Udoka Azubuike Stats

Udoka Azubuike Stats

Udoka Azubuike has racked up 724 mins and has taken part in 84 contests in his pro basketball career. Azubuike has scored 256 points thus far in his career, averages 3.0 points per game and got the starting nod in 10 matchups. He earns 0.7 assists, collects 11.7 rebounds and accounts for 12.7 per 36 minutes. Having earned a shooting percentage of 75.8%, Azubuike has converted 116 baskets out of his 153 tries. Having racked up 0 attempts from long range so far in his career, he has accrued a shooting percentage of 0.0% by converting 0 of those shots. He has recorded a 75.8% 2pt shooting percentage of by converting 116 out of 153 attempts. Azubuike has compiled a 44.4% average at the charity stripe by converting 24 out of 54 tries. Sitting with an effective field goal rate of 75.8%, he has also had a total of 37 turnovers and accounted for 85 personal fouls. He has accumulated 235 total rebounds so far in his career by pulling down 171 defensive and 64 offensive. Regarding making the extra pass, Azubuike has accumulated 14 dimes, as well as contributing 9 steals and 36 blocks. He averages 2.8 boards as well as 0.0 dimes per contest.