Tony Cuccinello Stats

Cuccinello has an average at the plate of .281 for his time in baseball with 780 scored runs and an OPS of .404. He has been struck out 516 times and has walked on 624 attempts at the plate, contributing to a .345 OBP. In his MLB career, Cuccinello has hit 96 balls out of the park while knocking in 933 runs. He has amassed a slugging percentage of .059 in addition to earning 2,598 bases. For his time in baseball, he approached the plate 7,330 times and has notched a base hit 1,853 times.

Since the start of the campaign, Tony Cuccinello has knocked in 49 runs and also has accrued a slugging percentage of .400. He has an on-base percentage of .379 in addition to 45 walks and 19 K’s. Cuccinello has a total of 161 bases in total with 124 hits in 402 at-bats. He is sitting with a batting average when batting of .308 in addition to holding an OPS of .780. He has tallied 50 runs on the season and has drilled 2 balls out of the park.

Tony Cuccinello Stats

Career .280 94 1,729 579 730 884 .343 6,880 6,184 .737 104 334 46 1,704 .394 42 39 2,437 497
1945 CHW .308 2 124 45 50 49 .379 450 402 .780 129 25 3 118 .400 6 2 161 19
1944 CHW .262 0 34 8 5 17 .304 139 130 .589 70 3 0 38 .285 0 0 37 16
1943 TOT .230 2 28 16 5 13 .319 140 122 .639 87 5 0 47 .320 3 2 39 14
1943 BSN .000 0 0 3 0 2 .136 22 19 .136 -59 0 0 13 .000 0 1 0 1
1943 CHW .272 2 28 13 5 11 .353 118 103 .732 115 5 0 34 .379 3 1 39 13
1942 BSN .202 1 21 9 8 8 .265 114 104 .525 56 3 0 40 .260 1 0 27 11
1940 TOT .226 5 98 24 40 55 .269 459 433 .580 61 18 2 122 .312 2 1 135 51
1940 BSN .270 0 34 8 14 19 .319 135 126 .660 88 9 0 34 .341 1 1 43 9
1940 NYG .208 5 64 16 26 36 .248 324 307 .547 50 9 2 88 .300 1 0 92 42
1939 BSN .306 2 95 26 42 40 .360 342 310 .747 108 17 1 81 .387 5 3 120 26
1938 BSN .265 9 147 52 62 76 .331 616 555 .697 100 25 2 147 .366 4 4 203 32
1937 BSN .271 11 156 61 77 80 .341 647 575 .746 111 36 4 152 .405 2 1 233 40
1936 BSN .308 7 174 58 68 86 .374 641 565 .776 115 26 3 150 .402 1 4 227 49
1935 BRO .292 8 105 40 49 53 .366 404 360 .796 115 20 3 102 .431 3 1 155 35
1934 BRO .261 14 138 49 59 94 .325 588 528 .734 100 32 2 140 .409 0 3 216 45
1933 BRO .252 9 122 44 58 65 .316 538 485 .704 104 31 4 134 .388 4 5 188 40
1932 BRO .281 12 168 46 76 77 .337 657 597 .752 103 32 6 154 .415 5 4 248 47
1931 CIN .315 2 181 54 67 93 .374 639 575 .805 122 39 11 154 .431 1 3 248 28
1930 CIN .312 10 138 47 64 78 .380 506 443 .832 105 22 5 125 .451 5 6 200 44