World B. Free Stats

World B. Free has compiled 26,893 minutes and has played in 886 games so far in his pro basketball career. Free has earned 17,955 points in his pro basketball career, comes in with an average of 20.3 PPG and got the starting nod in 387 matchups. He dishes out 4.4 dimes, snags 3.3 rebounds and scores 24.0 per 36 minutes. Stepping onto the court with a FG% of 45.6%, Free has converted 6,512 baskets out of his 14,294 tries. Having racked up 632 attempts from downtown during his NBA career, he has a shooting percentage of 33.7% by knocking down 213 of those shots. He has recorded a 46.1% shooting percentage of by knocking down 6,299 of his 13,662 shots. Free has recorded a 75.3% average from the foul line by making 4,718 of his 6,264 shots. With an eFG% of 46.3%, he has additionally earned 1,869 turnovers and amassed 2,270 personal fouls. He has accrued 2,430 boards in total during his career by grabbing 1,422 defensive and 1,008 offensive. With respect to helping on baskets, Free has a total of 3,319 assists, in addition to getting 910 steals and 223 rejections. He has an average of 2.7 boards in addition to 0.0 assists per contest.

World B. Free Stats