Torry Holt Stats

Torry Holt took the field in 173 games in his career. His percentage of passes caught was 59.0% and he earned that by catching 920 out of the 1,560 passes that went his way. He earned a total of 13,382 yards with an average of 14.5 yards per reception. During his NFL career, Holt had 74 touchdowns and had a long reception of 85 yards. His catches per game and yards per contest average were 5.3 and 77.4 yards.

Holt totaled 722 receiving yards in his 15 contests in his last season. He snatched 51 balls which averaged 14.2 yards per catch. His longest catch in his last season went for 85 yards and he was able to catch 61.7% of the balls thrown in his direction. Torry Holt (0 receiving TDs) accumulated an average of 48.1 yds per contest receiving and he had 3.4 receptions per game. Holt tallied 722 receiving yds.

Torry Holt Stats

Year Team Rec Yards Y/R G GS TD 1D Lng R/G Y/G Fmb
Career 920 13,382 14.5 173 158 74 630 85 5.3 77.4 0
2009 JAX 51 722 14.2 15 12 0 35 63 3.4 48.1 1
2008 STL 64 796 12.4 16 14 3 40 45 4.0 49.8 0
2007 STL 93 1,189 12.8 16 16 7 62 40 5.8 74.3 2
2006 STL 93 1,188 12.8 16 16 10 66 67 5.8 74.3 2
2005 STL 102 1,331 13.0 14 14 9 63 44 7.3 95.1 2
2004 STL 94 1,372 14.6 16 16 10 59 75 5.9 85.8 3
2003 STL 117 1,696 14.5 16 15 12 84 48 7.3 106.0 1
2002 STL 91 1,302 14.3 16 11 4 71 58 5.7 81.4 1
2001 STL 81 1,363 16.8 16 14 7 58 51 5.1 85.2 2
2000 STL 82 1,635 19.9 16 15 6 60 85 5.1 102.2 2
1999 STL 52 788 15.2 16 15 6 32 63 3.3 49.3 4

2009 Stats for Torry Holt

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 15 165th
Games Started 12 91st
Receptions 51 64th
Receiving Yards 722 50th
Yards Per Reception 14.2 65th
Receiving Touchdowns 0 229th
1st Down Catches 35 44th
Longest Reception 63 41st
Receptions Per Game 3.4 69th
Receiving Yards Per Game 48.1 54th
Fumbles 1 1028th

2008 Stats for Torry Holt

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 25th
Games Started 14 69th
Receptions 64 32nd
Receiving Yards 796 39th
Yards Per Reception 12.4 122nd
Receiving Touchdowns 3 63rd
1st Down Catches 40 37th
Longest Reception 45 99th
Receptions Per Game 4.0 40th
Receiving Yards Per Game 49.8 45th
Fumbles 0 7th

2007 Stats for Torry Holt

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 11th
Games Started 16 7th
Receptions 93 12th
Receiving Yards 1,189 10th
Yards Per Reception 12.8 97th
Receiving Touchdowns 7 22nd
1st Down Catches 62 11th
Longest Reception 40 111th
Receptions Per Game 5.8 16th
Receiving Yards Per Game 74.3 12th
Fumbles 2 1113th

2006 Stats for Torry Holt

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 4th
Games Started 16 3rd
Receptions 93 4th
Receiving Yards 1,188 8th
Yards Per Reception 12.8 111th
Receiving Touchdowns 10 3rd
1st Down Catches 66 4th
Longest Reception 67 29th
Receptions Per Game 5.8 6th
Receiving Yards Per Game 74.3 10th
Fumbles 2 1114th

2005 Stats for Torry Holt

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 14 216th
Games Started 14 70th
Receptions 102 4th
Receiving Yards 1,331 6th
Yards Per Reception 13.0 101st
Receiving Touchdowns 9 9th
1st Down Catches 63 5th
Longest Reception 44 100th
Receptions Per Game 7.3 2nd
Receiving Yards Per Game 95.1 4th
Fumbles 2 1115th

2004 Stats for Torry Holt

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 5th
Games Started 16 4th
Receptions 94 4th
Receiving Yards 1,372 4th
Yards Per Reception 14.6 78th
Receiving Touchdowns 10 10th
1st Down Catches 59 11th
Longest Reception 75 10th
Receptions Per Game 5.9 5th
Receiving Yards Per Game 85.8 4th
Fumbles 3 1155th

2003 Stats for Torry Holt

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 1st
Games Started 15 49th
Receptions 117 1st
Receiving Yards 1,696 1st
Yards Per Reception 14.5 57th
Receiving Touchdowns 12 2nd
1st Down Catches 84 1st
Longest Reception 48 72nd
Receptions Per Game 7.3 1st
Receiving Yards Per Game 106.0 1st
Fumbles 1 1028th

2002 Stats for Torry Holt

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 9th
Games Started 11 125th
Receptions 91 11th
Receiving Yards 1,302 7th
Yards Per Reception 14.3 59th
Receiving Touchdowns 4 50th
1st Down Catches 71 2nd
Longest Reception 58 50th
Receptions Per Game 5.7 11th
Receiving Yards Per Game 81.4 8th
Fumbles 1 1023rd

2001 Stats for Torry Holt

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 14th
Games Started 14 75th
Receptions 81 17th
Receiving Yards 1,363 5th
Yards Per Reception 16.8 30th
Receiving Touchdowns 7 19th
1st Down Catches 58 14th
Longest Reception 51 63rd
Receptions Per Game 5.1 20th
Receiving Yards Per Game 85.2 7th
Fumbles 2 1115th

2000 Stats for Torry Holt

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 13th
Games Started 15 62nd
Receptions 82 15th
Receiving Yards 1,635 1st
Yards Per Reception 19.9 17th
Receiving Touchdowns 6 23rd
1st Down Catches 60 11th
Longest Reception 85 1st
Receptions Per Game 5.1 18th
Receiving Yards Per Game 102.2 2nd
Fumbles 2 1110th

1999 Stats for Torry Holt

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 45th
Games Started 15 56th
Receptions 52 57th
Receiving Yards 788 44th
Yards Per Reception 15.2 55th
Receiving Touchdowns 6 33rd
1st Down Catches 32 53rd
Longest Reception 63 41st
Receptions Per Game 3.3 62nd
Receiving Yards Per Game 49.3 49th
Fumbles 4 1171st