Tim Belcher Stats

Belcher (146-140 record in his career) is the owner of a FIP of 4.27 while he has faced 10,422 batters during his time in the majors. His ERA is 4.16 (1,130 ER’s allowed) and his career WHIP is 1.344. He has conceded 2,423 base hits (8.9 hits per 9 innings) and has had 860 walks. Belcher has taken the ball for 2,442 innings and has racked up 1,519 K’s during his career.

Tim Belcher Stats

Tim Belcher Stats
Career 394 2442.2 146 140 1.344 4.16 2,423 860 1,519 4.27 5 373 264 1,130 1,253 10,422 1.77 8.9 5.6
2000 ANA 9 40.2 4 5 1.648 6.86 45 22 22 6.38 0 9 8 31 31 186 1.00 10.0 4.9
1999 ANA 24 132.1 6 8 1.617 6.73 168 46 52 6.16 0 24 27 99 104 600 1.13 11.4 3.5
1998 KCR 34 234.0 14 14 1.368 4.27 247 73 130 5.11 0 34 37 111 127 1,003 1.78 9.5 5.0
1997 KCR 32 213.1 13 12 1.463 5.02 242 70 113 4.99 0 32 31 119 128 927 1.61 10.2 4.8
1996 KCR 35 238.2 15 11 1.383 3.92 262 68 113 4.68 0 35 28 104 117 1,021 1.66 9.9 4.3
1995 SEA 28 179.1 10 12 1.539 4.52 188 88 96 4.97 0 28 19 90 101 802 1.09 9.4 4.8
1994 DET 25 162.0 7 15 1.667 5.89 192 78 76 5.40 0 25 21 106 124 750 0.97 10.7 4.2
1993 TOT 34 208.2 12 11 1.304 4.44 198 74 135 4.06 0 33 19 103 108 886 1.82 8.5 5.8
1993 CIN 22 137.0 9 6 1.321 4.47 134 47 101 3.74 0 22 11 68 72 590 2.15 8.8 6.6
1993 CHW 12 71.2 3 5 1.270 4.40 64 27 34 4.66 0 11 8 35 36 296 1.26 8.0 4.3
1992 CIN 35 227.2 15 14 1.234 3.91 201 80 149 3.54 0 34 17 99 104 949 1.86 7.9 5.9
1991 LAD 33 209.1 10 9 1.261 2.62 189 75 156 3.09 0 33 10 61 76 880 2.08 8.1 6.7
1990 LAD 24 153.0 9 9 1.203 4.00 136 48 102 3.90 0 24 17 68 76 627 2.13 8.0 6.0
1989 LAD 39 230.0 15 12 1.139 2.82 182 80 200 3.29 1 30 20 72 81 937 2.50 7.1 7.8
1988 LAD 36 179.2 12 6 1.080 2.91 143 51 152 2.54 4 27 8 58 65 719 2.98 7.2 7.6
1987 LAD 6 34.0 4 2 1.088 2.38 30 7 23 2.90 0 5 2 9 11 135 3.29 7.9 6.1