Y.A. Tittle Stats

In the 204 contests in his career, Tittle connected on 2,427 of 4,395 attempts for a total of 33,070 yards. He totaled 162.1 yds per game through the air with a 74.3 quarterback rating. Tittle threw for 242 touchdowns compared to 248 interceptions and the longest completion of his career went for 91 yds. He lost a total of 799 yards while being the victim of a quarterback sack 93 different times. His touchdown percentage on pass attempts was 5.5% and his interception percentage was 5.6%.

In 14 contests in his final year, Tittle was successful on 147 of 281 attempts for a total of 1,798 yards. He averaged 128.4 yds per game through the air with a 69.7 quarterback rating. Tittle passed for 10 TDs in his last year while tossing 22 interceptions and his longest completion of the year went for 55 yards. He lost 192 yds while being the victim of a quarterback sack 32 different times. His TD rate when attempting a pass was 3.6% and his interception percentage was 7.8%.

Y.A. Tittle Stats

Year Team TD TD% Cmp Att Cmp% Yds Games GS Y/A AY/A Y/C Y/G Int Int% 1D Lng
Career 242 5.5% 2,427 4,395 55.2% 33,070 204 0 7.5 6.1 13.6 162.1 248 5.6% 80 91
1964 NYG 10 3.6% 147 281 52.3% 1,798 14 11 3.6 12.2 128.4 51.6 22 7.8% 54 6
1963 NYG 36 9.8% 221 367 60.2% 3,145 13 13 8.8 14.2 241.9 104.8 14 3.8% 70 9
1962 NYG 33 8.8% 200 375 53.3% 3,224 14 14 8.0 16.1 230.3 89.5 20 5.3% 69 9
1961 NYG 17 6.0% 163 285 57.2% 2,272 13 10 7.3 13.9 174.8 85.3 12 4.2% 62 8
1960 SFO 4 3.1% 69 127 54.3% 694 9 4 5.0 10.1 77.1 70.8 3 2.4% 45 6
1959 SFO 10 5.0% 102 199 51.3% 1,331 11 10 4.3 13.0 121.0 58.0 15 7.5% 75 7
1958 SFO 9 4.3% 120 208 57.7% 1,467 11 6 4.7 12.2 133.4 63.9 15 7.2% 64 7
1957 SFO 13 4.7% 176 279 63.1% 2,157 12 11 6.2 12.3 179.8 80.0 15 5.4% 46 8
1956 SFO 7 3.2% 124 218 56.9% 1,641 11 8 5.7 13.2 149.2 68.6 12 5.5% 77 8
1955 SFO 17 5.9% 147 287 51.2% 2,185 12 12 4.4 14.9 182.1 56.6 28 9.8% 78 8
1954 SFO 9 3.1% 170 295 57.6% 2,205 12 11 6.7 13.0 183.8 78.7 9 3.1% 70 8
1953 SFO 20 7.7% 149 259 57.5% 2,121 11 10 7.0 14.2 192.8 84.1 16 6.2% 71 8
1952 SFO 11 5.3% 106 208 51.0% 1,407 12 5 5.2 13.3 117.3 66.3 12 5.8% 77 7
1951 SFO 8 7.0% 63 114 55.3% 808 12 1 4.9 12.8 67.3 68.2 9 7.9% 48 7
1950 BCL 8 2.5% 161 315 51.1% 1,884 12 7 3.8 11.7 157.0 52.9 19 6.0% 62 6

1964 Stats for Y.A. Tittle

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 14 9th
Games Started 11 21st
Completions 147 11th
Passing Attempts 281 11th
Completion Percentage 52% 21st
Passing Yards 1,798 13th
Touchdown Passes 10 13th
TD Percentage 3.6% 29th
Interceptions 22 2nd
Interception Percentage 7.8% 15th
1st Downs 54 19th
Longest Pass 6 32nd
Yards Per Pass Attempt 3.6 33rd
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 12.2 32nd
Yards Per Completion 128.4 15th
Passing Yards Per Game 51.6 32nd

1963 Stats for Y.A. Tittle

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 13 21st
Games Started 13 8th
Completions 221 3rd
Passing Attempts 367 3rd
Completion Percentage 60% 8th
Passing Yards 3,145 3rd
Touchdown Passes 36 1st
TD Percentage 9.8% 7th
Interceptions 14 7th
Interception Percentage 3.8% 30th
1st Downs 70 10th
Longest Pass 9 10th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 8.8 10th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 14.2 26th
Yards Per Completion 241.9 2nd
Passing Yards Per Game 104.8 8th

1962 Stats for Y.A. Tittle

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 14 2nd
Games Started 14 1st
Completions 200 3rd
Passing Attempts 375 3rd
Completion Percentage 53% 21st
Passing Yards 3,224 2nd
Touchdown Passes 33 1st
TD Percentage 8.8% 7th
Interceptions 20 6th
Interception Percentage 5.3% 26th
1st Downs 69 13th
Longest Pass 9 13th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 8.0 13th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 16.1 15th
Yards Per Completion 230.3 3rd
Passing Yards Per Game 89.5 14th

1961 Stats for Y.A. Tittle

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 13 30th
Games Started 10 21st
Completions 163 6th
Passing Attempts 285 6th
Completion Percentage 57% 9th
Passing Yards 2,272 7th
Touchdown Passes 17 5th
TD Percentage 6.0% 19th
Interceptions 12 13th
Interception Percentage 4.2% 37th
1st Downs 62 17th
Longest Pass 8 15th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 7.3 11th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 13.9 27th
Yards Per Completion 174.8 4th
Passing Yards Per Game 85.3 10th

1960 Stats for Y.A. Tittle

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 9 38th
Games Started 4 28th
Completions 69 14th
Passing Attempts 127 17th
Completion Percentage 54% 11th
Passing Yards 694 17th
Touchdown Passes 4 17th
TD Percentage 3.1% 27th
Interceptions 3 20th
Interception Percentage 2.4% 31st
1st Downs 45 23rd
Longest Pass 6 29th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 5.0 19th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 10.1 34th
Yards Per Completion 77.1 16th
Passing Yards Per Game 70.8 16th

1959 Stats for Y.A. Tittle

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 11 31st
Games Started 10 16th
Completions 102 8th
Passing Attempts 199 7th
Completion Percentage 51% 14th
Passing Yards 1,331 8th
Touchdown Passes 10 8th
TD Percentage 5.0% 15th
Interceptions 15 4th
Interception Percentage 7.5% 15th
1st Downs 75 7th
Longest Pass 7 25th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 4.3 25th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 13.0 32nd
Yards Per Completion 121.0 8th
Passing Yards Per Game 58.0 24th

1958 Stats for Y.A. Tittle

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 11 33rd
Games Started 6 25th
Completions 120 5th
Passing Attempts 208 7th
Completion Percentage 58% 5th
Passing Yards 1,467 7th
Touchdown Passes 9 13th
TD Percentage 4.3% 24th
Interceptions 15 4th
Interception Percentage 7.2% 17th
1st Downs 64 17th
Longest Pass 7 15th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 4.7 22nd
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 12.2 29th
Yards Per Completion 133.4 7th
Passing Yards Per Game 63.9 19th

1957 Stats for Y.A. Tittle

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 12 2nd
Games Started 11 12th
Completions 176 1st
Passing Attempts 279 3rd
Completion Percentage 63% 9th
Passing Yards 2,157 2nd
Touchdown Passes 13 3rd
TD Percentage 4.7% 14th
Interceptions 15 4th
Interception Percentage 5.4% 28th
1st Downs 46 21st
Longest Pass 8 20th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 6.2 16th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 12.3 35th
Yards Per Completion 179.8 2nd
Passing Yards Per Game 80.0 14th

1956 Stats for Y.A. Tittle

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 11 30th
Games Started 8 16th
Completions 124 3rd
Passing Attempts 218 4th
Completion Percentage 57% 9th
Passing Yards 1,641 4th
Touchdown Passes 7 10th
TD Percentage 3.2% 27th
Interceptions 12 7th
Interception Percentage 5.5% 31st
1st Downs 77 2nd
Longest Pass 8 18th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 5.7 16th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 13.2 24th
Yards Per Completion 149.2 3rd
Passing Yards Per Game 68.6 17th

1955 Stats for Y.A. Tittle

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 12 2nd
Games Started 12 2nd
Completions 147 3rd
Passing Attempts 287 3rd
Completion Percentage 51% 12th
Passing Yards 2,185 2nd
Touchdown Passes 17 1st
TD Percentage 5.9% 10th
Interceptions 28 1st
Interception Percentage 9.8% 7th
1st Downs 78 4th
Longest Pass 8 11th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 4.4 15th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 14.9 14th
Yards Per Completion 182.1 2nd
Passing Yards Per Game 56.6 19th

1954 Stats for Y.A. Tittle

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 12 3rd
Games Started 11 11th
Completions 170 2nd
Passing Attempts 295 3rd
Completion Percentage 58% 8th
Passing Yards 2,205 3rd
Touchdown Passes 9 10th
TD Percentage 3.1% 23rd
Interceptions 9 15th
Interception Percentage 3.1% 40th
1st Downs 70 11th
Longest Pass 8 14th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 6.7 10th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 13.0 26th
Yards Per Completion 183.8 4th
Passing Yards Per Game 78.7 12th

1953 Stats for Y.A. Tittle

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 11 33rd
Games Started 10 20th
Completions 149 5th
Passing Attempts 259 7th
Completion Percentage 58% 6th
Passing Yards 2,121 5th
Touchdown Passes 20 2nd
TD Percentage 7.7% 7th
Interceptions 16 7th
Interception Percentage 6.2% 28th
1st Downs 71 7th
Longest Pass 8 8th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 7.0 10th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 14.2 15th
Yards Per Completion 192.8 4th
Passing Yards Per Game 84.1 10th

1952 Stats for Y.A. Tittle

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 12 7th
Games Started 5 31st
Completions 106 5th
Passing Attempts 208 5th
Completion Percentage 51% 8th
Passing Yards 1,407 7th
Touchdown Passes 11 9th
TD Percentage 5.3% 21st
Interceptions 12 9th
Interception Percentage 5.8% 33rd
1st Downs 77 7th
Longest Pass 7 16th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 5.2 15th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 13.3 29th
Yards Per Completion 117.3 7th
Passing Yards Per Game 66.3 14th

1951 Stats for Y.A. Tittle

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 12 11th
Games Started 1 38th
Completions 63 14th
Passing Attempts 114 16th
Completion Percentage 55% 9th
Passing Yards 808 15th
Touchdown Passes 8 12th
TD Percentage 7.0% 7th
Interceptions 9 15th
Interception Percentage 7.9% 19th
1st Downs 48 19th
Longest Pass 7 18th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 4.9 17th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 12.8 27th
Yards Per Completion 67.3 16th
Passing Yards Per Game 68.2 15th

1950 Stats for Y.A. Tittle

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 12 5th
Games Started 7 26th
Completions 161 1st
Passing Attempts 315 2nd
Completion Percentage 51% 16th
Passing Yards 1,884 5th
Touchdown Passes 8 10th
TD Percentage 2.5% 27th
Interceptions 19 8th
Interception Percentage 6.0% 29th
1st Downs 62 13th
Longest Pass 6 29th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 3.8 25th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 11.7 34th
Yards Per Completion 157.0 5th
Passing Yards Per Game 52.9 23rd