McKinley Wright IV Stats

McKinley Wright IV has accumulated 354 mins and has taken part in 32 contests in his career. Wright has scored 119 pts in his career, sports an average of 3.7 PPG and has started in 1 games. He distributes 6.2 dimes, grabs 4.8 rebounds and earns 12.1 per 36 mins. Stepping onto the court with a FG% of 47.5%, Wright has converted 48 shots of his 101 tries. Having shot 30 attempts from distance so far in his NBA career, he has recorded a shooting percentage of 33.3% by making 10 of those shots. He has recorded a 53.5% 2pt shooting percentage of by making 38 out of his 71 shots. Wright has compiled a 68.4% average at the free throw line by converting 13 of his 19 attempts. Having earned an effective FG rate of 52.5%, he has additionally tallied 20 giveaways and accrued 25 personal fouls. He has accrued 47 rebounds in total thus far in his career by way of 38 on the defensive side of the court and 9 of the offensive sort. Regarding sharing the ball, Wright has earned 61 assists, in addition to putting up 8 steals and 5 rejections. He has an average of 1.5 rebounds as well as 0.0 dimes per contest.

McKinley Wright IV Stats