double Plays 20 15th
Hit By Pitch 3 70th
Sacrifice Hits 0 622nd
Sacrifice Flies 6 53rd
Intentional Walks 6 77th

1982 Stats for Larry Herndon

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 157 33rd
Plate Appearances 659 38th
At-Bats 614 18th
Runs Scored 92 18th
Hits 179 15th
Doubles 21 118th
Triples 13 2nd
Home Runs 23 36th
Runs Batted In 88 39th
Stolen Bases 12 78th
Caught Stealing 9 45th
Walks 38 135th
Strikeouts 92 37th
Batting Average .292 107th
On-Base Percentage .332 233rd
Slugging Percentage .480 76th
OPS .812 96th
OPS+ 121 108th
Total Bases 295 16th
Grounded Into Double Plays 20 11th
Hit By Pitch 1 214th
Sacrifice Hits 2 287th
Sacrifice Flies 4 115th
Intentional Walks 3 139th

1981 Stats for Larry Herndon

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 96 93rd
Plate Appearances 391 91st
At-Bats 364 63rd
Runs Scored 48 60th
Hits 105 50th
Doubles 15 90th
Triples 8 5th
Home Runs 5 121st
Runs Batted In 41 73rd
Stolen Bases 15 36th
Caught Stealing 6 54th
Walks 20 177th
Strikeouts 55 42nd
Batting Average .288 123rd
On-Base Percentage .325 244th
Slugging Percentage .415 133rd
OPS .740 167th
OPS+ 111 172nd
Total Bases 151 54th
Grounded Into Double Plays 12 21st
Hit By Pitch 1 159th
Sacrifice Hits 3 165th
Sacrifice Flies 3 88th
Intentional Walks 2 158th

1980 Stats for Larry Herndon

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 139 100th
Plate Appearances 521 119th
At-Bats 493 98th
Runs Scored 54 138th
Hits 127 114th
Doubles 17 155th
Triples 11 5th
Home Runs 8 149th
Runs Batted In 49 141st
Stolen Bases 8 108th
Caught Stealing 8 53rd
Walks 19 256th
Strikeouts 91 24th
Batting Average .258 292nd
On-Base Percentage .284 439th
Slugging Percentage .385 239th
OPS .670 306th
OPS+ 88 296th
Total Bases 190 111th
Grounded Into Double Plays 10 119th
Hit By Pitch 1 210th
Sacrifice Hits 4 176th
Sacrifice Flies 4 121st
Intentional Walks 1 304th

1979 Stats for Larry Herndon

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 132 144th
Plate Appearances 389 199th
At-Bats 354 193rd
Runs Scored 35 234th
Hits 91 199th
Doubles 14 207th
Triples 5 56th
Home Runs 7 171st
Runs Batted In 36 209th
Stolen Bases 8 117th
Caught Stealing 6 90th
Walks 29 197th
Strikeouts 70 82nd
Batting Average .257 322nd
On-Base Percentage .313 365th
Slugging Percentage .384 267th
OPS .698 296th
OPS+ 96 249th
Total Bases 136 200th
Grounded Into Double Plays 3 352nd
Hit By Pitch 1 250th
Sacrifice Hits 3 229th
Sacrifice Flies 2 269th
Intentional Walks 5 105th

1978 Stats for Larry Herndon

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 151 57th
Plate Appearances 521 131st
At-Bats 471 125th
Runs Scored 52 145th
Hits 122 133rd
Doubles 15 190th
Triples 9 12th
Home Runs 1 379th
Runs Batted In 32 211th
Stolen Bases 13 74th
Caught Stealing 8 64th
Walks 35 157th
Strikeouts 71 74th
Batting Average .259 249th
On-Base Percentage .311 327th
Slugging Percentage .335 345th
OPS .646 343rd
OPS+ 84 318th
Total Bases 158 157th
Grounded Into Double Plays 12 78th
Hit By Pitch 1 238th
Sacrifice Hits 13 20th
Sacrifice Flies 1 337th
Intentional Walks 2 210th

1977 Stats for Larry Herndon

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 49 434th
Plate Appearances 118 376th
At-Bats 109 373rd
Runs Scored 13 364th
Hits 26 370th
Doubles 4 377th
Triples 3 143rd
Home Runs 1 403rd
Runs Batted In 5 479th
Stolen Bases 4 171st
Caught Stealing 2 261st
Walks 5 440th
Strikeouts 20 370th
Batting Average .239 415th
On-Base Percentage .278 471st
Slugging Percentage .358 332nd
OPS .636 400th
OPS+ 71 406th
Total Bases 39 360th
Grounded Into Double Plays 4 281st
Hit By Pitch 1 246th
Sacrifice Hits 2 294th
Sacrifice Flies 0 591st
Intentional Walks 1 300th

1976 Stats for Larry Herndon

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 115 168th
Plate Appearances 365 193rd
At-Bats 337 186th
Runs Scored 42 162nd
Hits 97 156th
Doubles 11 213th
Triples 3 120th
Home Runs 2 267th
Runs Batted In 23 256th
Stolen Bases 12 85th
Caught Stealing 10 40th
Walks 23 232nd
Strikeouts 45 165th
Batting Average .288 92nd
On-Base Percentage .337 174th
Slugging Percentage .356 228th
OPS .693 196th
OPS+ 96 230th
Total Bases 120 182nd
Grounded Into Double Plays 4 274th
Hit By Pitch 2 124th
Sacrifice Hits 3 225th
Sacrifice Flies 0 575th
Intentional Walks 0 542nd

1974 Stats for Larry Herndon

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 12 639th
Plate Appearances 1 734th
At-Bats 1 733rd
Runs Scored 3 498th
Hits 1 646th
Doubles 0 634th
Triples 0 515th
Home Runs 0 556th
Runs Batted In 0 684th
Stolen Bases 0 533rd
Caught Stealing 0 527th
Walks 0 689th
Strikeouts 0 746th
Batting Average 1.000 2nd
On-Base Percentage 1.000 2nd
Slugging Percentage 1.000 3rd
OPS 2.000 2nd
OPS+ 463 4th
Total Bases 1 650th
Grounded Into Double Plays 0 623rd
Hit By Pitch 0 506th
Sacrifice Hits 0 591st
Sacrifice Flies 0 555th
Intentional Walks 0 537th