OG Anunoby Stats

In relation to making the extra pass, Anunoby has a total of 695 assists, in addition to putting up 543 steals and 232 blocks. He is averaging 4.3 rebounds as well as 1.6 assists per contest. He has tallied 1,841 rebounds in total during his career by way of 1,380 on the defensive end and 461 offensive. With an eFG% of 56.1%, he has additionally tallied 560 giveaways and tallied 1,025 infractions. Anunoby has garnered a 74.9% clip at the charity stripe by making 545 of his 728 shots. He has compiled a 55.7% shooting percentage of by knocking down 1,243 of 2,231 shot attempts. Having racked up 1,899 three point attempts in his career, he has recorded a shooting percentage of 37.7% by knocking down 716 of those shots. Taking the court with a field goal percentage of 47.4%, Anunoby has knocked down 1,959 shots of his 4,130 attempts. He records 2.0 assists, snags 5.3 rebounds and accounts for 14.9 per 36 mins. Anunoby has accumulated 5,179 points so far in his career, is averaging 12.1 points per outing and was named a starter in 355 matchups. OG Anunoby has accumulated 12,548 minutes and has played in 429 games in his career.