Wes Welker Stats

During his pro football career, Welker collected 50 TDs and had a long reception of 99 yards. His catches per game and yards per outing average were 5.2 and 56.7 yards. He had a total of 9,924 yards and had an average of 11.0 yards per catch. His caught pass percentage was 70.8% and he earned that by hauling in 903 of the 1,275 throws that went his way. Wes Welker laced them up in 175 games throughout his career.

Welker was responsible for 102 yds in his final year. His receptions per contest and yards per game average were 1.6 and 12.8 yards. In his last season, Welker had 0 touchdowns and his long reception of the year was 99 yards. He totaled 102 yards in his last season and had an average of 7.8 yards per catch. His percentage of caught passes during his final season wsa 61.7% and he had that by catching 13 out of the 21 passes that went in his direction. Welker took the field in 8 contests in his last year.

Wes Welker Stats

Year Team Rec Yards Y/R G GS TD 1D Lng R/G Y/G Fmb
Career 903 9,924 11.0 175 102 50 518 99 5.2 56.7 0
2015 STL 13 102 7.8 8 0 0 5 14 1.6 12.8 0
2014 DEN 49 464 9.5 14 8 2 24 39 3.5 33.1 0
2013 DEN 73 778 10.7 13 13 10 49 33 5.6 59.8 1
2012 NWE 118 1,354 11.5 16 12 6 71 59 7.4 84.6 3
2011 NWE 122 1,569 12.9 16 15 9 77 99 7.6 98.1 1
2010 NWE 86 848 9.9 15 11 7 47 35 5.7 56.5 1
2009 NWE 123 1,348 11.0 14 13 4 71 58 8.8 96.3 2
2008 NWE 111 1,165 10.5 16 14 3 57 64 6.9 72.8 1
2007 NWE 112 1,175 10.5 16 13 8 65 42 7.0 73.4 3
2006 MIA 67 687 10.3 16 2 1 33 38 4.2 42.9 3
2005 MIA 29 434 15.0 16 1 0 19 47 1.8 27.1 5

2015 Stats for Wes Welker

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 8 378th
Games Started 0 383rd
Receptions 13 263rd
Receiving Yards 102 282nd
Yards Per Reception 7.8 352nd
Receiving Touchdowns 0 316th
1st Down Catches 5 265th
Longest Reception 14 377th
Receptions Per Game 1.6 217th
Receiving Yards Per Game 12.8 244th
Fumbles 0 123rd

2014 Stats for Wes Welker

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 14 236th
Games Started 8 148th
Receptions 49 80th
Receiving Yards 464 99th
Yards Per Reception 9.5 263rd
Receiving Touchdowns 2 112th
1st Down Catches 24 95th
Longest Reception 39 136th
Receptions Per Game 3.5 82nd
Receiving Yards Per Game 33.1 104th
Fumbles 0 30th

2013 Stats for Wes Welker

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 13 268th
Games Started 13 82nd
Receptions 73 33rd
Receiving Yards 778 44th
Yards Per Reception 10.7 207th
Receiving Touchdowns 10 11th
1st Down Catches 49 26th
Longest Reception 33 171st
Receptions Per Game 5.6 16th
Receiving Yards Per Game 59.8 34th
Fumbles 1 1034th

2012 Stats for Wes Welker

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 3rd
Games Started 12 94th
Receptions 118 3rd
Receiving Yards 1,354 8th
Yards Per Reception 11.5 180th
Receiving Touchdowns 6 34th
1st Down Catches 71 6th
Longest Reception 59 51st
Receptions Per Game 7.4 3rd
Receiving Yards Per Game 84.6 8th
Fumbles 3 1149th

2011 Stats for Wes Welker

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 1st
Games Started 15 31st
Receptions 122 1st
Receiving Yards 1,569 2nd
Yards Per Reception 12.9 127th
Receiving Touchdowns 9 6th
1st Down Catches 77 1st
Longest Reception 99 1st
Receptions Per Game 7.6 1st
Receiving Yards Per Game 98.1 2nd
Fumbles 1 1032nd

2010 Stats for Wes Welker

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 15 160th
Games Started 11 94th
Receptions 86 8th
Receiving Yards 848 29th
Yards Per Reception 9.9 241st
Receiving Touchdowns 7 21st
1st Down Catches 47 14th
Longest Reception 35 164th
Receptions Per Game 5.7 11th
Receiving Yards Per Game 56.5 38th
Fumbles 1 1021st

2009 Stats for Wes Welker

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 14 205th
Games Started 13 76th
Receptions 123 1st
Receiving Yards 1,348 2nd
Yards Per Reception 11.0 164th
Receiving Touchdowns 4 54th
1st Down Catches 71 2nd
Longest Reception 58 56th
Receptions Per Game 8.8 1st
Receiving Yards Per Game 96.3 2nd
Fumbles 2 1104th

2008 Stats for Wes Welker

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 2nd
Games Started 14 67th
Receptions 111 2nd
Receiving Yards 1,165 9th
Yards Per Reception 10.5 199th
Receiving Touchdowns 3 61st
1st Down Catches 57 10th
Longest Reception 64 43rd
Receptions Per Game 6.9 3rd
Receiving Yards Per Game 72.8 10th
Fumbles 1 1018th

2007 Stats for Wes Welker

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 2nd
Games Started 13 80th
Receptions 112 2nd
Receiving Yards 1,175 11th
Yards Per Reception 10.5 183rd
Receiving Touchdowns 8 15th
1st Down Catches 65 8th
Longest Reception 42 106th
Receptions Per Game 7.0 2nd
Receiving Yards Per Game 73.4 13th
Fumbles 3 1156th

2006 Stats for Wes Welker

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 24th
Games Started 2 250th
Receptions 67 32nd
Receiving Yards 687 54th
Yards Per Reception 10.3 185th
Receiving Touchdowns 1 140th
1st Down Catches 33 53rd
Longest Reception 38 119th
Receptions Per Game 4.2 36th
Receiving Yards Per Game 42.9 63rd
Fumbles 3 1165th

2005 Stats for Wes Welker

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 74th
Games Started 1 293rd
Receptions 29 133rd
Receiving Yards 434 95th
Yards Per Reception 15.0 57th
Receiving Touchdowns 0 234th
1st Down Catches 19 108th
Longest Reception 47 87th
Receptions Per Game 1.8 155th
Receiving Yards Per Game 27.1 115th
Fumbles 5 1194th