Norm Snead Stats

Norm Snead Stats

Snead passed for 196 TD’s compared to 257 interceptions. His touchdown percentage was 4.5% and his interception percentage was 5.9%. He lost a total of 2,100 yards while being the victim of a QB sack 350 times. He finished with 173.0 passing yards per game. During the 178 games in his career, Snead connected on 2,276 of 4,353 tries for a total of 30,797 yds.

Snead completed 0 of his attempted 0 passes in his last year for a completion percentage of 0.0%. His longest completion went for 0 yards and he averaged 0.0 yds per contest. His QB rating was 0.0 with a touchdown rate of 0.0% and an interception percentage of 0.0%. In his last year, Snead threw for a total of 0 yds with 0 touchdowns and 0 interceptions. He was sacked 0 times totaling 0 yards lost.