Pete Alonso vs Vladimir Guerrero Jr. Stats

Pete Alonso vs Vladimir Guerrero Jr.

In his professional baseball career, Alonso has hit 226 balls out of the park while driving in 586 runs. During his time in professional baseball, he stepped up to bat 3,607 times and came through with a base base hit 781 times. He has amassed a slugging percentage of .514 and he has accumulated 1,615 bases. He has gone down on strikes 822 times and has walked on 358 occasions, which has contributed to a .339 OBP. Alonso has recorded a batting average of .249 for his baseball career with 493 scored runs and an OPS of .854.

Guerrero Jr. has recorded a walk 349 times while striking out on 551 tries. His on-base rate is .363 and he has a lifetime OPS of .863. He has tallied 475 runs and also has 507 RBIs. He has hit a home run 160 times, with 1,574 total bases and a .500 slugging percentage. For the 3,145 at-bats in his professional career, Guerrero Jr. has an average at the plate of .288 with 905 base hits.

Pete Alonso vs Vladimir Guerrero Jr. Stats

Pete Alonso Career Vladimir Guerrero Jr.
846 Games Played 819
3,607 Plate Appearances 3,540
3,139 At-Bats 3,145
493 Runs 475
781 Hits 905
142 Doubles 177
7 Triples 6
226 Home Runs 160
586 Runs Batted In 507
17 Stolen Bases 20
2 Caught Stealing 10
358 Walks 349
822 Strikeouts 551
.249 Batting Average .288
.339 On-Base Percentage .363
.514 Slugging Percentage .500
0.854 OPS 0.863
1,615 Total Bases 1,574
85 Grounded Into Double Plays 108
85 Hit By Pitch 30

On the campaign, Alonso is sitting with 91 runs, knocked in 88 RBI and has earned 34 home runs. He has taken a base 70 times and has an OBP of .329. Alonso has 146 hits in 608 AB’s for a batting average of .240. He has been struck out 172 times while accruing 279 total bases. He has accrued an OPS of 0.788 and a SLG of .459.

Guerrero Jr. has recorded 335 bases in total with 199 hits in 616 at-bats. He is sitting with an on-base percentage of .396 as well as 72 free passes and 96 K’s. Since the beginning of the season, Vladimir Guerrero Jr. has knocked in 103 runs and has accumulated a slugging percentage of .544. He has racked up 98 runs so far this year and has drilled 30 balls out of the park. He is sitting with a batting average at the plate of .323 while having an OPS of .940.

Pete Alonso (2024) Stat Vladimir Guerrero Jr. (2024)
162 Games Played 159
695 Plate Appearances 697
608 At-Bats 616
91 Runs Scored 98
146 Hits 199
31 Doubles 44
0 Triples 1
34 Home Runs 30
88 Runs Batted In 103
3 Stolen Bases 2
0 Caught Stealing 2
70 Walks 72
172 Strikeouts 96
.240 Batting Average .323
.329 On-Base Percentage .396
.459 Slugging Percentage .544
0.788 OPS 0.940
123 OPS+ 166
279 Total Bases 335
14 Grounded Into Double Play 16
13 Hit By Pitch 5