MLB Team Slugging Percentage Leaders

Concerning the 2024 year, the Los Angeles Dodgers were the best in MLB in slugging % with .446. Positioned in 2nd were the Arizona Diamondbacks, earning a slugging of .440. With a rate of .435, the Baltimore Orioles came in at the 3rd spot. Rounding out the top five were the New York Yankees (.429) and the Philadelphia Phillies (.425).

2024 MLB Team Slugging Percentage Leaders

MLB Team Slugging Percentage Leaders
SLG% Rank Team SLG%
1st Los Angeles Dodgers .446
2nd Arizona Diamondbacks .440
3rd Baltimore Orioles .435
4th New York Yankees .429
5th Philadelphia Phillies .425
6th Boston Red Sox .423
7th San Diego Padres .420
8th Houston Astros .418
9th Atlanta Braves .415
10th New York Mets .415
11th Minnesota Twins .411
12th Kansas City Royals .403
13th Milwaukee Brewers .403
14th Colorado Rockies .400
15th San Francisco Giants .396
16th Cleveland Guardians .395
17th Chicago Cubs .393
18th Oakland Athletics .393
19th St. Louis Cardinals .392
20th Toronto Blue Jays .389
21st Cincinnati Reds .388
22nd Detroit Tigers .385
23rd Texas Rangers .380
24th Miami Marlins .378
25th Seattle Mariners .376
26th Washington Nationals .375
27th Pittsburgh Pirates .371
28th Los Angeles Angels .369
29th Tampa Bay Rays .366
30th Chicago White Sox .340

2023 MLB Team Slugging Percentage Leaders

SLG% Rank Team SLG%
1st Atlanta Braves .501
2nd Los Angeles Dodgers .455
3rd Texas Rangers .452
4th Tampa Bay Rays .445
5th Philadelphia Phillies .438
6th Houston Astros .437
7th Minnesota Twins .428
8th Los Angeles Angels .426
9th Boston Red Sox .424
10th Baltimore Orioles .421
11th Chicago Cubs .421
12th Cincinnati Reds .420
13th Toronto Blue Jays .417
14th St. Louis Cardinals .416
15th San Diego Padres .413
16th Seattle Mariners .413
17th Arizona Diamondbacks .408
18th New York Mets .407
19th Colorado Rockies .405
20th Miami Marlins .405
21st Kansas City Royals .398
22nd New York Yankees .397
23rd Washington Nationals .396
24th Pittsburgh Pirates .392
25th Milwaukee Brewers .385
26th Chicago White Sox .384
27th San Francisco Giants .383
28th Detroit Tigers .382
29th Cleveland Guardians .381
30th Oakland Athletics .370

2022 MLB Team Slugging Percentage Leaders

SLG% Rank Team SLG%
1st Atlanta Braves .443
2nd Los Angeles Dodgers .442
3rd Toronto Blue Jays .431
4th New York Yankees .426
5th Houston Astros .424
6th Philadelphia Phillies .422
7th St. Louis Cardinals .420
8th New York Mets .412
9th Boston Red Sox .409
10th Milwaukee Brewers .409
11th Minnesota Twins .401
12th Colorado Rockies .398
13th Texas Rangers .395
14th Baltimore Orioles .390
15th Los Angeles Angels .390
16th Seattle Mariners .390
17th San Francisco Giants .390
18th Chicago Cubs .387
19th Chicago White Sox .387
20th Arizona Diamondbacks .385
21st Cleveland Guardians .383
22nd San Diego Padres .382
23rd Kansas City Royals .380
24th Tampa Bay Rays .377
25th Washington Nationals .377
26th Cincinnati Reds .372
27th Pittsburgh Pirates .364
28th Miami Marlins .363
29th Detroit Tigers .346
30th Oakland Athletics .346

2021 MLB Team Slugging Percentage Leaders

SLG% Rank Team SLG%
1st Toronto Blue Jays .466
2nd Boston Red Sox .449
3rd Houston Astros .444
4th San Francisco Giants .440
5th Atlanta Braves .435
6th Cincinnati Reds .431
7th Los Angeles Dodgers .429
8th Tampa Bay Rays .429
9th Minnesota Twins .423
10th Chicago White Sox .422
11th Washington Nationals .417
12th Colorado Rockies .414
13th St. Louis Cardinals .412
14th Philadelphia Phillies .408
15th Chicago Cubs .407
16th Cleveland Indians .407
17th Los Angeles Angels .407
18th New York Yankees .407
19th Oakland Athletics .406
20th Baltimore Orioles .402
21st San Diego Padres .401
22nd Detroit Tigers .399
23rd Kansas City Royals .396
24th Milwaukee Brewers .396
25th New York Mets .391
26th Seattle Mariners .385
27th Arizona Diamondbacks .382
28th Texas Rangers .375
29th Miami Marlins .372
30th Pittsburgh Pirates .364

2020 MLB Team Slugging Percentage Leaders

SLG% Rank Team SLG%
1st Atlanta Braves .483
2nd Los Angeles Dodgers .483
3rd San Diego Padres .466
4th New York Mets .459
5th Chicago White Sox .453
6th San Francisco Giants .451
7th New York Yankees .447
8th Boston Red Sox .445
9th Toronto Blue Jays .441
10th Philadelphia Phillies .439
11th Washington Nationals .433
12th Los Angeles Angels .430
13th Baltimore Orioles .429
14th Minnesota Twins .427
15th Tampa Bay Rays .425
16th Houston Astros .408
17th Colorado Rockies .405
18th Cincinnati Reds .403
19th Kansas City Royals .402
20th Detroit Tigers .397
21st Oakland Athletics .396
22nd Arizona Diamondbacks .391
23rd Milwaukee Brewers .389
24th Chicago Cubs .387
25th Miami Marlins .384
26th Cleveland Indians .372
27th St. Louis Cardinals .371
28th Seattle Mariners .370
29th Texas Rangers .364
30th Pittsburgh Pirates .357

2019 MLB Team Slugging Percentage Leaders

SLG% Rank Team SLG%
1st Houston Astros .495
2nd Minnesota Twins .494
3rd New York Yankees .490
4th Los Angeles Dodgers .472
5th Boston Red Sox .466
6th Colorado Rockies .456
7th Washington Nationals .454
8th Atlanta Braves .452
9th Chicago Cubs .452
10th Oakland Athletics .448
11th New York Mets .442
12th Milwaukee Brewers .438
13th Arizona Diamondbacks .434
14th Cleveland Indians .432
15th Tampa Bay Rays .431
16th Texas Rangers .431
17th Toronto Blue Jays .428
18th Philadelphia Phillies .427
19th Seattle Mariners .424
20th Cincinnati Reds .422
21st Los Angeles Angels .422
22nd Pittsburgh Pirates .420
23rd Baltimore Orioles .415
24th St. Louis Cardinals .415
25th Chicago White Sox .414
26th San Diego Padres .410
27th Kansas City Royals .401
28th San Francisco Giants .392
29th Detroit Tigers .388
30th Miami Marlins .375

2018 MLB Team Slugging Percentage Leaders

SLG% Rank Team SLG%
1st Boston Red Sox .453
2nd New York Yankees .451
3rd Los Angeles Dodgers .442
4th Oakland Athletics .439
5th Colorado Rockies .435
6th Cleveland Indians .434
7th Toronto Blue Jays .427
8th Houston Astros .425
9th Milwaukee Brewers .424
10th Washington Nationals .419
11th Atlanta Braves .417
12th Los Angeles Angels .413
13th Chicago Cubs .410
14th St. Louis Cardinals .409
15th Seattle Mariners .408
16th Pittsburgh Pirates .407
17th Tampa Bay Rays .406
18th Minnesota Twins .405
19th Texas Rangers .404
20th Chicago White Sox .401
21st Cincinnati Reds .401
22nd Arizona Diamondbacks .397
23rd Philadelphia Phillies .393
24th Kansas City Royals .392
25th Baltimore Orioles .391
26th New York Mets .389
27th Detroit Tigers .380
28th San Diego Padres .380
29th San Francisco Giants .368
30th Miami Marlins .357

2017 MLB Team Slugging Percentage Leaders

SLG% Rank Team SLG%
1st Houston Astros .478
2nd Cleveland Indians .449
3rd Washington Nationals .449
4th New York Yankees .447
5th Arizona Diamondbacks .445
6th Colorado Rockies .444
7th Chicago Cubs .437
8th Los Angeles Dodgers .437
9th Oakland Athletics .436
10th Baltimore Orioles .435
11th Minnesota Twins .434
12th New York Mets .434
13th Cincinnati Reds .433
14th Miami Marlins .431
15th Texas Rangers .430
16th Milwaukee Brewers .429
17th St. Louis Cardinals .426
18th Detroit Tigers .424
19th Seattle Mariners .424
20th Tampa Bay Rays .422
21st Kansas City Royals .420
22nd Chicago White Sox .417
23rd Atlanta Braves .412
24th Toronto Blue Jays .412
25th Philadelphia Phillies .409
26th Boston Red Sox .407
27th Los Angeles Angels .397
28th San Diego Padres .393
29th Pittsburgh Pirates .386
30th San Francisco Giants .380

2016 MLB Team Slugging Percentage Leaders

SLG% Rank Team SLG%
1st Boston Red Sox .461
2nd Colorado Rockies .457
3rd Baltimore Orioles .443
4th St. Louis Cardinals .442
5th Detroit Tigers .438
6th Texas Rangers .433
7th Arizona Diamondbacks .432
8th Cleveland Indians .430
9th Seattle Mariners .430
10th Chicago Cubs .429
11th Tampa Bay Rays .426
12th Toronto Blue Jays .426
13th Washington Nationals .426
14th Minnesota Twins .421
15th Houston Astros .417
16th New York Mets .417
17th Chicago White Sox .410
18th Los Angeles Dodgers .409
19th Cincinnati Reds .408
20th Milwaukee Brewers .407
21st Los Angeles Angels .405
22nd New York Yankees .405
23rd Pittsburgh Pirates .402
24th Kansas City Royals .400
25th San Francisco Giants .398
26th Oakland Athletics .395
27th Miami Marlins .394
28th San Diego Padres .390
29th Atlanta Braves .384
30th Philadelphia Phillies .384

2015 MLB Team Slugging Percentage Leaders

SLG% Rank Team SLG%
1st Toronto Blue Jays .457
2nd Houston Astros .437
3rd Colorado Rockies .432
4th Baltimore Orioles .421
5th New York Yankees .421
6th Detroit Tigers .420
7th Boston Red Sox .415
8th Arizona Diamondbacks .414
9th Los Angeles Dodgers .413
10th Texas Rangers .413
11th Kansas City Royals .412
12th Seattle Mariners .411
13th San Francisco Giants .406
14th Tampa Bay Rays .406
15th Washington Nationals .403
16th Cleveland Indians .401
17th New York Mets .400
18th Minnesota Twins .399
19th Chicago Cubs .398
20th Los Angeles Angels .396
21st Pittsburgh Pirates .396
22nd Oakland Athletics .395
23rd Cincinnati Reds .394
24th St. Louis Cardinals .394
25th Milwaukee Brewers .393
26th San Diego Padres .385
27th Miami Marlins .384
28th Philadelphia Phillies .382
29th Chicago White Sox .380
30th Atlanta Braves .359