Mickey Rivers Stats

Rivers has drawn a walk 275 times while striking out on 494 occasions. His on-base percentage sits at .327 and he has a career OPS of .434. He has scored 825 runs and also has 532 runs batted in. He has homered 65 times, with 2,353 total bases and also a .107 slugging percentage. During the 5,942 at-bats in his baseball career, Rivers has accumulated a batting average of .295 with 1,754 hits.

Rivers has earned 121 total bases with 94 hits in 313 at-bats. He has earned an OBP of .320 with 9 walks and 23 strikeouts. For the current season, Mickey Rivers has knocked in 33 runs and has accounted for a slugging percentage of .387. He has racked up 40 runs this season and has drilled 4 balls out of the park. He has accounted for a batting average when batting of .300 in addition to having an OPS of .706.

Mickey Rivers Stats

Career .295 61 1,660 266 785 499 .327 6,027 5,629 .724 106 247 71 1,468 .397 267 90 2,232 471
1984 TEX .300 4 94 9 40 33 .320 326 313 .706 93 13 1 102 .387 5 5 121 23
1983 TEX .285 1 88 11 37 20 .309 329 309 .658 84 17 0 96 .350 9 4 108 21
1982 TEX .235 1 16 0 6 4 .232 69 68 .555 55 1 1 19 .324 0 0 22 7
1981 TEX .286 3 114 24 62 26 .327 428 399 .698 107 21 2 99 .371 9 5 148 31
1980 TEX .333 7 210 20 96 60 .353 661 630 .789 120 32 6 147 .437 18 7 275 34
1979 TOT .293 9 156 22 72 50 .319 570 533 .743 101 27 8 132 .424 10 9 226 39
1979 NYY .287 3 82 13 37 25 .315 307 286 .731 98 18 5 74 .416 3 7 119 21
1979 TEX .300 6 74 9 35 25 .323 263 247 .756 104 9 3 58 .433 7 2 107 18
1978 NYY .265 11 148 29 78 48 .302 604 559 .699 98 25 8 141 .397 25 5 222 51
1977 NYY .326 12 184 18 79 69 .350 594 565 .789 115 18 5 138 .439 22 14 248 45
1976 NYY .312 8 184 13 95 67 .327 613 590 .760 123 31 8 137 .432 43 7 255 51
1975 CAL .284 1 175 43 70 53 .331 672 616 .690 103 17 13 155 .359 70 14 221 42
1974 CAL .285 3 133 39 69 31 .341 518 466 .734 117 19 11 118 .393 30 13 183 47
1973 CAL .349 0 45 8 26 16 .391 141 129 .849 149 6 4 30 .457 8 3 59 11
1972 CAL .214 0 34 8 18 7 .256 176 159 .533 63 6 2 58 .277 4 3 44 26
1971 CAL .265 1 71 19 31 12 .316 296 268 .652 92 12 2 79 .336 13 1 90 38
1970 CAL .320 0 8 3 6 3 .414 30 25 .814 130 2 0 17 .400 1 0 10 5