Mike Lowell Stats

Lowell is sitting with a batting average of .277 for his career with 794 scored runs and an OPS of .299. During his time in professional baseball, he stepped up to bat 6,744 times and came through with a base base knock 1,671 times. His career slugging percentage is -.041 in addition to earning 2,776 bases. In his career, Lowell has hit 228 baseballs over the fence while driving in 978 runs. He has fanned 851 times and earned a walk on 571 occasions, contributing to a .340 on-base percentage.

For the season, Lowell has compiled 23 runs, knocked in 26 RBI and has hit 5 home runs. He has gotten a free base 23 times and has compiled an OBP of .307. Lowell has recorded 52 base knocks in 218 at-bats for an average at the plate of .239. He has been struck out 34 times while having 80 total bases. He has an OPS of 0.674 and a slugging % of .367.

Career .279 223 1,619 548 771 952 .342 6,500 5,813 .805 108 394 7 1,601 .464 30 14 2,696 817
2010 BOS .239 5 52 23 23 26 .307 244 218 .674 79 13 0 73 .367 0 0 80 34
2009 BOS .290 17 129 33 54 75 .337 484 445 .811 106 29 1 119 .474 2 1 211 61
2008 BOS .274 17 115 38 58 73 .338 468 419 .798 104 27 0 113 .461 2 2 193 61
2007 BOS .324 21 191 53 79 120 .378 653 589 .879 124 37 2 154 .501 3 2 295 71
2006 BOS .284 20 163 47 79 80 .339 631 573 .814 104 47 1 153 .475 2 2 272 61
2005 FLA .236 8 118 46 56 58 .298 558 500 .658 77 36 1 150 .360 4 0 180 58
2004 FLA .293 27 175 64 87 85 .365 671 598 .870 127 44 1 158 .505 5 1 302 77
2003 FLA .276 32 136 56 76 105 .350 557 492 .881 128 27 1 130 .530 3 1 261 78
2002 FLA .276 24 165 65 88 92 .346 678 597 .816 116 44 0 160 .471 4 3 281 92
2001 FLA .283 18 156 43 65 100 .340 614 551 .789 106 37 0 146 .448 1 2 247 79
2000 FLA .270 22 137 54 73 91 .344 583 508 .818 110 38 0 140 .474 4 0 241 75
1999 FLA .253 12 78 26 32 47 .317 344 308 .736 90 15 0 97 .419 0 0 129 69
1998 NYY .267 0 4 0 1 0 .267 15 15 .533 42 0 0 8 .267 0 0 4 1

2010 Stats for Mike Lowell

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 73 377th
Plate Appearances 244 337th
At-Bats 218 337th
Runs Scored 23 362nd
Hits 52 344th
Doubles 13 288th
Triples 0 885th
Home Runs 5 306th
Runs Batted In 26 315th
Stolen Bases 0 919th
Caught Stealing 0 895th
Walks 23 302nd
Strikeouts 34 401st
Batting Average .239 476th
On-Base Percentage .307 455th
Slugging Percentage .367 418th
OPS .674 427th
OPS+ 79 470th
Total Bases 80 338th
Grounded Into Double Plays 9 167th
Hit By Pitch 0 934th
Sacrifice Hits 0 956th
Sacrifice Flies 3 192nd
Intentional Walks 1 336th

2009 Stats for Mike Lowell

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 119 203rd
Plate Appearances 484 167th
At-Bats 445 157th
Runs Scored 54 188th
Hits 129 134th
Doubles 29 98th
Triples 1 315th
Home Runs 17 104th
Runs Batted In 75 87th
Stolen Bases 2 315th
Caught Stealing 1 342nd
Walks 33 220th
Strikeouts 61 248th
Batting Average .290 155th
On-Base Percentage .337 292nd
Slugging Percentage .474 147th
OPS .811 173rd
OPS+ 106 211th
Total Bases 211 127th
Grounded Into Double Plays 24 7th
Hit By Pitch 1 426th
Sacrifice Hits 0 995th
Sacrifice Flies 5 94th
Intentional Walks 5 73rd

2008 Stats for Mike Lowell

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 113 212th
Plate Appearances 468 164th
At-Bats 419 166th
Runs Scored 58 165th
Hits 115 156th
Doubles 27 119th
Triples 0 880th
Home Runs 17 110th
Runs Batted In 73 90th
Stolen Bases 2 296th
Caught Stealing 2 201st
Walks 38 174th
Strikeouts 61 228th
Batting Average .274 278th
On-Base Percentage .338 323rd
Slugging Percentage .461 195th
OPS .798 208th
OPS+ 104 240th
Total Bases 193 144th
Grounded Into Double Plays 14 71st
Hit By Pitch 5 124th
Sacrifice Hits 0 946th
Sacrifice Flies 6 56th
Intentional Walks 2 228th

2007 Stats for Mike Lowell

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 154 46th
Plate Appearances 653 49th
At-Bats 589 41st
Runs Scored 79 94th
Hits 191 12th
Doubles 37 45th
Triples 2 202nd
Home Runs 21 72nd
Runs Batted In 120 7th
Stolen Bases 3 235th
Caught Stealing 2 207th
Walks 53 97th
Strikeouts 71 177th
Batting Average .324 95th
On-Base Percentage .378 133rd
Slugging Percentage .501 116th
OPS .879 111th
OPS+ 124 122nd
Total Bases 295 28th
Grounded Into Double Plays 19 26th
Hit By Pitch 3 220th
Sacrifice Hits 0 967th
Sacrifice Flies 8 25th
Intentional Walks 4 107th

2006 Stats for Mike Lowell

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 153 57th
Plate Appearances 631 72nd
At-Bats 573 52nd
Runs Scored 79 102nd
Hits 163 63rd
Doubles 47 8th
Triples 1 320th
Home Runs 20 90th
Runs Batted In 80 83rd
Stolen Bases 2 290th
Caught Stealing 2 222nd
Walks 47 119th
Strikeouts 61 218th
Batting Average .284 239th
On-Base Percentage .339 328th
Slugging Percentage .475 197th
OPS .814 214th
OPS+ 104 247th
Total Bases 272 59th
Grounded Into Double Plays 22 13th
Hit By Pitch 4 184th
Sacrifice Hits 0 991st
Sacrifice Flies 7 39th
Intentional Walks 5 94th

2005 Stats for Mike Lowell

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 150 68th
Plate Appearances 558 112th
At-Bats 500 113th
Runs Scored 56 169th
Hits 118 158th
Doubles 36 41st
Triples 1 301st
Home Runs 8 244th
Runs Batted In 58 146th
Stolen Bases 4 191st
Caught Stealing 0 861st
Walks 46 114th
Strikeouts 58 234th
Batting Average .236 526th
On-Base Percentage .298 525th
Slugging Percentage .360 463rd
OPS .658 497th
OPS+ 77 460th
Total Bases 180 163rd
Grounded Into Double Plays 14 73rd
Hit By Pitch 2 286th
Sacrifice Hits 1 433rd
Sacrifice Flies 9 8th
Intentional Walks 1 304th

2004 Stats for Mike Lowell

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 158 21st
Plate Appearances 671 40th
At-Bats 598 34th
Runs Scored 87 72nd
Hits 175 28th
Doubles 44 12th
Triples 1 311th
Home Runs 27 50th
Runs Batted In 85 58th
Stolen Bases 5 164th
Caught Stealing 1 319th
Walks 64 58th
Strikeouts 77 144th
Batting Average .293 139th
On-Base Percentage .365 152nd
Slugging Percentage .505 97th
OPS .870 102nd
OPS+ 127 93rd
Total Bases 302 33rd
Grounded Into Double Plays 17 38th
Hit By Pitch 6 109th
Sacrifice Hits 0 965th
Sacrifice Flies 3 197th
Intentional Walks 8 39th

2003 Stats for Mike Lowell

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 130 158th
Plate Appearances 557 117th
At-Bats 492 121st
Runs Scored 76 105th
Hits 136 119th
Doubles 27 125th
Triples 1 318th
Home Runs 32 23rd
Runs Batted In 105 23rd
Stolen Bases 3 239th
Caught Stealing 1 347th
Walks 56 76th
Strikeouts 78 133rd
Batting Average .276 258th
On-Base Percentage .350 235th
Slugging Percentage .530 83rd
OPS .881 115th
OPS+ 128 115th
Total Bases 261 64th
Grounded Into Double Plays 14 70th
Hit By Pitch 3 228th
Sacrifice Hits 0 941st
Sacrifice Flies 6 65th
Intentional Walks 6 64th

2002 Stats for Mike Lowell

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 160 9th
Plate Appearances 678 27th
At-Bats 597 28th
Runs Scored 88 57th
Hits 165 42nd
Doubles 44 7th
Triples 0 853rd
Home Runs 24 63rd
Runs Batted In 92 46th
Stolen Bases 4 223rd
Caught Stealing 3 174th
Walks 65 59th
Strikeouts 92 91st
Batting Average .276 245th
On-Base Percentage .346 240th
Slugging Percentage .471 158th
OPS .816 165th
OPS+ 116 164th
Total Bases 281 40th
Grounded Into Double Plays 16 48th
Hit By Pitch 4 172nd
Sacrifice Hits 0 929th
Sacrifice Flies 11 3rd
Intentional Walks 5 89th

2001 Stats for Mike Lowell

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 146 97th
Plate Appearances 614 79th
At-Bats 551 70th
Runs Scored 65 141st
Hits 156 72nd
Doubles 37 34th
Triples 0 869th
Home Runs 18 101st
Runs Batted In 100 45th
Stolen Bases 1 419th
Caught Stealing 2 265th
Walks 43 128th
Strikeouts 79 142nd
Batting Average .283 232nd
On-Base Percentage .340 268th
Slugging Percentage .448 252nd
OPS .789 257th
OPS+ 106 234th
Total Bases 247 81st
Grounded Into Double Plays 9 169th
Hit By Pitch 10 40th
Sacrifice Hits 0 949th
Sacrifice Flies 10 12th
Intentional Walks 3 156th

2000 Stats for Mike Lowell

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 140 121st
Plate Appearances 583 109th
At-Bats 508 114th
Runs Scored 73 134th
Hits 137 126th
Doubles 38 31st
Triples 0 908th
Home Runs 22 82nd
Runs Batted In 91 71st
Stolen Bases 4 234th
Caught Stealing 0 911th
Walks 54 123rd
Strikeouts 75 157th
Batting Average .270 390th
On-Base Percentage .344 375th
Slugging Percentage .474 236th
OPS .818 266th
OPS+ 110 231st
Total Bases 241 98th
Grounded Into Double Plays 4 399th
Hit By Pitch 9 30th
Sacrifice Hits 0 974th
Sacrifice Flies 11 8th
Intentional Walks 4 105th

1999 Stats for Mike Lowell

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 97 285th
Plate Appearances 344 249th
At-Bats 308 251st
Runs Scored 32 301st
Hits 78 263rd
Doubles 15 265th
Triples 0 822nd
Home Runs 12 173rd
Runs Batted In 47 198th
Stolen Bases 0 862nd
Caught Stealing 0 848th
Walks 26 281st
Strikeouts 69 171st
Batting Average .253 445th
On-Base Percentage .317 480th
Slugging Percentage .419 324th
OPS .736 356th
OPS+ 90 335th
Total Bases 129 247th
Grounded Into Double Plays 8 207th
Hit By Pitch 5 115th
Sacrifice Hits 0 912th
Sacrifice Flies 5 105th
Intentional Walks 1 278th

1998 Stats for Mike Lowell

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 8 987th
Plate Appearances 15 808th
At-Bats 15 790th
Runs Scored 1 806th
Hits 4 733rd
Doubles 0 1038th
Triples 0 862nd
Home Runs 0 973rd
Runs Batted In 0 1066th
Stolen Bases 0 909th
Caught Stealing 0 885th
Walks 0 1074th
Strikeouts 1 1009th
Batting Average .267 360th
On-Base Percentage .267 671st
Slugging Percentage .267 693rd
OPS .533 690th
OPS+ 42 692nd
Total Bases 4 771st
Grounded Into Double Plays 0 991st
Hit By Pitch 0 906th
Sacrifice Hits 0 965th
Sacrifice Flies 0 917th
Intentional Walks 0 850th