Roger Staubach vs Troy Aikman Stats

In 131 contests in his career, Staubach completed 1,685 of 2,958 attempts for a total of 22,700 yards. He averaged 173.3 yds per contest through the air with a 83.4 QB rating. Staubach passed for 153 touchdowns while tossing 109 picks and the longest pass of his career went for 91 yds. He was driven back 2,154 yards while being sacked 313 different times. His touchdown rate on pass attempts was 5.2% and his interception rate was 3.7%.

In the 165 contests in his career, Aikman completed 2,898 of his 4,715 tries for 32,942 yards. He accumulated 199.6 yds per contest through the air with a 81.6 quarterback rating. Aikman passed for 165 touchdowns while tossing 141 picks and the longest pass of his career went for 90 yards. He lost a combined 1,748 yards while being the victim of a quarterback sack 259 times. His touchdown percentage when attempting a pass was 3.5% and his interception percentage was 3.0%.

Roger Staubach vs Troy Aikman Stats

Roger Staubach Career Troy Aikman
131 Games Played 165
1,685 Completions 2,898
2,958 Pass Attempts 4,715
57.0% Completion % 61.5%
22,700 Passing Yards 32,942
153 Passing Touchdowns 165
5.2% Touchdown Percentage 3.5%
109 Interceptions 141
3.7% Interception Percentage 3.0%
91 Longest Pass 90
7.7 Yards Per Pass Attempt 7.0
7.1 Adjusted Yards Per Pass Attempt 6.3
13.5 Yards Per Completion 11.4
173.3 Passing Yards Per Game 199.6
83.4 Quarterback Rating 81.6
313 Times Sacked 259
2,154 Yards Lost by Sack 1,748
6.3 Net Yards Per Pass Attempt 6.3
5.7 Adjusted Net Yards Per Attempt 5.7
9.6% Sack Percentage 5.2%

In his final year, Staubach threw for a total of 3,586 yds with 27 TDs and 11 picks. He was sacked 31 different times for a total of 186 yards lost. He had a QB rating of 97.3 with a touchdown percentage of 5.9% and an interception percentage of 2.4%. His longest pass was 55 yds and he passed for 224.1 yards per outing. Staubach connected on 267 of his 461 tosses in his last year for a completion percentage of 57.9%.

Aikman passed for 7 TDs in his last season while tossing 14 picks and his longest throw of the year went for 48 yds. His TD percentage when attempting a pass was 2.7% and his interception percentage was 5.3%. He lost a total of 156 yards while being sacked 26 different times. He averaged 148.4 yards per contest through the air with a 71.9 quarterback rating. During his 11 games played in his final season, Aikman was successful on 156 of his 262 attempts for a total of 1,632 yards.

Roger Staubach (1979) Most Recent Season Troy Aikman (2000)
16 Games Played 11
267 Completions 156
461 Pass Attempts 262
57.9% Completion % 59.5%
3,586 Passing Yards 1,632
27 Passing Touchdowns 7
5.9% Touchdown Percentage 2.7%
11 Interceptions 14
2.4% Interception Percentage 5.3%
55 Longest Pass 48
7.8 Yards Per Pass Attempt 6.2
7.9 Adjusted Yards Per Pass Attempt 4.4
13.4 Yards Per Completion 10.5
224.1 Passing Yards Per Game 148.4
97.3 Quarterback Rating 71.9
31 Times Sacked 26
186 Yards Lost by Sack 156
6.9 Net Yards Per Pass Attempt 5.1
7.0 Adjusted Net Yards Per Attempt 3.4
6.7% Sack Percentage 9.9%