Scott Rolen vs Todd Helton Stats

Scott Rolen vs Todd Helton

In his career, Rolen has drilled 324 balls out of the park while driving in 1,326 runs. Over the course of his pro career, he approached the plate 8,848 times and has come through with a base knock 2,149 times. He has recorded a slugging percentage of -.067 in addition to racking up 3,745 bases. He has been struck out 1,472 times and has taken a walk on 929 attempts at the plate, contributing to a .363 on-base percentage. Rolen has earned a batting average of .279 for his career in baseball in addition to 1,237 runs scored and an OPS of .296.

During the 8,359 at-bats in his career, Helton has compiled an average at the plate of .313 and has racked up 2,618 base knocks. He has gone yard 384 times, in addition to having 4,460 total bases and a -.054 slugging percentage. Helton has recorded a walk 1,375 times while striking out on 1,262 attempts. He has accumulated 1,442 runs and racked up 1,467 runs batted in. His on-base rate is .410 and he has a career OPS of .355.

Scott Rolen vs Todd Helton Stats

Scott Rolen Career Todd Helton
2,130 Games Played 2,371
8,848 Plate Appearances 9,895
7,692 At-Bats 8,359
1,237 Runs 1,442
2,149 Hits 2,618
534 Doubles 614
45 Triples 38
324 Home Runs 384
1,326 Runs Batted In 1,467
120 Stolen Bases 37
50 Caught Stealing 29
929 Walks 1,375
1,472 Strikeouts 1,262
.279 Batting Average .313
.363 On-Base Percentage .410
-.067 Slugging Percentage -.054
0.296 OPS 0.355
3,745 Total Bases 4,460
155 Grounded Into Double Plays 190
130 Hit By Pitch 57

Rolen has 117 total bases with 72 hits out of 294 at-bats. He has scored 26 runs on the campaign and has knocked 8 balls out of the park. He has earned a batting average when batting of .245 in addition to holding an OPS of .716. He has accounted for an on-base percentage of .318 with 30 walks and 62 strikeouts. So far this year, Scott Rolen has batted in 39 runs and also has amassed a slugging percentage of .398.

During this season, Helton has compiled 41 runs, accrued 61 RBI and has 15 home runs. He has gotten a free base 40 times and has accumulated an on-base percentage of .314. Helton has accounted for 99 base hits out of 397 at-bats for an average of .249. He has struck out 87 times while amassing 168 bases in total. He has an OPS of 0.738 with a slugging percentage of .423.

Scott Rolen (2012) Stat Todd Helton (2013)
92 Games Played 124
330 Plate Appearances 442
294 At-Bats 397
26 Runs Scored 41
72 Hits 99
17 Doubles 22
2 Triples 1
8 Home Runs 15
39 Runs Batted In 61
2 Stolen Bases 0
1 Caught Stealing 0
30 Walks 40
62 Strikeouts 87
.245 Batting Average .249
.318 On-Base Percentage .314
.398 Slugging Percentage .423
0.716 OPS 0.738
90 OPS+ 89
117 Total Bases 168
5 Grounded Into Double Play 4
3 Hit By Pitch 0