Terrell Owens Stats

Owens (153 touchdowns through the air) compiled an average of 72.8 yards per game receiving and he averages 4.9 catches per game in his career. His longest reception of his career went for 98 yards and he was able to catch 57.7% of the passes thrown in his direction. He hauled in 1078 passes thrown his way which averages 14.8 yards per catch. Owens accumulated 15,934 yards through the air in 219 games for his career.

Owens had a tally of 983 yards. Terrell Owens (9 receiving TDs) held an average of 70.2 yds per game receiving and he had 5.1 receptions per contest. His longest catch in his last year went for 98 yards and he was able to snag 61.7% of the passes thrown in his direction. He snatched 72 passes thrown his way for an average of 13.7 yards per reception. Owens hauled in 983 yards as a receiver in his 14 contests in his last season.

Terrell Owens Stats

Year Team Rec Yards Y/R G GS TD 1D Lng R/G Y/G Fmb
Career 1,078 15,934 14.8 219 201 153 747 98 4.9 72.8 0
2010 CIN 72 983 13.7 14 11 9 47 78 5.1 70.2 0
2009 BUF 55 829 15.1 16 16 5 35 98 3.4 51.8 1
2008 DAL 69 1,052 15.2 16 16 10 38 75 4.3 65.8 1
2007 DAL 81 1,355 16.7 15 15 15 67 52 5.4 90.3 0
2006 DAL 85 1,180 13.9 16 15 13 63 56 5.3 73.8 0
2005 PHI 47 763 16.2 7 7 6 32 91 6.7 109.0 0
2004 PHI 77 1,200 15.6 14 14 14 51 59 5.5 85.7 2
2003 SFO 80 1,102 13.8 15 15 9 55 75 5.3 73.5 0
2002 SFO 100 1,300 13.0 14 14 13 63 76 7.1 92.9 0
2001 SFO 93 1,412 15.2 16 16 16 71 60 5.8 88.3 0
2000 SFO 97 1,451 15.0 14 13 13 65 69 6.9 103.6 3
1999 SFO 60 754 12.6 14 14 4 36 36 4.3 53.9 1
1998 SFO 67 1,097 16.4 16 10 14 53 79 4.2 68.6 1
1997 SFO 60 936 15.6 16 15 8 48 56 3.8 58.5 1
1996 SFO 35 520 14.9 16 10 4 23 46 2.2 32.5 1

2010 Stats for Terrell Owens

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 14 218th
Games Started 11 97th
Receptions 72 20th
Receiving Yards 983 18th
Yards Per Reception 13.7 78th
Receiving Touchdowns 9 15th
1st Down Catches 47 15th
Longest Reception 78 13th
Receptions Per Game 5.1 19th
Receiving Yards Per Game 70.2 16th
Fumbles 0 4th

2009 Stats for Terrell Owens

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 34th
Games Started 16 20th
Receptions 55 51st
Receiving Yards 829 33rd
Yards Per Reception 15.1 51st
Receiving Touchdowns 5 44th
1st Down Catches 35 43rd
Longest Reception 98 1st
Receptions Per Game 3.4 65th
Receiving Yards Per Game 51.8 48th
Fumbles 1 1025th

2008 Stats for Terrell Owens

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 23rd
Games Started 16 16th
Receptions 69 29th
Receiving Yards 1,052 13th
Yards Per Reception 15.2 54th
Receiving Touchdowns 10 7th
1st Down Catches 38 41st
Longest Reception 75 15th
Receptions Per Game 4.3 33rd
Receiving Yards Per Game 65.8 15th
Fumbles 1 1029th

2007 Stats for Terrell Owens

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 15 165th
Games Started 15 40th
Receptions 81 20th
Receiving Yards 1,355 5th
Yards Per Reception 16.7 17th
Receiving Touchdowns 15 3rd
1st Down Catches 67 7th
Longest Reception 52 61st
Receptions Per Game 5.4 23rd
Receiving Yards Per Game 90.3 5th
Fumbles 0 3rd

2006 Stats for Terrell Owens

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 12th
Games Started 15 47th
Receptions 85 13th
Receiving Yards 1,180 9th
Yards Per Reception 13.9 83rd
Receiving Touchdowns 13 1st
1st Down Catches 63 6th
Longest Reception 56 48th
Receptions Per Game 5.3 14th
Receiving Yards Per Game 73.8 12th
Fumbles 0 2nd

2005 Stats for Terrell Owens

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 7 368th
Games Started 7 166th
Receptions 47 64th
Receiving Yards 763 38th
Yards Per Reception 16.2 38th
Receiving Touchdowns 6 32nd
1st Down Catches 32 51st
Longest Reception 91 1st
Receptions Per Game 6.7 3rd
Receiving Yards Per Game 109.0 1st
Fumbles 0 27th

2004 Stats for Terrell Owens

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 14 222nd
Games Started 14 63rd
Receptions 77 22nd
Receiving Yards 1,200 11th
Yards Per Reception 15.6 54th
Receiving Touchdowns 14 3rd
1st Down Catches 51 24th
Longest Reception 59 37th
Receptions Per Game 5.5 14th
Receiving Yards Per Game 85.7 5th
Fumbles 2 1118th

2003 Stats for Terrell Owens

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 15 183rd
Games Started 15 51st
Receptions 80 12th
Receiving Yards 1,102 13th
Yards Per Reception 13.8 77th
Receiving Touchdowns 9 10th
1st Down Catches 55 8th
Longest Reception 75 14th
Receptions Per Game 5.3 11th
Receiving Yards Per Game 73.5 8th
Fumbles 0 5th

2002 Stats for Terrell Owens

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 14 221st
Games Started 14 72nd
Receptions 100 5th
Receiving Yards 1,300 8th
Yards Per Reception 13.0 93rd
Receiving Touchdowns 13 1st
1st Down Catches 63 9th
Longest Reception 76 15th
Receptions Per Game 7.1 2nd
Receiving Yards Per Game 92.9 2nd
Fumbles 0 2nd

2001 Stats for Terrell Owens

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 8th
Games Started 16 6th
Receptions 93 10th
Receiving Yards 1,412 3rd
Yards Per Reception 15.2 56th
Receiving Touchdowns 16 1st
1st Down Catches 71 4th
Longest Reception 60 46th
Receptions Per Game 5.8 13th
Receiving Yards Per Game 88.3 5th
Fumbles 0 2nd

2000 Stats for Terrell Owens

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 14 224th
Games Started 13 94th
Receptions 97 5th
Receiving Yards 1,451 4th
Yards Per Reception 15.0 55th
Receiving Touchdowns 13 3rd
1st Down Catches 65 6th
Longest Reception 69 19th
Receptions Per Game 6.9 1st
Receiving Yards Per Game 103.6 1st
Fumbles 3 1148th

1999 Stats for Terrell Owens

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 14 219th
Games Started 14 75th
Receptions 60 46th
Receiving Yards 754 45th
Yards Per Reception 12.6 119th
Receiving Touchdowns 4 54th
1st Down Catches 36 42nd
Longest Reception 36 125th
Receptions Per Game 4.3 36th
Receiving Yards Per Game 53.9 39th
Fumbles 1 1031st

1998 Stats for Terrell Owens

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 21st
Games Started 10 133rd
Receptions 67 24th
Receiving Yards 1,097 11th
Yards Per Reception 16.4 54th
Receiving Touchdowns 14 3rd
1st Down Catches 53 12th
Longest Reception 79 14th
Receptions Per Game 4.2 32nd
Receiving Yards Per Game 68.6 14th
Fumbles 1 1025th

1997 Stats for Terrell Owens

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 30th
Games Started 15 58th
Receptions 60 34th
Receiving Yards 936 23rd
Yards Per Reception 15.6 49th
Receiving Touchdowns 8 12th
1st Down Catches 48 20th
Longest Reception 56 46th
Receptions Per Game 3.8 42nd
Receiving Yards Per Game 58.5 26th
Fumbles 1 1032nd

1996 Stats for Terrell Owens

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 70th
Games Started 10 124th
Receptions 35 96th
Receiving Yards 520 67th
Yards Per Reception 14.9 62nd
Receiving Touchdowns 4 58th
1st Down Catches 23 74th
Longest Reception 46 80th
Receptions Per Game 2.2 120th
Receiving Yards Per Game 32.5 80th
Fumbles 1 1062nd