Luis Urias Stats

Urias has recorded a batting average of .230 in his time in baseball with 200 runs scored and an OPS of .710. He has gone down on strikes 387 times and has been walked on 179 occasions, which contributes in part to a .329 on-base percentage. In his career, Urias has slapped 51 balls over the fence while knocking in 192 runs. His slugging percentage is .381 and he has a total of 569 bases. Over the course of his pro career, he stepped up to the plate 1,735 times and came through with a base hit 343 times.

Urias has compiled 25 total bases with 12 hits out of 82 at-bats. He has earned an on-base percentage of .255 with 7 walks and 33 K’s. So far this year, Luis Urias has hit in 12 runs and has compiled a slugging percentage of .305. He has tallied 8 runs this season and has hit 3 balls out of the park. He has accrued a batting average of .146 in addition to having an OPS of .560.

Career .230 51 343 179 200 192 .329 1,735 1,494 .710 N/A 65 4 480 .381 9 6 569 387
2024 SEA 33.000 0 8 0 82 3 .146 35 94 .305 1 12 4 0 .255 12 0 65 7
2023 TOT .194 3 28 21 18 18 .337 177 144 .636 76 6 0 52 .299 0 0 43 41
2022 MIL .239 16 97 50 54 47 .335 472 406 .739 110 17 1 119 .404 1 2 164 99
2021 MIL .249 23 122 63 77 75 .345 570 490 .789 111 25 1 150 .445 5 1 218 116
2020 MIL .239 0 26 10 11 11 .308 120 109 .602 63 4 1 41 .294 2 2 32 32
2019 SDP .223 4 48 25 27 24 .329 249 215 .655 77 8 1 71 .326 0 1 70 56
2018 SDP .208 2 10 3 5 5 .264 53 48 .618 71 1 0 12 .354 1 0 17 10

2024 Stats for Luis Urias

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 0 1468th
Plate Appearances 35 502nd
At-Bats 94 513th
Runs Scored 82 521st
Hits 8 529th
Doubles 12 557th
Triples 4 477th
Home Runs 0 492nd
Runs Batted In 3 423rd
Stolen Bases 12 453rd
Caught Stealing 0 580th
Walks 0 517th
Strikeouts 7 495th
Batting Average 33.000 470th
On-Base Percentage .146 664th
Slugging Percentage .255 560th
OPS .305 492nd
OPS+ 1 536th
Total Bases 65 491st
Grounded Into Double Plays 0 548th
Hit By Pitch 67 484th
Sacrifice Hits 25 513th
Sacrifice Flies 2 458th
Intentional Walks 5 148th

2023 Stats for Luis Urias

2023 Stats for Luis Urias

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 52 397th
Plate Appearances 177 380th
At-Bats 144 395th
Runs Scored 18 385th
Hits 28 416th
Doubles 6 397th
Triples 0 456th
Home Runs 3 402nd
Runs Batted In 18 384th
Stolen Bases 0 511th
Caught Stealing 0 464th
Walks 21 307th
Strikeouts 41 384th
Batting Average .194 525th
On-Base Percentage .337 151st
Slugging Percentage .299 520th
OPS .636 429th
OPS+ 76 421st
Total Bases 43 414th
Grounded Into Double Plays 4 329th
Hit By Pitch 10 50th
Sacrifice Hits 0 464th
Sacrifice Flies 0 480th
Intentional Walks 0 423rd

2022 Stats for Luis Urias

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 119 173rd
Plate Appearances 472 147th
At-Bats 406 163rd
Runs Scored 54 146th
Hits 97 173rd
Doubles 17 212th
Triples 1 223rd
Home Runs 16 110th
Runs Batted In 47 174th
Stolen Bases 1 382nd
Caught Stealing 2 155th
Walks 50 86th
Strikeouts 99 160th
Batting Average .239 329th
On-Base Percentage .335 166th
Slugging Percentage .404 234th
OPS .739 200th
OPS+ 110 197th
Total Bases 164 156th
Grounded Into Double Plays 9 145th
Hit By Pitch 11 29th
Sacrifice Hits 0 346th
Sacrifice Flies 5 76th
Intentional Walks 0 271st

2021 Stats for Luis Urias

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 150 48th
Plate Appearances 570 82nd
At-Bats 490 97th
Runs Scored 77 78th
Hits 122 106th
Doubles 25 104th
Triples 1 349th
Home Runs 23 84th
Runs Batted In 75 70th
Stolen Bases 5 179th
Caught Stealing 1 323rd
Walks 63 42nd
Strikeouts 116 94th
Batting Average .249 364th
On-Base Percentage .345 202nd
Slugging Percentage .445 216th
OPS .789 191st
OPS+ 111 215th
Total Bases 218 93rd
Grounded Into Double Plays 9 150th
Hit By Pitch 10 45th
Sacrifice Hits 1 358th
Sacrifice Flies 3 185th
Intentional Walks 3 94th

2020 Stats for Luis Urias

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 41 226th
Plate Appearances 120 272nd
At-Bats 109 268th
Runs Scored 11 320th
Hits 26 262nd
Doubles 4 322nd
Triples 1 169th
Home Runs 0 672nd
Runs Batted In 11 304th
Stolen Bases 2 174th
Caught Stealing 2 68th
Walks 10 266th
Strikeouts 32 227th
Batting Average .239 290th
On-Base Percentage .308 321st
Slugging Percentage .294 469th
OPS .602 441st
OPS+ 63 441st
Total Bases 32 325th
Grounded Into Double Plays 4 146th
Hit By Pitch 1 354th
Sacrifice Hits 0 647th
Sacrifice Flies 0 657th
Intentional Walks 0 649th

2019 Stats for Luis Urias

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 71 373rd
Plate Appearances 249 339th
At-Bats 215 349th
Runs Scored 27 361st
Hits 48 362nd
Doubles 8 399th
Triples 1 352nd
Home Runs 4 438th
Runs Batted In 24 367th
Stolen Bases 0 1446th
Caught Stealing 1 346th
Walks 25 270th
Strikeouts 56 344th
Batting Average .223 521st
On-Base Percentage .329 291st
Slugging Percentage .326 571st
OPS .655 511th
OPS+ 77 481st
Total Bases 70 388th
Grounded Into Double Plays 8 198th
Hit By Pitch 9 51st
Sacrifice Hits 0 1450th
Sacrifice Flies 0 1451st
Intentional Walks 0 1439th

2018 Stats for Luis Urias

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 12 976th
Plate Appearances 53 619th
At-Bats 48 615th
Runs Scored 5 606th
Hits 10 592nd
Doubles 1 714th
Triples 0 1436th
Home Runs 2 517th
Runs Batted In 5 591st
Stolen Bases 1 459th
Caught Stealing 0 1435th
Walks 3 628th
Strikeouts 10 708th
Batting Average .208 601st
On-Base Percentage .264 642nd
Slugging Percentage .354 506th
OPS .618 565th
OPS+ 71 549th
Total Bases 17 583rd
Grounded Into Double Plays 0 1463rd
Hit By Pitch 1 510th
Sacrifice Hits 0 1446th
Sacrifice Flies 1 486th
Intentional Walks 0 1432nd