Rueben Randle Stats

Rueben Randle stepped onto the gridiron in 64 games throughout his career. His catch percentage was 57.5% and he earned that by catching 188 of the 327 passes that went in his direction. He earned 2,644 yards and had an average of 14.1 yards per catch. In his career, Randle pulled in 20 touchdowns and had a long reception of 72 yards. His receptions per contest and yards per game average were 2.9 and 41.3 yards.

Randle stepped onto the field in 16 contests in his last year. His catch percentage in his final season was 61.7% and he earned that by catching 57 out of the 92 passes that went his way. He earned a total of 797 yards in his last year and had an average of 14.0 yards/reception. In his last season, Randle ended up with 8 receiving touchdowns and had a long catch of 72 yards. Randle accounted for 797 yards in his last year.

Rueben Randle Stats

Year Team Rec Yards Y/R G GS TD 1D Lng R/G Y/G Fmb
Career 188 2,644 14.1 64 33 20 125 72 2.9 41.3 0
2015 NYG 57 797 14.0 16 16 8 36 72 3.6 49.8 0
2014 NYG 71 938 13.2 16 13 3 48 49 4.4 58.6 0
2013 NYG 41 611 14.9 16 3 6 28 37 2.6 38.2 3
2012 NYG 19 298 15.7 16 1 3 13 56 1.2 18.6 1

2015 Stats for Rueben Randle

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 35th
Games Started 16 17th
Receptions 57 55th
Receiving Yards 797 43rd
Yards Per Reception 14.0 83rd
Receiving Touchdowns 8 24th
1st Down Catches 36 48th
Longest Reception 72 21st
Receptions Per Game 3.6 81st
Receiving Yards Per Game 49.8 57th
Fumbles 0 13th

2014 Stats for Rueben Randle

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 22nd
Games Started 13 77th
Receptions 71 32nd
Receiving Yards 938 28th
Yards Per Reception 13.2 105th
Receiving Touchdowns 3 80th
1st Down Catches 48 26th
Longest Reception 49 89th
Receptions Per Game 4.4 42nd
Receiving Yards Per Game 58.6 33rd
Fumbles 0 11th

2013 Stats for Rueben Randle

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 65th
Games Started 3 236th
Receptions 41 106th
Receiving Yards 611 65th
Yards Per Reception 14.9 73rd
Receiving Touchdowns 6 36th
1st Down Catches 28 80th
Longest Reception 37 145th
Receptions Per Game 2.6 137th
Receiving Yards Per Game 38.2 92nd
Fumbles 3 1177th

2012 Stats for Rueben Randle

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 91st
Games Started 1 316th
Receptions 19 194th
Receiving Yards 298 144th
Yards Per Reception 15.7 47th
Receiving Touchdowns 3 106th
1st Down Catches 13 157th
Longest Reception 56 64th
Receptions Per Game 1.2 228th
Receiving Yards Per Game 18.6 176th
Fumbles 1 1070th