Victor Boniface Career Stats
Victor averages 1.373 points per outing. He averages 0.55 goals scored per 90 and has totaled 117 points, on top of sitting with a 39.50% SoT rate. Boniface has compiled 350 shots and accrued 119 shots on target, along with averaging 0.986 gls + asts per outing. Victor has compiled 7,043 minutes played. Boniface averages 4.11 shots per 90 mins, has 47 goals, and 82.66 minutes on the pitch per 90 mins.
Victor Osimhen Career Stats
He compiled 626 shots and notched 189 shots on target In his professional soccer career. If you examine his ability to get shots off, Osimhen was extraordinary, averaging 3.74 shots and 90.01 minutes played per 90 minutes. The forward averaged 1.387 pts per contest. The forward recorded 15,059 minutes in his pro soccer career. Victor averaged 0.63 goals per ninety minutes and recorded 232 pts In his career.
Victor Boniface vs Victor Osimhen Stats
Victor Boniface | Career | Victor Osimhen |
136 | Games Played | 211 |
47 | Goals Scored | 106 |
23 | Assists | 20 |
117 | Points Scored | 232 |
0.55 | Goals Per 90 | 0.63 |
0.27 | Assists Per 90 | 0.12 |
1.37 | Points Per 90 | 1.39 |
119 | Shots on Target | 189 |
39.5% | Shot on Target Percentage | 56.1% |
350 | Shots | 626 |
4.11 | Shots Per 90 | 3.74 |
1.40 | Shots on Target Per 90 | 1.13 |
85.2 | 90’s | 167.3 |
Victor Boniface Last 5 Games
Boniface has earned 7 shots on target and contributed 6 pts, on top of averaging 4.110 shots per outing. Boniface averages 0.6 goals for the season and 0.0 helpers per game. When you look at his shot rate, the forward averages 16.7%. Along with accumulating 3 gls plus asts, Victor Boniface has tallied 0 helpers and amassed 353 minutes. Victor averages 1.4 shots on target per game.
Victor Osimhen Last 5 Games
Victor Osimhen had an average of 0.6 goals scored and 0.0 helpers per outing in his last five contests. Victor Osimhen accumulated 0 helpers and recorded 446 minutes played, as well as accumulating 3 gls plus asts. Victor earned 9 SoT when you look at his shooting accuracy and notched 6 pts. Osimhen averaged 1.8 shots on target per game if you analyze his shooting accuracy. The forward averaged 13.0% if you look at his shooting% in his last five contests.
Victor Boniface Last 10 Games
Victor has recorded 6 goals, is scoring on 15.4% of his shots, and averages 3.9 shots per game. The forward has totaled 13 shots on target in his last 10 outings and amassed 7 goals plus assists. Boniface has been superb when you look at his ability to take shots at the net, accumulating 39 shots. He has compiled 1 assist and notched 741 minutes on the pitch in his last ten outings. When analyzing his shots on target rate, the forward averages 33.3%. Boniface averages 0.6 goals when you look at his ability to put the ball in the net, and 0.1 helpers per contest.
Victor Osimhen Last 10 Games
He earned 21 shots on target and contributed 8 goals plus assists in his last ten matchups. As well as averaging 1.5 points per game, Victor Osimhen totaled 1 assist and amassed 881 mins. When analyzing his ability to put the ball in the back of the net, he was outstanding, having averaged 0.7 goals and 0.1 helpers per game. When examining his ability to score goals, the forward tallied 7 goals scored and had an average of 4.1 shots per outing. He had an average of 51.2% concerning his shooting on target rate. As well as averaging 88.1 minutes on the pitch per outing, he compiled 41 shots.