Tyler Boyd Stats

Tyler Boyd has taken the field in 120 games for his career. His percentage of passes caught is 68.1% and he earned that by grabbing 513 of the 753 throws that went his way. He has a total of 6,000 yards with an average of 11.7 yards/reception. Up to now in his career, Boyd has pulled in 31 touchdowns and has a long catch of 72 yards. His catches per game and yards per contest average are 4.3 and 50.0 yards.

Boyd has hauled in 667 yards as a receiver in his 17 contests this year. He has caught 67 passes thrown his way which means he averages 10.0 yards per reception. His longest reception this season went for 64 yards and he has been able to catch 68.4% of the passes thrown in his direction. Tyler Boyd (2 receiving touchdowns) has accumulated an average of 39.2 yards per contest receiving and he has 3.9 catches per contest. Boyd has earned 667 yds.

Tyler Boyd Stats

Year Team Rec Yards Y/R G GS TD 1D Lng R/G Y/G Fmb
Career 513 6,000 11.7 120 77 31 302 72 4.3 50.0 5
2023 CIN 67 667 10.0 17 13 2 28 64 3.9 39.2 0
2022 CIN 58 762 13.1 16 14 5 42 60 3.6 47.6 0
2021 CIN 67 828 12.4 16 10 5 37 68 4.2 51.8 1
2020 CIN 79 841 10.6 15 8 4 43 72 5.3 56.1 1
2019 CIN 90 1,046 11.6 16 15 5 51 47 5.6 65.4 2
2018 CIN 76 1,028 13.5 14 14 7 54 49 5.4 73.4 0
2017 CIN 22 225 10.2 10 1 2 14 49 2.2 22.5 0
2016 CIN 54 603 11.2 16 2 1 33 30 3.4 37.7 1

2023 Stats for Tyler Boyd

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 17 57th
Games Started 13 81st
Receptions 67 44th
Receiving Yards 667 57th
Yards Per Reception 10.0 215th
Touchdown Catches 2 118th
1st Downs 28 70th
Longest Catch 64 33rd
Receptions Per Game 3.9 59th
Yards Per Game 39 74th
Fumbles 0 206th

2022 Stats for Tyler Boyd

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 135th
Games Started 14 69th
Receptions 58 57th
Receiving Yards 762 43rd
Yards Per Reception 13.1 103rd
Receiving Touchdowns 5 41st
1st Down Catches 42 33rd
Longest Reception 60 39th
Receptions Per Game 3.6 70th
Receiving Yards Per Game 47.6 51st
Fumbles 0 69th

2021 Stats for Tyler Boyd

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 118th
Games Started 10 118th
Receptions 67 42nd
Receiving Yards 828 39th
Yards Per Reception 12.4 127th
Receiving Touchdowns 5 45th
1st Down Catches 37 41st
Longest Reception 68 20th
Receptions Per Game 4.2 55th
Receiving Yards Per Game 51.8 48th
Fumbles 1 1038th

2020 Stats for Tyler Boyd

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 15 148th
Games Started 8 146th
Receptions 79 24th
Receiving Yards 841 35th
Yards Per Reception 10.6 217th
Receiving Touchdowns 4 65th
1st Down Catches 43 34th
Longest Reception 72 17th
Receptions Per Game 5.3 30th
Receiving Yards Per Game 56.1 41st
Fumbles 1 1027th

2019 Stats for Tyler Boyd

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 10th
Games Started 15 28th
Receptions 90 11th
Receiving Yards 1,046 25th
Yards Per Reception 11.6 178th
Receiving Touchdowns 5 45th
1st Down Catches 51 23rd
Longest Reception 47 96th
Receptions Per Game 5.6 20th
Receiving Yards Per Game 65.4 31st
Fumbles 2 1134th

2018 Stats for Tyler Boyd

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 14 209th
Games Started 14 54th
Receptions 76 24th
Receiving Yards 1,028 19th
Yards Per Reception 13.5 103rd
Receiving Touchdowns 7 18th
1st Down Catches 54 21st
Longest Reception 49 94th
Receptions Per Game 5.4 23rd
Receiving Yards Per Game 73.4 18th
Fumbles 0 9th

2017 Stats for Tyler Boyd

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 10 342nd
Games Started 1 310th
Receptions 22 184th
Receiving Yards 225 186th
Yards Per Reception 10.2 242nd
Receiving Touchdowns 2 142nd
1st Down Catches 14 146th
Longest Reception 49 97th
Receptions Per Game 2.2 154th
Receiving Yards Per Game 22.5 162nd
Fumbles 0 81st

2016 Stats for Tyler Boyd

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 47th
Games Started 2 265th
Receptions 54 72nd
Receiving Yards 603 74th
Yards Per Reception 11.2 187th
Receiving Touchdowns 1 175th
1st Down Catches 33 68th
Longest Reception 30 211th
Receptions Per Game 3.4 88th
Receiving Yards Per Game 37.7 95th
Fumbles 1 1044th