What is a Breakfast Ball in Golf?

Golf is a sport rich with tradition, etiquette, and a unique lexicon that can sometimes bewilder newcomers. Among the myriad of terms that golfers use, “breakfast ball” stands out as an informal yet widely recognized concept among amateur players. In this article, we will explore what a breakfast ball is, its origins, how it fits into the broader culture of golf, and whether it’s a practice you might want to adopt in your own games.

The Meaning of a Breakfast Ball

What Exactly is a Breakfast Ball?

A breakfast ball is essentially a mulligan, which is a do-over or a second chance to perform a stroke without penalty. Specifically, a breakfast ball refers to a mulligan taken on the very first tee shot of a round, often during early morning games. It’s a chance for players to shake off the rust or the morning jitters and get into the rhythm of the game.

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This practice is unofficial and not recognized by official golf rules, but it’s commonly accepted in casual play to help players relax and enjoy their round.

Origins and Evolution

The term “breakfast ball” likely originated from early morning golfers who, fresh from breakfast and perhaps not yet fully awake, found it fair to allow a second shot on the first hole. As informal as it is, the breakfast ball has become a staple of friendly rounds where enjoyment and camaraderie take precedence over strict adherence to the rulebook.

The Role of the Breakfast Ball in Golf Culture

An Informal Tradition

Golf, at its heart, is a social game. The breakfast ball is part of a broader culture of informal traditions that help level the playing field and enhance enjoyment among players of varying skill levels. It’s a nod to the understanding that not every day starts perfectly, and sometimes a little leeway can lead to a more enjoyable experience.

Encouraging Participation

For beginners or those who play infrequently, the breakfast ball can be a great equalizer. It lowers the stakes on the first tee and encourages more people to participate without the fear of starting their round with a bad shot. This inclusiveness helps grow the game by making it more accessible to new players.

A Gentleman’s Agreement

It’s important to note that the use of a breakfast ball is typically decided among the group playing together. There’s no hard and fast rule that says you must or must not use one. Instead, it’s a gentleman’s agreement, reflecting the spirit of mutual respect and enjoyment that characterizes the game.

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How to Use a Breakfast Ball Properly

Discuss with Your Group

Before you tee off, it’s good etiquette to discuss with your playing partners whether breakfast balls will be allowed. This sets expectations and ensures everyone is on the same page. Some groups might limit breakfast balls to just the first hole, while others might allow them at different times, depending on the circumstances.

Keep It Casual

Remember, a breakfast ball is not an official part of the game. Use it as an opportunity to relax and enjoy the round. Don’t take the breakfast ball too seriously, and appreciate it as a fun addition to your golfing experience.

Respect the Pace of Play

While taking a breakfast ball can enhance your game, it’s crucial to respect the pace of play. Make sure your second shot is taken quickly to avoid holding up the group behind you. Golf is a sport of courtesy, and maintaining a good pace is part of that tradition.

Pros and Cons of the Breakfast Ball


  1. Reduces Pressure: Starting with a breakfast ball can alleviate pressure and help you settle into the game.
  2. Encourages Participation: It makes the game more inviting for newcomers and less experienced players.
  3. Enhances Enjoyment: By allowing a mulligan, players can focus more on having fun than on a bad start.


  1. Not Official: It’s not recognized by the official rules of golf, which can be a downside for purists.
  2. Potential for Misuse: Without clear guidelines, the practice can be abused, leading to disagreements.
  3. May Affect Competitive Play: Regular use in casual rounds might lead to bad habits in competitive environments where mulligans are not allowed.

Alternatives to the Breakfast Ball

Practice Swings

Instead of relying on a breakfast ball, consider taking several practice swings to get a feel for your swing and the conditions of the day. This can help you warm up and feel more confident when you take your actual shot.

Pre-Round Routine

Developing a solid pre-round routine that includes stretching, hitting a few balls on the driving range, and practicing putting can prepare you better than relying on a breakfast ball. This routine can be a more consistent way to start your round successfully.

Mental Preparation

Focus on mental preparation techniques such as visualization and breathing exercises. These can help reduce first-tee jitters and improve your overall performance without the need for a breakfast ball.


The breakfast ball is a testament to the flexible and social nature of golf. While it may not be part of the official rulebook, it embodies the spirit of fun, relaxation, and camaraderie that makes the game enjoyable for so many. Whether you choose to adopt this practice depends on your approach to the game and the preferences of your playing partners. By understanding its role and respecting its informal nature, you can decide if the breakfast ball is a tradition you’d like to incorporate into your golf outings. Happy golfing!