Sixto Lezcano Stats

For his MLB career, Lezcano has drilled 151 baseballs out of the park while knocking in 600 runs. For his time in baseball, he stepped up to bat 4,967 times and has delivered with a hit 1,146 times. He has amassed a slugging percentage of .016 and he has totaled 1,853 bases. He has struck out 785 times and has taken a walk on 611 occasions, which has contributed to a .361 OBP. Lezcano has a batting average of .270 for his career in baseball with 576 runs scored and an OPS of .376.

This year, Lezcano has scored 16 runs, accounted for 9 RBI and has earned 3 home runs. He has taken a walk 35 times and has earned an OBP of .392. Lezcano has compiled 24 base knocks in 116 at-bats and has a batting average of .207. He has been struck out 17 times while accruing 35 bases in total. He has tallied an OPS of 0.694 with a slugging % of .302.

Career .271 148 1,122 576 560 591 .360 4,814 4,134 .799 124 184 34 1,291 .440 37 31 1,818 768
1985 PIT .207 3 24 35 16 9 .392 153 116 .694 98 2 0 72 .302 0 0 35 17
1984 PHI .277 14 71 38 36 40 .371 294 256 .851 136 6 2 109 .480 0 1 123 43
1983 TOT .239 8 85 52 49 56 .334 418 356 .685 93 12 2 115 .351 1 0 125 75
1983 SDP .233 8 74 47 41 49 .331 373 317 .687 94 11 2 97 .356 0 0 113 66
1983 PHI .282 0 11 5 8 7 .364 45 39 .671 89 1 0 18 .308 1 0 12 9
1982 SDP .289 16 136 78 73 84 .388 559 470 .860 145 26 6 138 .472 2 1 222 69
1981 STL .266 5 57 40 26 28 .376 258 214 .768 116 8 2 72 .393 0 1 84 40
1980 MIL .229 18 94 39 51 55 .298 460 411 .719 98 19 3 112 .421 1 1 173 75
1979 MIL .321 28 152 77 84 101 .414 566 473 .987 164 29 3 138 .573 4 3 271 74
1978 MIL .292 15 129 64 62 61 .377 519 442 .837 135 21 4 132 .459 3 3 203 83
1977 MIL .273 21 109 52 50 49 .358 457 400 .861 133 21 4 109 .503 6 5 201 78
1976 MIL .285 7 146 51 53 56 .348 580 513 .730 116 19 5 145 .382 14 10 196 112
1975 MIL .247 11 106 46 55 43 .324 489 429 .706 100 19 3 134 .382 5 5 164 93
1974 MIL .241 2 13 4 5 9 .283 61 54 .672 93 2 0 15 .389 1 1 21 9

1985 Stats for Sixto Lezcano

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 72 327th
Plate Appearances 153 352nd
At-Bats 116 377th
Runs Scored 16 352nd
Hits 24 392nd
Doubles 2 462nd
Triples 0 606th
Home Runs 3 293rd
Runs Batted In 9 401st
Stolen Bases 0 622nd
Caught Stealing 0 618th
Walks 35 160th
Strikeouts 17 419th
Batting Average .207 483rd
On-Base Percentage .392 48th
Slugging Percentage .302 461st
OPS .694 279th
OPS+ 98 238th
Total Bases 35 384th
Grounded Into Double Plays 3 329th
Hit By Pitch 1 225th
Sacrifice Hits 0 668th
Sacrifice Flies 1 338th
Intentional Walks 3 161st

1984 Stats for Sixto Lezcano

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 109 219th
Plate Appearances 294 246th
At-Bats 256 252nd
Runs Scored 36 218th
Hits 71 232nd
Doubles 6 338th
Triples 2 181st
Home Runs 14 83rd
Runs Batted In 40 171st
Stolen Bases 0 598th
Caught Stealing 1 342nd
Walks 38 141st
Strikeouts 43 206th
Batting Average .277 198th
On-Base Percentage .371 87th
Slugging Percentage .480 65th
OPS .851 66th
OPS+ 136 69th
Total Bases 123 199th
Grounded Into Double Plays 11 93rd
Hit By Pitch 0 558th
Sacrifice Hits 0 643rd
Sacrifice Flies 0 618th
Intentional Walks 1 295th

1983 Stats for Sixto Lezcano

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 115 200th
Plate Appearances 418 180th
At-Bats 356 193rd
Runs Scored 49 170th
Hits 85 212th
Doubles 12 244th
Triples 2 205th
Home Runs 8 158th
Runs Batted In 56 111th
Stolen Bases 1 349th
Caught Stealing 0 641st
Walks 52 80th
Strikeouts 75 80th
Batting Average .239 390th
On-Base Percentage .334 225th
Slugging Percentage .351 339th
OPS .685 297th
OPS+ 93 281st
Total Bases 125 211th
Grounded Into Double Plays 8 181st
Hit By Pitch 1 250th
Sacrifice Hits 5 114th
Sacrifice Flies 4 126th
Intentional Walks 3 162nd

1983 Stats for Sixto Lezcano

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 97 250th
Plate Appearances 373 208th
At-Bats 317 220th
Runs Scored 41 205th
Hits 74 241st
Doubles 11 256th
Triples 2 206th
Home Runs 8 159th
Runs Batted In 49 140th
Stolen Bases 0 632nd
Caught Stealing 0 642nd
Walks 47 111th
Strikeouts 66 106th
Batting Average .233 419th
On-Base Percentage .331 257th
Slugging Percentage .356 321st
OPS .687 292nd
OPS+ 94 268th
Total Bases 113 232nd
Grounded Into Double Plays 8 182nd
Hit By Pitch 1 251st
Sacrifice Hits 4 149th
Sacrifice Flies 4 127th
Intentional Walks 3 163rd

1983 Stats for Sixto Lezcano

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 18 632nd
Plate Appearances 45 528th
At-Bats 39 531st
Runs Scored 8 417th
Hits 11 482nd
Doubles 1 529th
Triples 0 619th
Home Runs 0 667th
Runs Batted In 7 418th
Stolen Bases 1 350th
Caught Stealing 0 643rd
Walks 5 438th
Strikeouts 9 517th
Batting Average .282 156th
On-Base Percentage .364 111th
Slugging Percentage .308 446th
OPS .671 323rd
OPS+ 89 298th
Total Bases 12 502nd
Grounded Into Double Plays 0 707th
Hit By Pitch 0 606th
Sacrifice Hits 1 399th
Sacrifice Flies 0 651st
Intentional Walks 0 615th

1982 Stats for Sixto Lezcano

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 138 121st
Plate Appearances 559 108th
At-Bats 470 130th
Runs Scored 73 77th
Hits 136 98th
Doubles 26 61st
Triples 6 40th
Home Runs 16 74th
Runs Batted In 84 49th
Stolen Bases 2 260th
Caught Stealing 1 309th
Walks 78 22nd
Strikeouts 69 92nd
Batting Average .289 113th
On-Base Percentage .388 55th
Slugging Percentage .472 82nd
OPS .860 61st
OPS+ 145 46th
Total Bases 222 74th
Grounded Into Double Plays 11 94th
Hit By Pitch 2 131st
Sacrifice Hits 2 297th
Sacrifice Flies 7 32nd
Intentional Walks 10 32nd

1981 Stats for Sixto Lezcano

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 72 204th
Plate Appearances 258 189th
At-Bats 214 209th
Runs Scored 26 179th
Hits 57 189th
Doubles 8 212th
Triples 2 125th
Home Runs 5 124th
Runs Batted In 28 153rd
Stolen Bases 0 558th
Caught Stealing 1 292nd
Walks 40 58th
Strikeouts 40 110th
Batting Average .266 201st
On-Base Percentage .376 72nd
Slugging Percentage .393 184th
OPS .768 125th
OPS+ 116 146th
Total Bases 84 184th
Grounded Into Double Plays 8 87th
Hit By Pitch 0 515th
Sacrifice Hits 0 603rd
Sacrifice Flies 4 56th
Intentional Walks 2 167th

1980 Stats for Sixto Lezcano

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 112 201st
Plate Appearances 460 143rd
At-Bats 411 147th
Runs Scored 51 150th
Hits 94 181st
Doubles 19 125th
Triples 3 136th
Home Runs 18 43rd
Runs Batted In 55 114th
Stolen Bases 1 335th
Caught Stealing 1 342nd
Walks 39 119th
Strikeouts 75 52nd
Batting Average .229 438th
On-Base Percentage .298 383rd
Slugging Percentage .421 156th
OPS .719 232nd
OPS+ 98 229th
Total Bases 173 132nd
Grounded Into Double Plays 6 235th
Hit By Pitch 3 68th
Sacrifice Hits 3 233rd
Sacrifice Flies 4 132nd
Intentional Walks 3 181st

1979 Stats for Sixto Lezcano

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 138 121st
Plate Appearances 566 100th
At-Bats 473 120th
Runs Scored 84 52nd
Hits 152 71st
Doubles 29 40th
Triples 3 142nd
Home Runs 28 20th
Runs Batted In 101 19th
Stolen Bases 4 174th
Caught Stealing 3 195th
Walks 77 25th
Strikeouts 74 67th
Batting Average .321 56th
On-Base Percentage .414 44th
Slugging Percentage .573 21st
OPS .987 24th
OPS+ 164 27th
Total Bases 271 28th
Grounded Into Double Plays 11 111th
Hit By Pitch 3 94th
Sacrifice Hits 6 109th
Sacrifice Flies 7 36th
Intentional Walks 5 111th

1978 Stats for Sixto Lezcano

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 132 142nd
Plate Appearances 519 132nd
At-Bats 442 144th
Runs Scored 62 115th
Hits 129 110th
Doubles 21 118th
Triples 4 88th
Home Runs 15 70th
Runs Batted In 61 100th
Stolen Bases 3 214th
Caught Stealing 3 195th
Walks 64 50th
Strikeouts 83 51st
Batting Average .292 86th
On-Base Percentage .377 65th
Slugging Percentage .459 87th
OPS .837 67th
OPS+ 135 65th
Total Bases 203 101st
Grounded Into Double Plays 5 265th
Hit By Pitch 1 260th
Sacrifice Hits 5 145th
Sacrifice Flies 7 37th
Intentional Walks 6 75th

1977 Stats for Sixto Lezcano

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 109 213th
Plate Appearances 457 170th
At-Bats 400 175th
Runs Scored 50 171st
Hits 109 165th
Doubles 21 125th
Triples 4 111th
Home Runs 21 49th
Runs Batted In 49 152nd
Stolen Bases 6 135th
Caught Stealing 5 118th
Walks 52 95th
Strikeouts 78 77th
Batting Average .273 224th
On-Base Percentage .358 144th
Slugging Percentage .503 65th
OPS .861 82nd
OPS+ 133 77th
Total Bases 201 116th
Grounded Into Double Plays 9 143rd
Hit By Pitch 2 158th
Sacrifice Hits 2 305th
Sacrifice Flies 1 356th
Intentional Walks 1 319th

1976 Stats for Sixto Lezcano

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 145 78th
Plate Appearances 580 76th
At-Bats 513 81st
Runs Scored 53 114th
Hits 146 61st
Doubles 19 97th
Triples 5 64th
Home Runs 7 120th
Runs Batted In 56 88th
Stolen Bases 14 72nd
Caught Stealing 10 43rd
Walks 51 76th
Strikeouts 112 9th
Batting Average .285 106th
On-Base Percentage .348 138th
Slugging Percentage .382 167th
OPS .730 147th
OPS+ 116 119th
Total Bases 196 81st
Grounded Into Double Plays 7 188th
Hit By Pitch 2 134th
Sacrifice Hits 8 61st
Sacrifice Flies 6 50th
Intentional Walks 2 211th

1975 Stats for Sixto Lezcano

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 134 109th
Plate Appearances 489 135th
At-Bats 429 134th
Runs Scored 55 125th
Hits 106 143rd
Doubles 19 112th
Triples 3 108th
Home Runs 11 89th
Runs Batted In 43 150th
Stolen Bases 5 134th
Caught Stealing 5 98th
Walks 46 97th
Strikeouts 93 28th
Batting Average .247 306th
On-Base Percentage .324 261st
Slugging Percentage .382 206th
OPS .706 220th
OPS+ 100 216th
Total Bases 164 134th
Grounded Into Double Plays 15 38th
Hit By Pitch 4 55th
Sacrifice Hits 7 83rd
Sacrifice Flies 3 157th
Intentional Walks 1 290th

1974 Stats for Sixto Lezcano

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 15 609th
Plate Appearances 61 461st
At-Bats 54 459th
Runs Scored 5 434th
Hits 13 426th
Doubles 2 398th
Triples 0 588th
Home Runs 2 282nd
Runs Batted In 9 353rd
Stolen Bases 1 301st
Caught Stealing 1 290th
Walks 4 458th
Strikeouts 9 479th
Batting Average .241 337th
On-Base Percentage .283 427th
Slugging Percentage .389 182nd
OPS .672 266th
OPS+ 93 249th
Total Bases 21 404th
Grounded Into Double Plays 2 380th
Hit By Pitch 0 582nd
Sacrifice Hits 1 394th
Sacrifice Flies 2 221st
Intentional Walks 0 606th