Mark Grace vs Scott Rolen Stats

Grace has recorded a batting average of .301 in his time in baseball with 1,192 scored runs and an OPS of .419. For his time in baseball, he stepped up to bat 9,445 times and came through with a base base knock 2,472 times. He has recorded a slugging percentage of .037 and he has totaled 3,606 bases. In his career, Grace has slapped 176 baseballs out of the park while knocking in 1,162 runs. He has gone down on strikes 657 times and earned a walk on 1,091 occasions, which contributes in part to a .382 on-base percentage.

During the 7,692 official at-bats in his career, Rolen has hit .279 and has racked up 2,149 base hits. He has gone deep 324 times, with 3,745 bases in total and also a -.067 slugging percentage. Rolen has recorded a free base 929 times while striking out on 1,472 attempts. He is sitting with 1,237 runs and notched 1,326 runs batted in. His on-base percentage is .363 and he has earned a career OPS of .296.

Mark Grace vs Scott Rolen Stats

Mark Grace Career Scott Rolen
2,311 Games Played 2,130
9,445 Plate Appearances 8,848
8,200 At-Bats 7,692
1,192 Runs 1,237
2,472 Hits 2,149
516 Doubles 534
45 Triples 45
176 Home Runs 324
1,162 Runs Batted In 1,326
70 Stolen Bases 120
48 Caught Stealing 50
1,091 Walks 929
657 Strikeouts 1,472
.301 Batting Average .279
.382 On-Base Percentage .363
.037 Slugging Percentage -.067
0.419 OPS 0.296
3,606 Total Bases 3,745
198 Grounded Into Double Plays 155
34 Hit By Pitch 130

On the campaign, Grace is sitting with 13 runs, recorded 16 runs batted in and has earned 3 home runs. He has gone down on strikes 15 times while accruing 41 total bases. He has amassed an OPS of 0.583 with a slugging % of .304. He has taken a base 16 times and has accounted for an OBP of .279. Grace has tallied 27 hits out of 135 at-bats for a batting average of .200.

On the campaign, Rolen has tallied 26 runs, recorded 39 RBI and has 8 home runs. He has been struck out 62 times while accumulating 117 total bases. He has an OPS of 0.716 with a slugging percentage of .398. He has gotten a free base 30 times and has accounted for an OBP of .318. Rolen has tallied 72 base hits in 294 at-bats for an average of .245.

Mark Grace (2003) Stat Scott Rolen (2012)
66 Games Played 92
155 Plate Appearances 330
135 At-Bats 294
13 Runs Scored 26
27 Hits 72
5 Doubles 17
0 Triples 2
3 Home Runs 8
16 Runs Batted In 39
0 Stolen Bases 2
0 Caught Stealing 1
16 Walks 30
15 Strikeouts 62
.200 Batting Average .245
.279 On-Base Percentage .318
.304 Slugging Percentage .398
0.583 OPS 0.716
48 OPS+ 90
41 Total Bases 117
6 Grounded Into Double Play 5
0 Hit By Pitch 3