Raymond Felton Stats

Raymond Felton has played in 971 contests during his pro basketball career and garnered 28,829 mins in those matchups. Felton has started in 659 games, and in those games he holds an average of 11.2 points per contest and has earned 10,853 points in all. He compiles 13.6 points per 36 minutes, as well as snagging 3.6 rebounds and earning 6.4 assists thus far in his career. By putting in 4,105 shots of 9,959 tries, Felton has recorded a 41.2% FG%. By burying 925 out of 2,813 baskets from 3-point range, he has accounted for a 3pt percentage of 32.9%. By converting 3,180 out of 7,146 2pt attempts, he has accumulated an average of 44.5%. Felton has knocked down 1,718 out of 2,175 shots at the free throw line, which had him earning a rate of 79.0%. Being the owner of an eFG% of 45.9%, he has also had 1,870 infractions and 2,008 giveaways. Sitting with 2,315 defensive rebounds and 552 on the offensive end, Felton has a tally of 2,867 total rebounds in his career. He has a tally of 1,144 steals, in addition to 207 rejections and 5,096 assists. When it comes to stats per game, Felton is averaging 5.2 dimes in addition to 3.0 rebounds.

Raymond Felton Stats