Zach Randolph Stats

Zach Randolph Stats

Zach Randolph has stepped onto the hardwood in 1,116 contests in his NBA career and recorded 34,616 mins in those games. Randolph was named a starter in 882 contests, and in those matchups he holds a rate of 16.6 points per game and is sitting with 18,578 points in all. He accrues 19.3 pts per 36 minutes, as well as snagging 10.6 rebounds and collecting 2.1 assists thus far in his career. By knocking down 7,436 shots of his 15,774 tries, Randolph has a 47.1% field goal %. By converting 199 of 729 shots from long range, he has accrued a 3pt percentage of 27.3%. By knocking down 7,237 out of 15,045 two-point attempts, he has an average of 48.1%. Randolph has made 3,507 of 4,592 shots at the foul line, putting him at a rate of 76.4%. While he has earned an eFG% of 47.8%, he has additionally collected 2,629 infractions as well as 2,290 turnovers. Having grabbed 6,929 defensive boards and 3,279 offensive, Randolph has accounted for 10,208 total rebounds during his pro basketball career. He is sitting with 834 steals, as well as 301 blocks and 2,049 assists. In the matter of stats per game, Randolph comes in with an average of 1.8 dimes in addition to 9.1 boards.