Michael Brantley Stats

Michael Brantley Stats

Brantley has earned a batting average of .297 for his baseball career with 765 scored runs and an OPS of .386. He has fanned 660 times and has gotten a free base on 487 occasions, contributing to a .354 on-base percentage. In his career, Brantley has hit 131 balls out of the park while knocking in 727 runs. He is sitting with a career slugging percentage of .032 and he has totaled 2,464 bases. Over the course of his time in the league, he stepped into the batters box 6,206 times and has notched a base hit 1,671 times.

For the current season, Michael Brantley has knocked in 7 runs and also is sitting with a slugging percentage of .426. He has amassed an OBP of .298 as well as 2 free passes and 2 K’s. Brantley is sitting with 23 total bases with 15 hits in 54 at-bats. He has recorded a batting average of .278 while having an OPS of .724. He has a total of 7 runs for the year and has hit 2 balls out of the park.

Career .297 131 1,671 487 765 727 .354 6,206 5,620 .386 N/A 350 25 1,460 .032 125 33 2,464 660
2023 HOU .278 2 15 2 7 7 .298 57 54 .724 98 2 0 15 .426 0 0 23 2
2022 HOU .288 5 70 31 28 26 .370 277 243 .785 125 14 1 64 .416 1 1 101 30
2021 HOU .311 8 146 33 68 47 .362 508 469 .799 119 29 3 121 .437 1 0 205 53
2020 HOU .300 5 51 17 24 22 .364 187 170 .840 127 15 0 46 .476 2 0 81 28
2019 HOU .311 22 179 51 88 90 .372 637 575 .875 126 40 2 148 .503 3 2 289 66
2018 CLE .309 17 176 48 89 76 .364 631 570 .832 124 36 2 143 .468 12 3 267 60
2017 CLE .299 9 101 31 47 52 .357 375 338 .801 108 20 1 90 .444 11 1 150 50
2016 CLE .231 0 9 3 5 7 .279 43 39 .561 48 2 0 11 .282 1 0 11 6
2015 CLE .310 15 164 60 68 84 .379 596 529 .859 129 45 0 137 .480 15 1 254 51
2014 CLE .327 20 200 52 94 97 .385 676 611 .890 148 45 2 156 .506 23 1 309 56
2013 CLE .284 10 158 40 66 73 .332 611 556 .728 105 26 3 151 .396 17 4 220 67
2012 CLE .288 6 159 53 63 60 .348 609 552 .750 112 37 4 149 .402 12 9 222 56
2011 CLE .266 7 120 34 63 46 .318 496 451 .702 97 24 4 114 .384 13 5 173 76
2010 CLE .246 3 73 22 38 22 .296 325 297 .623 75 9 3 72 .327 10 2 97 38
2009 CLE .313 0 35 8 10 11 .358 121 112 .707 92 4 0 28 .348 4 4 39 19