Trey Murphy III Stats

Trey Murphy III Stats

Trey Murphy III has tallied 6,130 minutes and has participated in 230 games thus far in his career. Murphy has racked up 3,012 points in his pro basketball career, comes in with an average of 13.1 points/G and got the starting nod in 119 games. He records 2.2 dimes, collects 5.1 rebounds and accrues 17.7 per 36 mins. Taking the court with a field goal percentage of 45.4%, Murphy has converted 1,002 baskets of 2,205 attempts. Having shot 1,400 three point tries during his career, he has accrued a 3PT rate of 38.5% by making 539 of those shots. He has recorded a 57.5% two-point shooting percentage of by converting 463 of 805 shot attempts. Murphy has recorded a 87.3% average from the foul line by making 469 out of 537 attempts. Holding an effective field goal rate of 57.7%, he has also accumulated 161 turnovers and has a total of 358 personal fouls. He has accumulated 871 total rebounds during his NBA career by pulling in 693 on the defensive side of the court and 178 offensive. Regarding sharing the basketball, Murphy has accumulated 371 dimes, in addition to supplying 202 steals and 103 blocks. He averages 3.8 rebounds as well as 3.0 dimes per outing.