Steve Carlton Stats

Carlton has thrown 5,217 frames and has accumulated 4,136 punch outs during his career. His earned run average is 3.22 (1,864 ER’s allowed) and he has a career WHIP of 1.247. He has surrendered 4,672 base knocks (8.1 hits per 9 innings) and has had 1,833 free passes. Carlton (329-244 career mark) sits with a FIP of 3.15 while he has gone up against 21,683 opposing batters during his time in the major leagues.

Steve Carlton Stats

Steve Carlton Stats
Career 741 5217.2 329 244 1.247 3.22 4,672 1,833 4,136 3.15 2 709 414 1,864 2,130 21,683 2.26 8.1 7.1
1988 MIN 4 9.2 0 1 2.586 16.76 20 5 5 10.01 0 1 5 18 19 54 1.00 18.6 4.7
1987 TOT 32 152.0 6 14 1.651 5.74 165 86 91 5.50 1 21 24 97 111 693 1.06 9.8 5.4
1987 CLE 23 109.0 5 9 1.596 5.37 111 63 71 5.38 1 14 17 65 76 493 1.13 9.2 5.9
1987 MIN 9 43.0 1 5 1.791 6.70 54 23 20 5.80 0 7 7 32 35 200 0.87 11.3 4.2
1986 TOT 32 176.1 9 14 1.599 5.10 196 86 120 4.73 0 32 25 100 120 792 1.40 10.0 6.1
1986 TOT 22 113.0 5 11 1.761 5.89 138 61 80 5.19 0 22 19 74 90 533 1.31 11.0 6.4
1986 PHI 16 83.0 4 8 1.771 6.18 102 45 62 5.25 0 16 15 57 70 393 1.38 11.1 6.7
1986 SFG 6 30.0 1 3 1.733 5.10 36 16 18 5.00 0 6 4 17 20 140 1.13 10.8 5.4
1986 CHW 10 63.1 4 3 1.311 3.69 58 25 40 3.92 0 10 6 26 30 259 1.60 8.2 5.7
1985 PHI 16 92.0 1 8 1.489 3.33 84 53 48 4.22 0 16 6 34 43 401 0.91 8.2 4.7
1984 PHI 33 229.0 13 7 1.279 3.58 214 79 163 3.17 0 33 14 91 104 964 2.06 8.4 6.4
1983 PHI 37 283.2 15 16 1.273 3.11 277 84 275 2.65 0 37 20 98 117 1,183 3.27 8.8 8.7
1982 PHI 38 295.2 23 11 1.147 3.10 253 86 286 2.41 0 38 17 102 114 1,193 3.33 7.7 8.7
1981 PHI 24 190.0 13 4 1.126 2.42 152 62 179 2.33 0 24 9 51 59 763 2.89 7.2 8.5
1980 PHI 38 304.0 24 9 1.095 2.34 243 90 286 2.42 0 38 15 79 87 1,228 3.18 7.2 8.5
1979 PHI 35 251.0 18 11 1.159 3.62 202 89 213 3.45 0 35 25 101 112 1,029 2.39 7.2 7.6
1978 PHI 34 247.1 16 13 1.177 2.84 228 63 161 3.66 0 34 30 78 91 1,006 2.56 8.3 5.9
1977 PHI 36 283.0 23 10 1.124 2.64 229 89 198 3.47 0 36 25 83 99 1,135 2.22 7.3 6.3
1976 PHI 35 252.2 20 7 1.172 3.13 224 72 195 2.93 0 35 19 88 94 1,031 2.71 8.0 6.9
1975 PHI 37 255.1 15 14 1.257 3.56 217 104 192 3.55 0 37 24 101 116 1,063 1.85 7.6 6.8
1974 PHI 39 291.0 16 13 1.323 3.22 249 136 240 3.32 0 39 21 104 118 1,227 1.76 7.7 7.4
1973 PHI 40 293.1 13 20 1.384 3.90 293 113 223 3.52 0 40 29 127 146 1,262 1.97 9.0 6.8
1972 PHI 41 346.1 27 10 0.993 1.97 257 87 310 2.01 0 41 17 76 84 1,351 3.56 6.7 8.1
1971 STL 37 273.1 20 9 1.365 3.56 275 98 172 3.42 0 36 23 108 120 1,171 1.76 9.1 5.7
1970 STL 34 253.2 10 19 1.372 3.73 239 109 193 3.71 0 33 25 105 123 1,086 1.77 8.5 6.8
1969 STL 31 236.1 17 11 1.176 2.17 185 93 210 2.79 0 31 15 57 66 968 2.26 7.0 8.0
1968 STL 34 232.0 13 11 1.185 2.99 214 61 162 2.43 0 33 11 77 87 954 2.66 8.3 6.3