Lorenzo White Stats

Lorenzo White accumulated 4,242 yards on the ground in 107 games played in his career. His average when carrying the ball sits at 4.0 and he carried the ball 1,062 different times. He has run for 30 TD’s with the longest carry being for 44 yards. White rushed for 39.6 yds on the ground per contest in his pro football career.

White ran for 163 yds on the ground in 12 games played in his last year. His YPC was 2.6 and he carried the ball 62 times in his final season. He ran for 1 TD in his last season for 11 yards. White rushed for 13.6 yds on the ground per game.

Lorenzo White Stats

Year Team Att Yards TD G GS Lng Y/A Y/G Fmb
Career 1,062 4,242 30 107 50 44 4.0 39.6 17
1995 CLE 62 163 1 12 2 11 2.6 13.6 0
1994 HOU 191 757 3 15 8 33 4.0 50.5 2
1993 HOU 131 465 2 8 8 14 3.5 58.1 1
1992 HOU 265 1,226 7 16 16 44 4.6 76.6 2
1991 HOU 110 465 4 13 0 20 4.2 35.8 3
1990 HOU 168 702 8 16 16 22 4.2 43.9 7
1989 HOU 104 349 5 16 0 33 3.4 21.8 2
1988 HOU 31 115 0 11 0 16 3.7 10.5 0

1995 Stats for Lorenzo White

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 12 203rd
Games Started 2 172nd
Rushing Attempts 62 55th
Rushing Yards 163 75th
Rushing Touchdowns 1 71st
Longest Run 11 159th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 2.6 198th
Rushing Yards Per Game 13.6 77th
Fumbles 0 193rd

1994 Stats for Lorenzo White

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 15 111th
Games Started 8 100th
Rushing Attempts 191 21st
Rushing Yards 757 21st
Rushing Touchdowns 3 36th
Longest Run 33 29th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 4.0 89th
Rushing Yards Per Game 50.5 23rd
Fumbles 2 80th

1993 Stats for Lorenzo White

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 8 224th
Games Started 8 103rd
Rushing Attempts 131 34th
Rushing Yards 465 37th
Rushing Touchdowns 2 50th
Longest Run 14 135th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 3.5 135th
Rushing Yards Per Game 58.1 16th
Fumbles 1 130th

1992 Stats for Lorenzo White

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 10th
Games Started 16 7th
Rushing Attempts 265 10th
Rushing Yards 1,226 5th
Rushing Touchdowns 7 11th
Longest Run 44 16th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 4.6 75th
Rushing Yards Per Game 76.6 5th
Fumbles 2 92nd

1991 Stats for Lorenzo White

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 13 166th
Games Started 0 186th
Rushing Attempts 110 37th
Rushing Yards 465 37th
Rushing Touchdowns 4 29th
Longest Run 20 88th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 4.2 98th
Rushing Yards Per Game 35.8 41st
Fumbles 3 69th

1990 Stats for Lorenzo White

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 15th
Games Started 16 7th
Rushing Attempts 168 21st
Rushing Yards 702 22nd
Rushing Touchdowns 8 11th
Longest Run 22 76th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 4.2 91st
Rushing Yards Per Game 43.9 29th
Fumbles 7 26th

1989 Stats for Lorenzo White

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 24th
Games Started 0 226th
Rushing Attempts 104 43rd
Rushing Yards 349 47th
Rushing Touchdowns 5 27th
Longest Run 33 35th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 3.4 185th
Rushing Yards Per Game 21.8 60th
Fumbles 2 97th

1988 Stats for Lorenzo White

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 11 212th
Games Started 0 222nd
Rushing Attempts 31 114th
Rushing Yards 115 111th
Rushing Touchdowns 0 150th
Longest Run 16 134th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 3.7 154th
Rushing Yards Per Game 10.5 100th
Fumbles 0 221st