Pedro Martinez Stats

Martinez has taken the mound for 2,827 innings and is sitting with 3,154 K’s thus far in his career. His earned run average is 2.93 (919 ER’s allowed) and his career WHIP is 1.054. He has given up 2,221 base knocks (7.1 hits per 9 innings) and has had 760 walks. Martinez (219-100 career mark) is the owner of a FIP of 2.91 while going up against 11,394 opposing batters in the major leagues.

Pedro Martinez Stats

Pedro Martinez Stats
Career 476 2827.1 219 100 1.054 2.93 2,221 760 3,154 2.91 3 409 239 919 1,006 11,394 4.15 7.1 10.0
2009 PHI 9 44.2 5 1 1.254 3.63 48 8 37 4.28 0 9 7 18 18 191 4.63 9.7 7.5
2008 NYM 20 109.0 5 6 1.569 5.61 127 44 87 5.18 0 20 19 68 70 493 1.98 10.5 7.2
2007 NYM 5 28.0 3 1 1.429 2.57 33 7 32 1.92 0 5 0 8 11 128 4.57 10.6 10.3
2006 NYM 23 132.2 9 8 1.108 4.48 108 39 137 4.05 0 23 19 66 72 550 3.51 7.3 9.3
2005 NYM 31 217.0 15 8 0.949 2.82 159 47 208 2.95 0 31 19 68 69 843 4.43 6.6 8.6
2004 BOS 33 217.0 16 9 1.171 3.90 193 61 227 3.58 0 33 26 94 99 903 3.72 8.0 9.4
2003 BOS 29 186.2 14 4 1.039 2.22 147 47 206 2.21 0 29 7 46 52 749 4.38 7.1 9.9
2002 BOS 30 199.1 20 4 0.923 2.26 144 40 239 2.24 0 30 13 50 62 787 5.98 6.5 10.8
2001 BOS 18 116.2 7 3 0.934 2.39 84 25 163 1.61 0 18 5 31 33 456 6.52 6.5 12.6
2000 BOS 29 217.0 18 6 0.737 1.74 128 32 284 2.17 0 29 17 42 44 817 8.88 5.3 11.8
1999 BOS 31 213.1 23 4 0.923 2.07 160 37 313 1.39 0 29 9 49 56 835 8.46 6.8 13.2
1998 BOS 33 233.2 19 7 1.091 2.89 188 67 251 3.40 0 33 26 75 82 951 3.75 7.2 9.7
1997 MON 31 241.1 17 8 0.932 1.90 158 67 305 2.39 0 31 16 51 65 947 4.55 5.9 11.4
1996 MON 33 216.2 13 10 1.195 3.70 189 70 222 3.27 0 33 19 89 100 901 3.17 7.9 9.2
1995 MON 30 194.2 14 10 1.151 3.51 158 66 174 3.90 0 30 21 76 79 784 2.64 7.3 8.0
1994 MON 24 144.2 11 5 1.106 3.42 115 45 142 3.32 1 23 11 55 58 584 3.16 7.2 8.8
1993 LAD 65 107.0 10 5 1.243 2.61 76 57 119 3.08 2 2 5 31 34 444 2.09 6.4 10.0
1992 LAD 2 8.0 0 1 0.875 2.25 6 1 8 1.16 0 1 0 2 2 31 8.00 6.8 9.0