Marquinhos vs Ruben Dias Stats

Marquinhos Career Stats

In addition to earning a 40.00% shots on target rate, Marquinhos is averaging 0.23 goals scored per 90 minutes and has notched 26 pts. The defenseman has collected 3,898 mins during his soccer career. In addition to totaling 6 assists, Marquinhos is averaging 0.600 points per outing. The defenseman averages 0.62 shots when examining his ability to get his shot off, and 90.02 mins per 90 mins. If you’re looking at his ability to take his shots, the defenseman has tallied 27 shots and notched 25 shots on target.

Ruben Dias Career Stats

Dias averages 0.141 pts per outing. Dias is averaging 0.05 goals per 90 minutes, has attained a 38.46% SoT percentage, and has earned 39 points. Dias has compiled 170 shots, averages 0.087 gls plus asts per outing, and has notched 39 shots on target. He has compiled 24,859 minutes. The defenseman is averaging 0.62 shots per ninety, has 15 goals, and 90.00 mins per ninety.

Marquinhos vs Ruben Dias Stats

Marquinhos vs Ruben Dias Stats

Marquinhos Career Ruben Dias
65 Games Played 289
10 Goals Scored 15
6 Assists 9
26 Points Scored 39
0.23 Goals Per 90 0.05
0.14 Assists Per 90 0.03
0.60 Points Per 90 0.14
25 Shots on Target 39
40.0% Shot on Target Percentage 38.5%
27 Shots 170
0.62 Shots Per 90 0.62
0.58 Shots on Target Per 90 0.14
43.3 90’s 276.2

Marquinhos Last 5 Games

If you look at his shooting accuracy, Marquinhos has compiled 1 SoT and contributed 0 points. Marquinhos is averaging 0.0 goals scored and 0.0 helpers per game this year. Marquinhos is averaging 0.0% if you look at his shot% so far this season. If you look at his ability to help teammates, he has compiled 0 assists and contributed 450 mins. Along with accruing 1 shots, Marquinhos averages 0.2 shots on target per outing.

Ruben Dias Last 5 Games

If you examine his scoring capabilities, Ruben Dias is averaging 0.0 goals and 0.0 helpers per game. Ruben Dias has compiled 0 helpers and contributed 450 mins, as well as notching 0 goals + assists. If you look at his shooting accuracy, Dias has compiled 0 shots on target and contributed 0 points. In his last 5 outings, he is averaging 0.000 shots on target per outing. Ruben Dias is averaging 0.0% when examining his shooting percentage, as well as notching 0 goals scored.

Marquinhos Last 10 Games

Marquinhos has compiled 1 SoT and contributed 0 goals plus assists. If you analyze his capability in assisting teammates, Marquinhos has totaled 0 assists and notched 878 minutes. The defenseman averages 0.0 goals scored and 0.0 assists per contest. Marquinhos has earned 0 goals and is averaging 0.4 shots per outing. Marquinhos is averaging 25.0% if you look at his shots on target percentage. The defenseman has produced 4 shots.

Ruben Dias Last 10 Games

Ruben Dias has earned 0 goals if you look at his scoring prowess and is averaging 1.1 shots per outing. If you look at his shooting accuracy, the defenseman has compiled 3 shots on target and contributed 0 goals plus assists. Ruben Dias has collected 11 shots. The defenseman has tallied 0 helpers and amassed 900 mins, apart from averaging 0.0 pts per contest. In addition to compiling 0 points, Dias averages 27.3% if you look at his shots on target%. The defenseman averages 0.0 goals and 0.0 helpers per game.