Ryan Braun Stats

Braun has an average at the plate of .295 for his career with 1,094 runs scored and an OPS of .293. For his career, he stepped up to the plate 7,481 times and has delivered with a base knock 1,993 times. He has recorded a slugging percentage of -.064 and he has a total of 3,588 bases. In his MLB career, Braun has hit 360 balls over the fence while driving in 1,180 runs. He has struck out 1,390 times and has gotten a free base on 593 attempts at the plate, which contributes in part to a .357 OBP.

Since the start of the campaign, Ryan Braun has hit in 26 runs and also has earned a slugging percentage of .488. He has earned an OBP of .281 as well as 7 walks and 27 strikeouts. Braun has accounted for 63 total bases with 30 base hits out of 129 at-bats. He is sitting with a batting average of .233 in addition to holding an OPS of .769. He has notched 14 runs on the year and has hit 8 balls out of the park.

Career .295 360 1,993 593 1,094 1,180 .357 7,481 6,751 .293 N/A 415 50 1,805 -.064 217 60 3,588 1,390
2020 MIL .233 8 30 7 14 26 .281 141 129 .769 101 7 1 39 .488 1 0 63 27
2019 MIL .285 22 131 34 70 75 .343 508 459 .849 116 31 2 144 .505 11 1 232 105
2018 MIL .254 20 103 34 59 64 .313 447 405 .782 107 25 1 125 .469 11 5 190 85
2017 MIL .268 17 102 38 58 52 .336 425 380 .823 111 28 2 104 .487 12 4 185 76
2016 MIL .305 30 156 46 80 91 .365 564 511 .903 135 23 3 135 .538 16 5 275 98
2015 MIL .285 25 144 54 87 84 .356 568 506 .854 131 27 3 140 .498 24 4 252 115
2014 MIL .266 19 141 41 68 81 .324 580 530 .777 113 30 6 135 .453 11 5 240 113
2013 MIL .298 9 67 27 30 38 .372 253 225 .869 136 14 2 61 .498 4 5 112 56
2012 MIL .319 41 191 63 108 112 .391 677 598 .987 158 36 3 154 .595 30 7 356 128
2011 MIL .332 33 187 58 109 111 .397 629 563 .994 166 38 6 150 .597 33 6 336 93
2010 MIL .304 25 188 56 101 103 .365 685 619 .866 131 45 1 157 .501 14 3 310 105
2009 MIL .320 32 203 57 113 114 .386 708 635 .937 146 39 6 158 .551 20 6 350 121
2008 MIL .285 37 174 42 92 106 .335 663 611 .888 130 39 7 151 .553 14 4 338 129
2007 MIL .324 34 146 29 91 97 .370 492 451 1.004 154 26 6 113 .634 15 5 286 112

2020 Stats for Ryan Braun

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 39 238th
Plate Appearances 141 216th
At-Bats 129 214th
Runs Scored 14 258th
Hits 30 220th
Doubles 7 159th
Triples 1 77th
Home Runs 8 95th
Runs Batted In 26 95th
Stolen Bases 1 190th
Caught Stealing 0 248th
Walks 7 318th
Strikeouts 27 269th
Batting Average .233 306th
On-Base Percentage .281 410th
Slugging Percentage .488 118th
OPS .769 204th
OPS+ 101 236th
Total Bases 63 169th
Grounded Into Double Plays 6 24th
Hit By Pitch 2 131st
Sacrifice Hits 0 160th
Sacrifice Flies 1 119th
Intentional Walks 0 186th

2019 Stats for Ryan Braun

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 144 80th
Plate Appearances 508 132nd
At-Bats 459 128th
Runs Scored 70 108th
Hits 131 102nd
Doubles 31 58th
Triples 2 115th
Home Runs 22 100th
Runs Batted In 75 84th
Stolen Bases 11 59th
Caught Stealing 1 214th
Walks 34 186th
Strikeouts 105 141st
Batting Average .285 132nd
On-Base Percentage .343 203rd
Slugging Percentage .505 142nd
OPS .849 150th
OPS+ 116 168th
Total Bases 232 93rd
Grounded Into Double Plays 15 29th
Hit By Pitch 8 53rd
Sacrifice Hits 0 503rd
Sacrifice Flies 3 130th
Intentional Walks 1 182nd

2018 Stats for Ryan Braun

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 125 174th
Plate Appearances 447 190th
At-Bats 405 180th
Runs Scored 59 147th
Hits 103 173rd
Doubles 25 110th
Triples 1 228th
Home Runs 20 92nd
Runs Batted In 64 105th
Stolen Bases 11 70th
Caught Stealing 5 48th
Walks 34 184th
Strikeouts 85 202nd
Batting Average .254 307th
On-Base Percentage .313 398th
Slugging Percentage .469 166th
OPS .782 209th
OPS+ 107 242nd
Total Bases 190 143rd
Grounded Into Double Plays 8 174th
Hit By Pitch 2 290th
Sacrifice Hits 0 491st
Sacrifice Flies 3 140th
Intentional Walks 5 42nd

2017 Stats for Ryan Braun

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 104 255th
Plate Appearances 425 204th
At-Bats 380 199th
Runs Scored 58 161st
Hits 102 180th
Doubles 28 84th
Triples 2 131st
Home Runs 17 148th
Runs Batted In 52 187th
Stolen Bases 12 64th
Caught Stealing 4 79th
Walks 38 162nd
Strikeouts 76 229th
Batting Average .268 253rd
On-Base Percentage .336 254th
Slugging Percentage .487 152nd
OPS .823 168th
OPS+ 111 194th
Total Bases 185 173rd
Grounded Into Double Plays 15 52nd
Hit By Pitch 3 207th
Sacrifice Hits 0 519th
Sacrifice Flies 4 81st
Intentional Walks 2 144th

2016 Stats for Ryan Braun

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 135 133rd
Plate Appearances 564 112th
At-Bats 511 110th
Runs Scored 80 66th
Hits 156 63rd
Doubles 23 143rd
Triples 3 89th
Home Runs 30 32nd
Runs Batted In 91 40th
Stolen Bases 16 41st
Caught Stealing 5 53rd
Walks 46 102nd
Strikeouts 98 145th
Batting Average .305 81st
On-Base Percentage .365 96th
Slugging Percentage .538 52nd
OPS .903 60th
OPS+ 135 60th
Total Bases 275 43rd
Grounded Into Double Plays 20 12th
Hit By Pitch 4 146th
Sacrifice Hits 0 541st
Sacrifice Flies 3 144th
Intentional Walks 10 11th

2015 Stats for Ryan Braun

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 140 113th
Plate Appearances 568 96th
At-Bats 506 104th
Runs Scored 87 31st
Hits 144 79th
Doubles 27 88th
Triples 3 103rd
Home Runs 25 39th
Runs Batted In 84 36th
Stolen Bases 24 16th
Caught Stealing 4 84th
Walks 54 52nd
Strikeouts 115 67th
Batting Average .285 171st
On-Base Percentage .356 134th
Slugging Percentage .498 107th
OPS .854 97th
OPS+ 131 96th
Total Bases 252 53rd
Grounded Into Double Plays 20 16th
Hit By Pitch 4 135th
Sacrifice Hits 0 572nd
Sacrifice Flies 3 145th
Intentional Walks 4 74th

2014 Stats for Ryan Braun

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 135 125th
Plate Appearances 580 85th
At-Bats 530 83rd
Runs Scored 68 82nd
Hits 141 82nd
Doubles 30 65th
Triples 6 25th
Home Runs 19 61st
Runs Batted In 81 37th
Stolen Bases 11 79th
Caught Stealing 5 48th
Walks 41 111th
Strikeouts 113 77th
Batting Average .266 245th
On-Base Percentage .324 265th
Slugging Percentage .453 114th
OPS .777 132nd
OPS+ 113 167th
Total Bases 240 59th
Grounded Into Double Plays 17 34th
Hit By Pitch 6 75th
Sacrifice Hits 0 563rd
Sacrifice Flies 3 157th
Intentional Walks 3 87th

2013 Stats for Ryan Braun

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 61 440th
Plate Appearances 253 338th
At-Bats 225 342nd
Runs Scored 30 301st
Hits 67 285th
Doubles 14 263rd
Triples 2 133rd
Home Runs 9 208th
Runs Batted In 38 217th
Stolen Bases 4 188th
Caught Stealing 5 58th
Walks 27 229th
Strikeouts 56 296th
Batting Average .298 92nd
On-Base Percentage .372 70th
Slugging Percentage .498 67th
OPS .869 56th
OPS+ 136 62nd
Total Bases 112 269th
Grounded Into Double Plays 8 177th
Hit By Pitch 0 586th
Sacrifice Hits 0 570th
Sacrifice Flies 1 311th
Intentional Walks 7 22nd

2012 Stats for Ryan Braun

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 154 46th
Plate Appearances 677 23rd
At-Bats 598 31st
Runs Scored 108 3rd
Hits 191 7th
Doubles 36 29th
Triples 3 92nd
Home Runs 41 5th
Runs Batted In 112 4th
Stolen Bases 30 19th
Caught Stealing 7 26th
Walks 63 33rd
Strikeouts 128 46th
Batting Average .319 56th
On-Base Percentage .391 55th
Slugging Percentage .595 18th
OPS .987 33rd
OPS+ 158 39th
Total Bases 356 2nd
Grounded Into Double Plays 12 81st
Hit By Pitch 11 17th
Sacrifice Hits 0 600th
Sacrifice Flies 5 52nd
Intentional Walks 15 7th

2011 Stats for Ryan Braun

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 150 56th
Plate Appearances 629 54th
At-Bats 563 51st
Runs Scored 109 6th
Hits 187 12th
Doubles 38 16th
Triples 6 27th
Home Runs 33 10th
Runs Batted In 111 7th
Stolen Bases 33 16th
Caught Stealing 6 56th
Walks 58 54th
Strikeouts 93 99th
Batting Average .332 51st
On-Base Percentage .397 61st
Slugging Percentage .597 27th
OPS .994 35th
OPS+ 166 34th
Total Bases 336 4th
Grounded Into Double Plays 9 146th
Hit By Pitch 5 92nd
Sacrifice Hits 0 600th
Sacrifice Flies 3 156th
Intentional Walks 2 177th

2010 Stats for Ryan Braun

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 157 22nd
Plate Appearances 685 17th
At-Bats 619 12th
Runs Scored 101 13th
Hits 188 6th
Doubles 45 5th
Triples 1 243rd
Home Runs 25 38th
Runs Batted In 103 16th
Stolen Bases 14 60th
Caught Stealing 3 113th
Walks 56 77th
Strikeouts 105 73rd
Batting Average .304 81st
On-Base Percentage .365 121st
Slugging Percentage .501 72nd
OPS .866 81st
OPS+ 131 83rd
Total Bases 310 11th
Grounded Into Double Plays 17 33rd
Hit By Pitch 6 73rd
Sacrifice Hits 0 589th
Sacrifice Flies 3 163rd
Intentional Walks 1 271st

2009 Stats for Ryan Braun

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 158 19th
Plate Appearances 708 10th
At-Bats 635 7th
Runs Scored 113 4th
Hits 203 4th
Doubles 39 22nd
Triples 6 35th
Home Runs 32 20th
Runs Batted In 114 6th
Stolen Bases 20 39th
Caught Stealing 6 50th
Walks 57 83rd
Strikeouts 121 40th
Batting Average .320 61st
On-Base Percentage .386 93rd
Slugging Percentage .551 46th
OPS .937 54th
OPS+ 146 45th
Total Bases 350 4th
Grounded Into Double Plays 6 259th
Hit By Pitch 13 9th
Sacrifice Hits 0 638th
Sacrifice Flies 3 177th
Intentional Walks 1 258th

2008 Stats for Ryan Braun

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 151 61st
Plate Appearances 663 38th
At-Bats 611 23rd
Runs Scored 92 44th
Hits 174 34th
Doubles 39 31st
Triples 7 11th
Home Runs 37 4th
Runs Batted In 106 18th
Stolen Bases 14 54th
Caught Stealing 4 73rd
Walks 42 151st
Strikeouts 129 27th
Batting Average .285 205th
On-Base Percentage .335 340th
Slugging Percentage .553 54th
OPS .888 90th
OPS+ 130 94th
Total Bases 338 2nd
Grounded Into Double Plays 13 82nd
Hit By Pitch 6 79th
Sacrifice Hits 0 574th
Sacrifice Flies 4 120th
Intentional Walks 4 107th